The Death Knell

Chapter 4476 Issues of Principle

"Boy, get in the car! There's no time to explain!"

Peter was forced by the girls to have no choice, because no matter which side he chose, he would undoubtedly offend the other side. He had never faced such a difficult choice.

So he couldn't take Su Rui's spaceship, nor could he try to find a way to get a boat with his crushes. He could only escape shamefully and run around alone in the teaching building.

Just when he was forced to the rooftop and the girls gathered around him with grinning faces, the savior came. A red flying sports car came to the edge of the rooftop, opened the gull-wing door, and Iron Man's voice came from inside the car.

There was never any doubt about Spider-Man's agility. He did a backflip on the edge of the rooftop and landed steadily in the car. The next second, the car shot straight into the sky like a rocket and disappeared from the sight of the girls.

Looking at the girls gnashing their teeth through the car window, Peter held his schoolbag and wiped his sweat. He discovered that once the number of girls increased, they were more terrifying than zombies.

"You are quite popular, are you being chased by the girls in the team?"

Tony himself is not in the car. This is a driverless flying car, so only his avatar is talking on the central control screen:

"But I want to remind you, you are all minors, understand? There are some things you must not do. Don't be like me. I made a lot of mistakes when I was young, such as no, I suddenly remembered that what I did Nothing is suitable to tell you."

Tony's stereoscopic projection showed a bad smile, and he seemed to be a little immersed in memories.

"No, no, Mr. Stark, I just have a crush on them, but they seem to regard me as a doll to snatch, alas." The little spider blushed. He was still an innocent boy and quickly changed the subject. : "By the way, sir, how did you think of coming to rescue me?"

"We, the Avengers, are also preparing to enter the universe and have a look. You are also a preliminary member. I heard from the female Thor that you have been crying in the past two days because you have no money to buy a spaceship, so I came to find you. Okay. Well, I know you are touched, but don’t thank me too much, and don’t tattoo my name on your chest, that would be too disgusting.”

With a crooked smile, Tony is still so chic, and he always seems to be full of confidence. Sometimes he is obviously helping others, but the words that come out of his mouth are not very popular.

"The Avengers' ship."

But after hearing this, Peter's face wrinkled up, and he didn't want to go.

Just think about it, which teenager is willing to go to heaven with Captain America, and stay in a closed space for a long time?

If you accidentally say "damn" when expressing emotion, you will be warned to pay attention to your words and then lectured for two hours, and the person will go crazy.

Besides, the other members of the Avengers are also very young and have no common language. Talking about video games? Chatting about popular internet jokes? Talking about the latest science fiction movie?

It doesn't seem to be those people's style.

It's better to go on a trip with Deadpool, even though Wade doesn't take a shower, he likes to sexually harass, and he's full of swear words, and there's almost a 'beep' sound in his ears.

But he is young at heart. When he is with Deadpool, Peter seems to feel that he is the more mature one.

"What? You don't want to play with us old guys?" Tony is a playful person, and of course he understands the thoughts of young people: "Don't worry, it's okay if you don't want to play with us. This is not mandatory in the first place, but You have to come and see the spaceship I built. Let me tell you, it is much better than the spaceship built by Deathstroke. By the way, if you tell me something I like to hear, I will give you a smaller one."

The projected avatar smiled crookedly and raised his eyebrows, looking very embarrassed.

"No, Mr. Stark, I cannot accept such an expensive gift. Please don't say such words in the future." Peter wants the spaceship very much, but he also has principles. A decent child will not accept others who are too expensive. one's gift.

So he immediately became serious and the smile disappeared from his face.

If it were a Wilson Enterprises spacecraft, maybe it would be okay. The price of a mass-produced spaceship can be considered within the range that normal humans can understand.

But a spaceship built by Iron Man?

Tony Stark is famous for only choosing the most expensive, not the best. No matter what he builds, he develops the pile of materials to the extreme. For example, the original MK2 suit cost $600 million back then, let alone this year's new model.

Think about how expensive a battle armor as tall as a person is, and then think about a larger spaceship.

The Avengers' spaceship, as its name suggests, is meant to go into space, so it's probably much more expensive than the SHIELD spacecraft, right?

Iron Man gives Peter a bicycle as a birthday present. Maybe the boy will accept it, but a spaceship? It's too much, and it conflicts with Peter's principles of life.

"You kid, why are you as rigid as Steve? Isn't it just about money?"

In the blue light beam of the stereoscopic projection, Tony's head showed a helpless expression, and he shook his head:

"Am I short of tens of billions of dollars? It's the eve of the universe era now. Cash currency will soon turn into waste paper under Deathstroke's series of plans. The future hard currency should be the measurement points of energy and materials, by Deathstroke There are points for manipulation, so it is the smartest choice to exchange banknotes into fixed assets as soon as possible."

Tony is really smart. He has noticed the limelight, but he also understands that this is the general trend. Human beings cannot stay in a corner forever and stay on the earth.

As long as we enter the universe, we will inevitably interact with aliens. Who will recognize the U.S. dollar then? The U.S. government is still unable to build a spaceship. They are hopeless. It may not be long before an anarchist frenzy breaks out on the earth.

Of course, Deathstroke should have expected this. The dark man 100% had a corresponding plan, but that had nothing to do with Tony.

"No, sir, Uncle Ben once taught me that wealth should be obtained with one's own hands, rather than relying on others' charity. I thank you for your kindness, but the spaceship is exempt."

Little Spider still adheres to his principles. He actually likes Iron Man, because Mr. Stark is very cool both as a scientist and as an internet celebrity.

But if there is money exchange between the two as superheroes, then the relationship between the two will not be pure in the future. If you take someone with short hands, if you take too much, you will have short hands and a short mouth, and you will feel in front of Tony. Having low self-esteem and feeling inferior to others will deteriorate the friendship.

Peter didn't want to lose his friends.

Just look at Captain America. Every time Iron Man quarreled with him, Tony would point to the opponent's shield and say that it was made by Howard back then. Captain America would immediately turn into a sarcastic person.

"Okay, you damn kid, you are really stubborn, but I like it. You are very much like me when I was a kid, you have principles. Then I will just show you around and not mention the spaceship, okay?"

Iron Man gave up for the time being. The red speeding car slowly landed in the air and arrived at a secret base of SHIELD. In the endless wheat field, there was a strange circle.

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