The Death Knell

Chapter 4477 The Walking Dead

Knead, press, twist.

The small black skin was constantly being tossed in Deathstroke's hands, spinning back and forth between the fingers like a coin, but after playing with it for a while, the man still handed it back to Hela.

"Since it appears in your hand inexplicably, it means it is destined to you. You can keep it. There will be no movement in my hands."

Deathstroke asked Strangler to investigate the uneven surface. After a brief taste, the symbiote told him that it was not delicious and tasted like mineral fibers, a bit like asbestos or glass fibers.

It's of no value, it would be better if it were human skin, but this one isn't dark enough now to be worthy of its host.

"So you said that you have a close relationship with death, but it turns out that you don't even have psychic abilities." Hela smiled and shook her head. She took the piece of black skin, but there was no special change in the thing in her hand. Put it into your jeans pocket first and put it away.

The three of them had left Area 10 and were on their way to the control room of the command center. When entering Area 11, Su Ming specifically checked to see if there were any Japanese.

No, this used to be a recycling area, and even some employees were evacuated not long ago.

"It's enough that I can use the dead. It's useless to ask for psychic skills. How about chatting with the dead?" Su Ming waved his hands indifferently and lit another cigarette: "So Hela, we are looking for a self-destruction attack. Or, the person I call Xiao Hei is actually a dead person, right?"

"Yes, to be more precise, it's a living corpse." Hela looked at Carol's appearance, used the black stone to create a hairpin, and tied up her long hair: "There must have been a corpse in this space station. It was resurrected by your enemies and used as consumables."

Words like space station feel weird and confusing coming out of Hela's mouth. She should give people the impression of a classical lady who is not very good at technology.

"So the faces of living corpses cannot be seen clearly on the timeline?" Deathstroke exhaled a puff of smoke and narrowed his one eye.

"No, the other party must have used special means. It should be that the influence you mentioned came from the dead death." Hela thought for a moment and shook her head decisively. She also often used undead creatures as servants, but she didn't think those Bastards can hide the Time Stone.

Because if possible, the army of hell lords would have broken through the barrier of Kama Taj long ago. Which demon can't play tricks with souls?

As long as you can manipulate the soul, you can do the trick of resurrecting the dead. Ghost Rider is a typical example.

"Have all our clues been lost?"

Carol held the orange cat in her arms and stroked its head every now and then, her face looking a little ugly.

"No, we still have clues." Su Ming took up what she said without thinking, and flicked the cigarette ashes aside: "Hela, can you find other corpses in space? To be more precise, human corpses, No cats, dogs or mice.”

The heavy gate behind him slowly lowered, making a soft sound and isolating the smell of burning.

"Oh, dear Supreme Mage, of course I can. Maybe my skills in torturing souls are not as good as many hell lords, because the souls that fell into my hands in the past were cowards who died on a warm bed. Their souls are only worthy of being taken. Plant flowers or make wine.”

The black-haired goddess tugged on the collar of her T-shirt to flatten the cartoon pattern on her chest:

"But you want to say that finding corpses that have lost their souls is my specialty, haha. By the way, you have a Valkyrie at home. They are good at searching for dying people and then pulling the souls of warriors out of their bodies. , stuffed into Odin's 'piggy bank'."

Ah, I got it this time. This gloomy tone and contempt for the dead are what Hela feels like.

"I know the nature of Valkyrie's work, but I don't need anything like the Hall of Valor yet. Thank you for your suggestion. Gin is already busy enough."

Deathstroke made a gesture of invitation, asking Hela to start casting spells now. He wanted to find other corpses in the space:

"Let's get back to business. Look for the 'backup' that may exist here. Our enemy may also have prepared a 'backup' plan."

There is no definite basis, it is purely a guess based on experience.

As a mercenary, Deathstroke knew that if some lunatic wanted to carry out a bombing attack, the safest way would be to prepare two bombs or two detonators.

When the first one doesn't go off, you can replace it with the second one as soon as possible, because once a terrorist attack fails, the attacker often won't give a second chance after they react.

Bearded people in the Middle East often do this. There is a wired detonator in the hand of a human bomb, and another remote-controlled detonator in the hands of others not far from the attack site.

When the meat bomb fails to detonate due to various reasons, the surveillance person will detonate the meat bomb remotely or send a second self-destruct truck.

Su Ming was now betting that since the enemy he encountered this time chose to attack with suicide bombs, he might also understand this unspoken rule and do so subconsciously.

No matter what the goddess said, her body was very honest. She did what the death knell said without any hesitation.

Standing on the spot in the empty garbage recycling area, she slowly raised her hands, and black particles began to gradually gather here along with the green light, sweeping in like a sinister wind.

The wind blew her hair swirlingly, and her ponytail swayed rapidly. After she recited a short spell in rune language, the black wind spread out and disappeared like countless little mice. Without a trace.

After about five seconds, she put down her hand:

"A few bodies were found. What room is over there?"

She pointed in one direction and asked Carol. The Tianjian Bureau space station is like a multi-layered disk, and the road connecting the edge to the central axis is dozens of kilometers long. It is like a space city.

The captain holding the cat jumped on the spot and took off for about twenty or thirty meters to get a better view. After falling back to the ground, he said:

"There shouldn't be any corpses in the space station, so I pointed you in the direction. It should be the sightseeing elevator and the inner ring restaurant area. Let's go and have a look?"

Carol doesn't really believe in Hela, but she believes in Deathstroke, and that's enough.

"Huh, go and look for them. Those corpses are in a gloomy and dark place, with no light around them. It's like they are in a tomb."

After taking a breath, Hela closed her magical power and touched her nose with her hand. Apparently his nose was itchy due to the sudden wind, and he said with a smile:

"I felt that they were about ten kilometers away from us, but I couldn't get them to get up, as if they were suppressed by something."

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