The Death Knell

Chapter 4481 The murderer in disguise

"Haha, it seems you have met a brand fan?"

Hela folded her arms and watched the excitement. All she did was to use black smoke to maintain the soul of the oil prince so that he would not be sucked away by hell in a short period of time.

"Yes, Mr. Wang Zi has great taste. He only uses the best products from Wilson Enterprises." Su Ming put his arm around the skeleton's shoulders, patted the other person's upper arm bone casually, and said with a smile: "You should really take a look at the last time he bought something." The yacht, tsk, the imperial-level enjoyment, Odin’s Golden Palace will pale in comparison.”

When he mentioned the yacht, his skull began to tremble. He lowered his head and covered his face, as if he was crying. He was probably regretting that he gave up on the new boat before he could enjoy it for long.

"Don't cry, the murderer will laugh. Don't bow your head, the crown will fall off."

The reliable death knell lifted the other person's chin, helped him raise his head again, looked at the green flames in his eyes, and said seriously:

"Don't worry, I will arrange for someone to forge your will and witnesses, and donate the yacht to your favorite superhero Black Widow in the investigation data. I will never let it fall into the hands of your bitch brothers. .”

After hearing what Deathstroke said, the skeleton nodded movedly, as if he wanted this answer.

The family relationship in the royal family is so tense. Fortunately, he died in space. If he died on earth, it would be difficult to think of who among the more than 400 brothers killed him.

"Ahem, are we done talking? Although I am good at psychics, my mental power is not infinite." Hela rolled her eyes. She didn't want to see any splendid palaces. She liked the black decoration. That faction.

"Yes, the goddess is right. Your Highness, let's get started. Do you still remember how you died?"

The skeleton nodded. He seemed to want to express some kind of expression on his fleshy face, but in the end he couldn't achieve it, so he picked up a pen and drew a simple drawing on the paper.

Not to mention, he is indeed a person who has received royal education. Although he spends a lot of money and is not wealthy, he still has abilities.

This small painting is almost as good as Deadpool's.

Don't think that Wade is out of tune. Since he is a mercenary, he still has the ability to capture the facial features of the target person, so he can draw a few strokes. It cannot be compared with professionals, but it is enough to understand.

The skeleton first drew a spaceship, and then drew four people stepping onto the spaceship.

He pointed to one of the people, then to himself, then to the other two corpses on the ground, and then to the person next to him in the painting.

"Understood, you mean, you brought your bodyguards to the spaceship, right?" Deathstroke nodded and motioned for the prince to continue, but added: "How did you enter the universe? I already know it through the adjutant's earth monitoring. The important point is Tell me how you died. Your spacecraft signal is currently in the Kepler sector, so it stands to reason that it has reached its destination."

The prince was a wealthy man and a good customer, like the rest of his brothers.

Therefore, although the space zoo built by Wilson Enterprises in the Kepler sector has not been completed, the alien hotel and supporting facilities in the first phase of the project, which is the departure station ticket gate planet, have been completed.

Poor guy, he was supposed to be there for the first day of business.

The Skeleton Prince holding the paintbrush nodded, then tore off the previous painting and painted a new one.

This time the scene was from the perspective of the cockpit. In addition to himself and the bodyguards, there were two more men in black robes. One of the men in black robes emitted light from his hand, and then the four of them were teleported outside the spacecraft. .

He didn't know what happened next, because he was dead.

"Go back a little bit, how did these two men in black robes appear in the spaceship?"

After pinching the cigarette butt and putting it away, Su Ming told the prince not to rush straight to the result, there was also a process.

But the skeleton just shook his head. He drew a few vertical lines around the two men in black robes, and then marked 'Whoosh——!' ’ sound effect text.

"I understand, these two men in black robes suddenly appeared like 'Whoosh!', and you didn't even see the process." Hela watched from the side. She nodded slowly, and even liked this a little bit. A comic-like expression.

The deceased nodded and bowed, indicating that it was just as the goddess said.

"Have you seen their faces clearly? Can you draw them?" Su Ming asked. It would be much easier if they had their faces.

The blood-stained skull seemed to have an itchy head. He scratched the top of his head where the blood was gradually drying up, and then began to draw on a new piece of paper.

First draw the outline of a human figure, then his black cloak, and then start to use the pen to doodle on the place where the face should be, as if I am drawing a ball of wool, or a black hole, or it may be a messy mess. nebula.

In short, it is a mass of shapeless black lines, densely packed and put together. The brushstrokes are a bit like Van Gogh's "Starry Night", but it is more messy and disordered. These lines are squeezed under the enemy's hood.

The skeleton handed the paper to Deathstroke, with two will-o'-the-wisps flashing in his eyes, as if waiting for a definite answer, for example, that Deathstroke could recognize this person.

However, Su Ming just sighed and nodded towards Hela. The next second, the goddess took back her power and returned her soul to someone in hell. The skeleton without soul support collapsed.

"I don't know such a person, what about you?" She looked at the blood foam on the pen and the abstract painting.

"The first firmament looked like this. Its face was an indescribable drawing of the universe, as if there were stars flowing through it."

Deathstroke took out the wine bottle and took a sip of strong liquor, then handed it to Hela and asked her to take a sip too:

"But it can't be the First Firmament. If it were, just by appearing in reality, our multiverse would have been restarted. In addition, our suspects are two people. Everyone knows that the First Firmament is the 'only one' sex' existence."

The goddess didn't mind at all. She took the bottle generously, drank it with her neck raised, and then wiped her mouth:

"This clue doesn't seem to work either, so what's your next step?"

"Well, go find the dead client's ship and restore the scene there." Deathstroke turned his head and looked not far away, and greeted: "Carol, are you coming? Just leave the body to Brand for disposal. Okay, it’s no longer important how they entered the space station, let’s continue to check what’s missing.”

"Here, where are you going?" She turned off the arm communicator, hugged the orange cat and returned to her teammates. She also covered the orange cat's mouth with her hand to prevent it from biting the bones on the ground.

"Adjutant, teleport us to Kepler Sector 314B, where you found out where the prince's spaceship is now."

Deathstroke raised his mask, tapped his ear, and issued new instructions.

Since the victim can't remember anything and can only provide an impossible portrait of the criminal, then go to the crime scene and have a look. Alas, Marvel still has too few detectives. It would be great if Bobo was here.

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