The Death Knell

Chapter 4480 Billionaire

Strangler pulled out three corpses from a floor drain that looked like a drain.

The three of them were all males, and they most likely looked like humans from Earth. Their expressions were painful, their faces were pale, and their bodies were wet, with a faint stench of corruption.

Maybe it's not weak, it's just that Su Ming often moves with his little cousin, and maybe his tolerance to odor is too strong, and he can no longer measure how smelly a normal corpse is.

"Okay, it seems that these people have been dead for a while, and their brains have turned into water and flowed away from the seven orifices." Su Ming knocked on the heads of the three corpses one by one like picking a watermelon, stood up and gave One conclusion: "The eyeballs are gone, the eardrums and belly are burst, and there are water stains on the body. They may have been frozen somewhere before."

The two round bloody holes on the deformed and bulging face look painful.

"There is no need to freeze it somewhere. This is space. It just needs to be placed in the general environment."

Carol also examined the body. As a soldier who understands space, she has experience in this area, but this conclusion does not make her happy:

"The explosion of corpses you mentioned is caused by sudden decompression. When the air pressure in the body is higher than the outside world when they die, gas will flow out. This way of death makes them look like over-filled sausages."

In the space fleet battle, most people died in this way. Not many people were actually blown to pieces with the ship. More people died of the sudden loss of pressure in the vacuum and cryogenic environment after the ship disintegrated.

Even among the armies of the three major empires, there are not many individuals who can physically move independently in space. Ordinary aliens may be physically stronger than humans, but they will die if they leave the ship.

During the days when she served in the Kree Imperial Army, Carol participated in countless battles. The opponents were basically Skrulls. The fleets of both sides suffered losses from each other. At that time, she often saw similar corpses.

The blue-skinned Kree and the green-skinned Skrulls are all the same, with bloated or broken corpses covered with ice crystals, floating in the dark and boundless space.

The first time she saw it, she vomited out her bile, but after seeing it too much, she was already numb.

She did not expect that on the first day when humans entered the universe, human corpses would appear in this way of death.

No, according to Deathstroke, their possible death date should be earlier.

"Well, there are really various ways of death for creatures. At least I haven't seen it in the underworld of Heim." Hela didn't care about this. She even curiously pinched the corpse's bulging face like a doughy bun. Feeling the slippery touch: "I just don't know. Did these people die in battle? Or were they murdered in their sleep?"

"I don't know, but I have to excuse myself for a moment." Carol used the terminal on her arm to take a picture of the corpse's face, then walked aside to contact Agent Brand, asking the latter to investigate the identities of these three people. And how exactly did they become 'bulging sausages'.

The bottom of the patio was a little dark, which also made the cigarette butt in Deathstroke's mouth appear brighter. The symbiote seemed to be unwilling to give up, and penetrated into the skull of the corpse through its ears, and soon there was a sound like a spoon scraping a bowl.

"The brain damage is too serious. There's no chance. Hela, you can try using necromancy and see what these corpses can tell us."

Su Ming withdrew his tentacles and motioned to the goddess of the underworld to take action. Since he couldn't find the answer physically, he would try to find their souls.

Xiao Hei, who carried out a suicide attack before, obviously could not find the cause of death because there was no body left. However, there are three people here who died in the same way. There is a high probability that it was the same murderer, which also means that 'Xiao Hei' Probably also a victim of rapid decompression.

Hela nodded, she stretched out a hand and covered the face of one of the deceased like a mask, and then her eyes lit up with green light.

Thick black smoke flowed out from her palm, with traces of green threads getting into the corpse's facial features, especially the two blood-hole-like eye sockets.

The next second, as Hela gradually raised her arms, the corpse also sat up, and green fire also lit up in its eyes.

"His flesh and blood are in disrepair. It may be that low temperature and pressure have destroyed his cell structure, and his tongue and vocal cords have long been disabled. I can only wake him up as a skeleton soldier and see if he can communicate with us through writing. "

It was fine that the body was not moving at first, but when it moved, the skin and flesh on the body slid off like mud, revealing the blood-stained skeleton underneath.

"Low temperature and pressure, cell structure, there is a sense of contrast when you say these words, it is quite touching."

Su Ming took out the paper and pen he always carried with him to draft contracts from his pocket, put them into the skeleton's dirty hands, and patted his Tianling Gai:

"Okay, dead guy, this is Hela, the goddess of the underworld. She temporarily brought your soul back and attached it to the corpse. Now you can't disobey our orders, so we ask, please answer, what is your name?" name?"

The skeleton's green flaming eyes flashed. He seemed to be having a hard time accepting this reality. It might be that the skeleton couldn't understand such complicated words.

But after Hela raised her hand to increase the energy supply again, he quickly signed his name on the white paper.

"Ahmad Jafar?" Su Ming glanced at the signature, and then asked the adjutant to check the earth's population database. He continued to ask the other party: "Saudi Arabian? Or the United Arab Emirates?"

Well, no matter what the person behind the attack thought, he at least knew enough to pick people from the Middle East to be the perpetrators.

If he hadn't been sure that the other party had a way to hide the Time Stone, Su Ming would have suspected that the terrorists had also entered the space age.

At this time, the adjutant popped up a projection screen, which was densely packed with people with the same name. Then she scanned and modeled the skeleton, and soon only the last photo was left.

The photo was enlarged, and a screen appeared on the side to display the deceased's resume, which clearly stated when he was born, what kind of education he received, how much savings his family had, and how many wives he had married.

Why would a stranger, an ordinary person, have such specific information? because.

"You are the first batch of buyers of our Wilson Enterprise spaceship after it was launched. Oh, you also bought the billion-dollar gold interior version. Thank you for your support, Prince Jafar."

Deathstroke shook hands with the skeleton, smiled and pulled him up from the pile of meat on the ground, while his other hand was quickly flipping through the information suspended on the side:

"I noticed that you used to often buy our company's luxury cars and high-end products. As you can see, Wilson Enterprises is actually mine. You often live in the United States, so you must have heard of my death knell, right? In short, I am very It’s a pity that you suffered such a fate, but please trust our after-sales service and I will avenge you.”

"I don't want to die." The skeleton quickly wrote a line of Arabic on the paper: "Can you save me? I will give you money. My family has a lot of money."

"It's hopeless, but please don't be sad. As a diamond card customer of the company, I will definitely arrange a perfect paradise for you to spend your afterlife and enjoy the treatment of the holy warriors after death in the scriptures. There are ninety-nine A beautiful virgin to serve you? I haven't seen your family situation before. It turns out that you had more than 120 wives and mistresses during your lifetime, so you may be tired of playing with women, but it doesn't matter, I'll change it for you to 90 Nine tough guys, no need to thank me.”

Deathstroke was flipping through the information while talking to the Oil Prince. He showed a warm and caring smile. After all, mercenaries are also in the service industry. They should think about what the customers think and worry about the customers' needs.

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