The Death Knell

Chapter 4479 Bad Woman

"Ah Sneeze! Well, that's so weird."

Loki rubbed her nose again. There was a puzzled look on her face, because gods can't catch colds, but he has been sneezing since just now.

"Are you okay? My child, look at you, your mouth is drooling."

Frigga held a handkerchief and wiped Loki's mouth while talking, and then asked with concern:

"Your father once said that frequent sneezing may be because someone from afar mentioned you with hatred. Have you provoked anyone recently?"

Faced with her mother's question, the bad woman's eyes rolled instantly. Of course she would not tell that the spaceship was obtained by knocking her brother's sap off and stealing the redemption code.

"Oh, no, mother, I have always been honest since I came to Earth. I am completely different from before. Now I am a good young man who loves life. I also want to join Kama Taj. If you don't believe you can Ask the Supreme Mage."

"What mother wouldn't believe in her child?" Frigga smiled and shook her head slightly, holding Loki's head in her arms and touching it: "But did your brother really say he wouldn't be with us?"

"Well, I swear to my father's heroic spirit, mother, it was Thor who said this to me personally. He said: 'Ah, leave me alone, dear brother, brother is going to pursue love. I don't like Sif at all. I No political marriage', period."

Loki lay in his mother's arms with a smile on his face, telling lies with his eyes closed, just as he opened his mouth:

"You may have lived in the rainforest for a long time and still don't know that he secretly found a Midgardian to live with. That woman was Jane Foster. Thor was fascinated by her, so he chose to be with that lady. I have tried to persuade him to travel, but as you know, he never listens to me. If he talks too much, he will even hit me, yuh uh uh.”

The God of Deception was obviously pretending to cry, but Sif not far away was really crying.

As a former Valkyrie, the Queen's Guard, and the sister of Heimdall, she can be said to be a very strong warrior.

Whether I can say that is another matter, but willpower is very good.

But she has lived in Asgard since birth, and grew up with Thor. The adults trained her to be Thor's future wife.

Because she is a Vanir protoss and Thor is an Aesir protoss, the combination of the two represents that the unity of the two races is still indestructible, just like Odin and Frigga, this is a very serious result.

In such an educational environment, she has regarded herself as Thor's wife since she was a child. Thousands of years have passed and she has completed her self-brainwashing. Now she hears that her fiancé has run away with another woman. Of course she is sad because she has never thought of marrying him. People share.

If she followed Asgard's tradition, she could snatch Thor back and initiate a duel to kill Jane.

But if she does that, it will only prove that she is narrow-minded and jealous, and she is not worthy of becoming the next queen.

A strong man should have the most women. This is also the tradition of the Immortal Palace. You must obey the God King at all times, because the God King cannot be wrong.

She didn't know what to do, so she could only lower her head and cover her face, crying silently. Tears flowed quickly from between her fingers and hit the sword lying horizontally on her knees.

Hearing what Loki said and seeing Sif's painful look, Frigga was obviously so angry that she was breathing rapidly. Even though the cockpit of Wilson Enterprises' water-drop spaceship had sufficient oxygen supply, she still felt a severe tightness in her chest.

Of course she loved Thor's son very much, but this time, it was obvious that Thor's choice was wrong.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about one thing – lifespan.

Not all Midgardians are as powerful as the Supreme Mage Deathstroke. Ordinary people often have very short lifespans, and there are not many who can live up to a hundred years.

And what about the Aesir? If you don't die in battle or suffer serious sequelae, you can even live forever.

What if Thor marries a Midgardian woman and she dies a few decades later, what about the rest of her long life?

Rather than making him suffer in the future.

"I'm sorry, Sif, please don't cry. It's all Thor's fault. He went too far. He didn't consider your feelings at all, and he didn't understand his responsibility."

Loki climbed up from his mother's arms, and she said to the Valkyrie with a sincere expression:

"Don't worry, I will definitely be on your side. How can a mortal woman be better than you? In this way, when I return to Earth next time, I will find a way to distract my brother, and then you will have the opportunity to kill that woman. Why? Sample?"

She was evil-minded because she was afraid that the matter was not serious enough. When she made this suggestion, she almost laughed out loud.

If Sif kills Thor's Jane, there'll be fun to come.

As for Jane Foster’s life and death? She's just a marginalized person. The death knell covering the earth now doesn't care about her as Daisy's teacher at all, just like a stranger.

Such a person can obviously be killed. Even if Deathstroke knew about it, he would just laugh at most.

"No, I can't do that." Sif made a dull voice, and she shook her head: "Leave me alone, I will solve the matter myself."

Unlike Frigga who believed in Loki unconditionally, Sif had been deceived by Loki in the past, and now she was overly cautious.

The nicer Loki spoke, the higher the probability that it was a lie. She had calmed down and decided to ask Thor personally in the future what was going on with this mortal woman.

And what about Loki, the master of deceit? Seeing Xifu like this was not surprising, and she had already planned it.

At the worst possible scenario, she will become Thor, and then use magic to create Jane. To make today's drama a reality, can Sif see through the most powerful illusion in the multiverse?

"Okay, that's great if you think so, Sif, you really never disappoint."

Loki nodded, and then she watched the spacecraft make the next automatic jump:

"Mother, let's find a planet to build a farm next. We will use the mysterious jackpot to build it. Soon, you will be able to broadcast live on other planets. I will ask Deathstroke to open your cosmic communication permissions."

Frigga nodded happily and touched Loki's head:

"You are still the most obedient and your mother's good boy, but when do you plan to change back to a man? You should also find a wife."

"Ah, I'm not in a hurry, Queen Mother, my brother is not married yet, how can I go beyond this rule?"

Loki declined with a smile. She flipped up her wavy hair and said in an artificial voice:

"Besides, I recently discovered that being a woman is great. Maybe one day I will become a transgender person in the United States. Americans seem to be crazy in this regard."

The way she winked was obviously to make them happy, and Frigga did smile again, and even Sif made a 'poof' sound.

Thor is not here, but the spaceship is still filled with happy air.

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