The Death Knell

Chapter 4473 Unreasonable scene-stealing

After some small talk and a little waiting, Death won the game.

To celebrate, she took a few sips of happy water, then put on a pair of white shoes barefoot, and nodded to the death knell to indicate that she was ready.

The teleportation was activated, and the goddess came to the two of them. Only then did she burp full of carbonic acid smell.

"Your body is half-dead. Drink less carbonated drinks. It will cause flatulence." Su Ming shook his head, slowly flew down the pit, and came to the center of the detonation point: "Come and feel it, I I always feel that the remaining cosmic energy here is familiar, but also a little strange.”

"Oh? Are you concerned about me? Haha, this is really rare for the Supreme Mage's position, and Misty will definitely not be happy if she finds out."

Hela also smiled. As soon as she raised her hand, black spikes emerged from the ground, carrying her to the bottom of the pit like a surfer.

But as soon as she got closer, she stopped smiling and her slender eyebrows wrinkled:

"Ah, this feeling, yes, no wonder you came to me, this is the smell of death."

"Is it death? No, I know several deaths. None of them have this kind of energy attribute. They are just similar, but they are definitely not her." Su Ming shook his head and motioned to Hela to feel it carefully.

At first, he thought it was the energy residue of death, but he didn't need to distinguish it carefully, and he quickly determined that it wasn't.

The little thing left here, or the 'feeling', is more like what is left by a rigid concept than by some idiot who gets horny every day.

"Oh, no, no, no, Slade, I'm not talking about that lady, but the concept of 'death' itself that died in the past."

The goddess wearing a cartoon T-shirt squatted down, but that was not enough. She simply lay down at the bottom of the pit, as if using her relatively sensitive cheeks to feel the coldness remaining in the high temperature environment.

She closed her eyes, as if she suddenly fell asleep, and even her breathing rate slowed down a lot.

"What does she mean? What is the concept of death that is already dead in the past?" Question marks appeared on Carol's head. She knew nothing about mysticism, and after hearing Hela's words, it was like hearing a riddle.

But Deathstroke just shrugged, indicating that he didn't quite understand what Hela meant, because when he just heard the words 'death will die', his thoughts went to the ancient one.

But it doesn’t make sense. How could those indescribable things carry out suicide attacks? Even the 'one' who was expelled not long ago would not use such low-end gameplay.

Hela needed further explanation, but she seemed to be really asleep now, and her body was curled up, like a fetus returning to its mother's body.

"Farke! Let him escape again!"

Red Hood was so angry that he threw away both guns in his hands. He glared at Deadpool not far away and angrily took off his helmet:

"I asked you to block the fire escape behind the alley, where are you? Then Doomsday Blues escaped again! It's all your fault! You also said that you are the most professional mercenary, but in the end, let alone Deathstroke, you are better than me This half-way monk is far behind. I really want to dig out your brain and see what is inside your skull."

After saying that, as if he still wasn't relieved, he kicked the trash can next to him away.

"But someone picked up a watermelon. Doomsday Blues ran away. Sooner or later he will be found. But what if the watermelon is picked up by someone else instead of picking it up?"

Deadpool didn't pay attention to his teammates' complaints. He held a big watermelon in his arms and happily invited Xia Kela and Harley to come over to eat. While asking Mike to borrow a kitchen knife to cut the melon, he explained:

"You, you only thought about the first level, and I have already thought about the fifth level. You still messed with Batman? Haha, sheep, Xinpo. If I didn't make some mistakes on purpose, how could I have done it? Camera? How can you show a story without a camera? Without a story, how can you gain popularity? How can you survive without popularity? Come on, wife, take this big piece and watch with me how this idiot ex Robin refutes me."

After saying that, he cut a large piece of watermelon for Xia Kaila, and then gave Ghost Mian a small piece of leftovers.

"Are you fucking sick?! What kind of popularity do you think you are? Halle! Get him treated quickly! MD, I'm going to be driven crazy by you! I should have known a long time ago that Deathstroke's money It’s not easy to make money, Farke!”

Jason walked around anxiously. He had never worked with Deathstroke's cousin, but when he formed a temporary team today, he found that this team was full of madmen and monsters.

Well, the woman in scantily clad clothes is a monster. The real form of the devil makes people unable to eat, and the others all look like they escaped from Arkham. They seem to know nothing but killing people. Mentally The problem is more perverted than the last.

"Hehe, little Jason, why are you so serious? Are you imitating Batman?" Harley was not anxious at all. Anyway, for her, the time back in Gotham was always happy and awakened. So many memories.

"Me? Imitate him? Are you kidding me!" Red Hood immediately buckled his helmet to prevent Harley from seeing his expression again. He bent down and picked up his two guns: "I hate him and will always do so. I will not forgive him, and of course, you. When the clown killed me, you were watching from the sidelines! I once thought you still had a little conscience."

"I tried to persuade him, remember? But that idiot never listened to me!"

Harley also lost her smile for a moment and cursed loudly, but then her mood suddenly improved and she smiled again:

"But the good news is that I killed him three months ago and avenged you. Now, you are back from the dead, and he is also back from the dead. Then you can solve the next thing by yourselves, Guan What's wrong with me?"

"If I can solve it, why should I use you to explain it?"

Red Hood took a deep breath and calmed down instantly according to the method taught by Batman. He took off his mask and returned to his poker face expressionless:

"Except Batman, no one can touch him, so let's continue our mission, but now, give me a piece of water. Why are there watermelons on the streets of Gotham?"

"Oh, the Yellow Fairy came here not long ago, and she used some magic, so this melon may have been transformed by some alien demon." Harley took a piece of melon from Deadpool. She didn't mind it being dirty, and He just ate with his head down, and his lips were dyed big red, as if he was smiling more happily.

Jason narrowed his eyes, but he didn't hesitate for long and still stretched out his hand:

"What about the watermelons turned into by hostile creatures? I can eat them too, and I still have a lot of questions to ask you. Now that we have lost Doomsday Blues, we have time to talk."

"Hey, that's right, little red bird." Deadpool handed Jason a large piece and wiped his hands on the Kevlar breastplate with the red bird printed on it: "You understand the true meaning of popularity. , it’s also the popularity that helped you resurrect, I’ll give you this piece, and then enjoy the impromptu song and dance I prepared, just treat it as a small apology for the previous dispute.”

"Singing and dancing? Yes, I like singing and dancing!" Harley began to applaud, and her eyes widened again.

Anyway, Deadpool just informed Red Hood and did not ask for his opinion. He immediately walked among the group of murderers and put on a dance preparation pose:

"My brothers and I have just decided on the name of our team, which is called 'Kill Street Boys'. Now please enjoy our debut single, "I Want to Kill You Like That", music, up~~~ "

After saying that, he slapped the Walkman that appeared on his waist at some point, and then started singing and dancing with a group of murderers.

It's going to be another happy day in Gotham, and the madmen are loving it.

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