The Death Knell

Chapter 4474 The Psychic of Death


In the space that was still filled with the smell of fireworks, Deathstroke stood quietly at the bottom of the explosion crater. He watched Hela's expression change, from relaxed and comfortable at the beginning to ferocious now.

What did she seem to feel? Or was it a dream?

But she is neither living nor dead. Decay and vitality exist in her body at the same time. In legends, she is the famous sleepless god, just like Heimdall who never closes his eyes.

"What is Hela doing?"

Carol was a little impatient. She walked around holding her cat and looking at the burned ruins nearby from time to time.

As I said before, the power of the explosion was not too great, but the impact of the fire obviously affected the interior decoration of the space station. Everything around it became pitch black, with only the bionic miner's lamps worn on people's heads shooting out in the darkness. The beams of light swept back and forth like brooms.

Where the light passes, the black color does not fade away, but becomes more obvious.

"Feel, listen, and think." Su Ming rubbed his nose and patted off a bit of black dust that had fallen on his shoulders. "We can't see or touch things like the concept of the universe and the rules of the world. , so it is often necessary to use a more idealistic method to perceive them."

"I have received a materialistic education since I was a child. Even in the Kree Empire, I was only exposed to more advanced technology."

The pilot bit the corner of her mouth. She lowered her head and pressed a bite on the cat's head. Then she shook her head and said:

"I still haven't figured out what magic is. If the enemy this time comes from the mysterious side you mentioned, what I can do may be very limited."

She obviously also wanted to pursue the mastermind behind the scenes. After all, Tianjian Bureau was her territory. If she didn't drag out the culprits and beat them to death, she felt like something was missing.

The world of a warrior is sometimes that simple, kill or be killed. If the other party's attack does not kill her, she will definitely not think about forgiving the other party, but will want to fight back immediately and kill the other party.

Maybe I'm not strong enough to kill the opponent, but Deathstroke can definitely do it.

She was a little worried now that there would be no way to help Deathstroke in the next action.

"Don't worry about that. I've said it before, magic is just another way to mobilize the energy of the universe."

Su Ming waved his hand, continued to observe the changes in Hela's expression, and comforted Carol:

"You have been PUAed by Mary. Your mother is whispering in your ears every day, saying that you are not good. As time goes by, you really feel that you are not good. In fact, as long as you enter the binary form, no one on earth can beat you. More than ten fingers.”

"Ah? Can't you even rank in the top five?" However, Carol seemed to care more about this. As a strong woman, she wanted to get more recognition.

how to say? Carol's ranking in the top ten is actually a bit reluctant, mainly because her brain is not smart enough, which limits her development.

For her, it is easy to explode stars with one punch, but in the weak zone, it is also effortless for psychics like Professor X to control her.

Not to mention a magician, Carol's resistance to illusions is almost zero.

"You are still young. You will need to exercise slowly in the future, and you also need to get some weapons to arm yourself." Deathstroke took a puff of cigarette and exhaled it slowly. He even wanted to draw a mustache on the sleeping Hela's face. , but at least he held it back: "Look at you, after so many years, you are still using your bare hands, don't you think the universe is getting harder and harder to deal with?"

Captain Marvel's fighting skills can only be considered okay, about 50-50 equal to Captain America, and a little weaker than Thanos.

She has never thought about practicing any serious martial arts. Apart from practicing some inexplicable joint skills that are not very useful in battle, her fighting style is more of 'normal punch' and 'serious punch'. Moves like "One Punch" and "Photon Smashing Punch".

To put it bluntly, it means hitting someone with a small fist. The only difference lies in the amount of cosmic energy mobilized when punching.

But knowledgeable people should know that in a fight, the one who steals is definitely more powerful. If their physical fitness is about the same, how can they fight with bare hands against someone with a weapon?

Even if you don't do anything, you are just watching the show on your own territory. If you have nothing to do and pull out a weeping willow and play with it in your hands, people who want to cause trouble will be more scared, right?

Speaking of which, Carol's current situation is a bit like the security captain of the earth, and the Tianjian Bureau space station is like a parking lot. What she will do in the future is the job of welcoming people and sending them there.

The security guard also needs a stick and a flashlight on his belt. Don't ask Su Ming how he knew that.

"So you suggest that I find a weapon?" Carol nodded thoughtfully. She also squatted down and observed Hela's half-dead body: "I can use a paratrooper knife and a pistol. Do you have any good suggestions? ?Which brand should I buy?”

After pinching a cigarette and putting away the cigarette butt, Su Ming showed an expression of "I was teased" and said with a smile:

"If you just want to buy these things for collection and play, I definitely recommend my Wilson Enterprise products, but the weapons you want to use have to kill enemies in multiverse-level battles. How can you use ordinary soldiers? It's not even a start. It has to be Uru metal, which is something made from dead stars."

"Well, that makes sense, so where should I go to do it?"

Carol understood that the death knell meant that the soldiers' weapons still had to be captured on the battlefield.

Speaking of seizures, she was no longer sleepy. She could just rob aliens of their belongings.

"I have the branches of the World Tree, the fangs of Seth, and the fragments of Sithorn's cloak in my hands. I can give you some of them, but these are only auxiliary materials used to add the 'mysterious' attribute. You still have to find enough Use strong things to make 'embryos', as for the blacksmith, don't worry, I know several good ones."

Su Ming casually rummaged through his pocket and saw several treasures that could be used as forging materials. He didn't have much use for them, so he might as well get the armed Carol.

Isn’t it normal for the owner to strengthen the equipment and hardware for the security captain?

"Thank you then. You're so kind." Carol seemed to have misunderstood something. She lowered her head and her ears turned red again.

The atmosphere became a little weird for a moment, but fortunately at this moment, Hela, who was sleeping curled up on the ground, suddenly sat up. She was gasping for air like a fish out of water, her eyes were wide open, and there was a black hole on her forehead. Half of my hair was stuck to my skin with sweat.

Deathstroke's hand put on her back, providing her with support, and a steady voice came:

"Did you find anything? Tell me."

"Huh, huh, I did make a discovery, but let me think about how to tell you."

The goddess of the underworld seemed to have been electrocuted. She quickly climbed up from the ground and moved away from the detonation point. However, in her hand, she held a small piece of something that was not there before.

It seemed to be a piece of skin that had been burned by fire and had become charred and curled.

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