The Death Knell

Chapter 4478 Corpse Searching Expert

Using living corpses to carry out self-destruction attacks is somewhat creative, but Su Ming personally feels that using them to spread biochemical viruses is more powerful.

The zombies exploded, spreading hundreds of square meters of green slurry on the ground like a goddess scattering flowers. Isn’t it better than incendiary bombs?

However, for the time being, we don’t even know who the enemy is, and naturally we don’t know what the other party is thinking. Let’s see what this clue can reveal first.

He rolled up Hela in his cloak, asked her to point the way, and flew in that direction. Carol followed closely while holding the orange cat. She thought a lot, but she couldn't figure out why there were corpses in her space station.

Obviously not long after this place was fully built, there were corpses hidden in the dark. How unlucky.

Hasn't this become a haunted house? She still lives here.

It's not that I'm afraid of ghosts, it's mainly that I'm afraid of being dirty.

"Well, stop, it should be behind this door."

Hela pointed to a gate in front of her, but it was not a room, but the entrance to a ventilation duct maintenance shaft.

After hearing this, Carol handed the orange cat in her hand to Deathstroke for temporary custody. She reached out to verify the authority and turned the red disk on the gate.

After the squeaking metal friction and a burst of exhaust sound, the small door opened, revealing the dark passage inside.

"When you were designing the space station, didn't you think about installing some lighting in the maintenance tunnel?" Carol originally wanted to dive in, but Deathstroke stopped her and chose to take the first one, asking about the design as she walked. A question of thinking.

"It should be there, but it seems to have been vandalized and the lights don't work at all."

The pilot knocked on the wall, followed the death knell for about ten steps, passed through the side passage housing the pipes, and arrived at the real patio, standing up straight on a platform on its inner wall.

The so-called maintenance patio is a hollow pipe with a diameter of about one hundred meters. It is erected and runs through the multi-layer structure of the space station.

If you take out the hollow part that holds the pipeline and look at it, it looks like a big tree with leafy branches.

There are many similar structures. They are distributed throughout the space station, just like the hubs used when installing computers. They gather countless small horizontal pipes for ventilation, power supply, water supply, etc. to this level. from the patio.

Numerous patios gather and process information and energy, and finally gather all data on the main axis of the space station to realize a network control system from top to bottom and from the inside out.

The platform where the three Deathstrokes are located is just one of countless platforms. Different devices shine with different lights on the inner wall of the patio. They are densely packed and can easily make people suffer from intensive fear. They are also electronic component versions.

"This looks like a balcony. Speaking of which, I also want to live in a house with a balcony, Death Knell."

Hela walked to the edge of the platform and glanced down. There were densely packed small lights below. The densely packed platform was like a miniature skyscraper window at night, but she was talking about other things:

"It's really nice to live at Daisy and Caroline's place. The only problem is that the cook upstairs and his hunky girlfriend would do something on the balcony from time to time, which is fine for me. The disgusting things between men and women scream like souls being tortured in hell."

"It's better that you didn't kill them."

Su Ming, who was looking for clues and traces, talked to Hela casually. He looked up and saw that it was obviously brighter above the patio. There was a huge fan there, as well as the lighting system in the entire patio system.

Then the body should be hidden under everyone, somewhere at the bottom of the patio, maybe in some small hole.

"I thought about killing them, but I found that their souls are not from our world at all, so I guess they are friends you got from which parallel universe?"

Hela smiled slightly. She stretched out her pale fingers and pointed at the bottom of the patio, indicating that the corpse she had channeled before was down there.

"Yes, but no matter what you find, don't tell Daisy."

Su Ming was the first to jump down, and the lightsaber in his hand popped up to provide illumination, like a golden fluorescent stick.

"I won't tell her. Seeing her walking around in that red cloak every day makes me think of my stupid brother. It's so funny that a woman became the God of Thunder. I won't ruin it. Fun. However, you brought her a group of friends from another world and let her live in the 'friendship' cocoon you created. Why? She doesn't seem to have any outstanding advantages, and she can't help you much."

Hela followed closely behind. Since she changed her robe into a T-shirt, it seems to be much easier to move around.

As I said before, she was half-dead and relied on a special robe to maintain her mobility. The reason why Su Ming could easily defeat her back then was all because of stripping off her clothes.

Now her aesthetics seems to have improved. She has transformed the black and green robe into a cartoon T-shirt. This is the correct way to use magic to make people feel happy.

After listening to Hela's words, Carol, who landed behind her, twisted her mouth because whenever she recalled Daisy's figure, she felt a toothache.

The captain considers himself to have a good figure, at least healthy and beautiful, with bulges in the places that should be bulged and curls in the places where they should be.

But the female Thor's situation is too special, which makes her seem to be the one that men like. I'm afraid only the Scarlet Witch can compete with her.

No, now there's another Loki who turns into a woman, and she has a hot body too, damn it.

"This is for Daisy's good. It's enough for her to have certain specialties. Besides, if she figures it out one day, she can sacrifice an eyeball to the World Tree and hang herself on the tree for seven days to gain extraordinary wisdom. , he might even become the Rune King, that would be at the multiverse level."

"Haha, what kind of joke is this? Odin is dead, World Tree is half-dead now, and the Asa clan is falling apart. Let the female Thor learn the power of runes from a group of losers? Why not learn something else from you, such as how to play tricks? My two stupid brothers."

The dark witch let out a string of laughter. She stepped on the black stone and landed smoothly. She came to the bottom of the somewhat messy patio, shook her head and talked to the death knell.

"World Tree is, after all, one of the most powerful ancient gods. It is just experiencing prosperity, but it is not half-dead. Are you not going to hang out with it in the future? Are you going to join Weishan Emperor?"

Su Ming's eyes were fixed on one direction, which seemed to be a drainage channel, located in a sunken corner of the patio.

"Just like a fallen leaf returning to its roots, the World Tree has also returned to the earth, to the place where it originated. And with the permission of you and Emperor Weishan, do you think it will be willing to leave again?"

In response, Hela just raised her eyebrows and flipped her little hand to imitate falling leaves, which seemed to be hinting at something.

The Supreme Mage just smiled and said nothing. Of course he knew that World Tree did not want to leave the earth. Otherwise, how could he put the remains of Asgard on the earth in Ragnarok?

But thinking that way, what he said was something else:

"That is a matter between the ancient gods and has nothing to do with me. Strangulation, dragging out the enemy's hidden corpse, and letting the goddess control it."

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