The Death Knell

Chapter 4483 Ruthless Abandonment

When people found Thor, he was indeed in a coma.

But unlike what everyone expected, although the strong man smelled of alcohol, that was not the main reason for his lethargy.

Because even though he was covered by his shawl and long hair, everyone could clearly see that there was a big bump on the back of Thor's head, which was red and looked like a small tomato.

"Whoa, who hit you on the head?"

Tony walked around Thor with a look of surprise on his face, because he had never seen anyone in real life be made to look like a cartoon.

Normally, after using so much force, shouldn't the head be smashed first? Sure enough, the Asa clan's physical fitness is different.

The somewhat embarrassed Thor lowered his head, wiping his face with his red cloak, and Zhan Biao, a big axe, leaned against the medical bed.

Facing Tony's question, he just turned his head and pretended not to hear.

"Don't ask, you should know who did it if you look at the way he is escaping from reality."

The captain held gauze and iodine in his hand, preparing to bandage Thor's long hair. Ever since a Mongolian doctor almost forgot the gauze in his abdomen in the sewers of Paris, he had specially learned battlefield first aid.

"Ah, I see, it's your cunning and despicable brother Loki." Tony raised two eyebrows, twitching them like his mustache, and blinked a few times: "But then again, he She's really hot as a woman, okay, but she's still badass."

"I don't allow you to say that about him!" Thor stood up from the bed. He didn't want to fight Tony, but angrily grabbed the weapon and walked outside the infirmary: "He just wants to fight with me. Just kidding, he just took away my Feizhou redemption code, I will just go find him and get it back."

In fact, Thor now wants to beat up Loki and get his spaceship back.

But in front of outsiders, as the eldest brother, he must protect his younger brother. Even if Loki is so bad that he oozes pus, only he can fight him.

"It's a spaceship, not an airship." Ant-Man not far away corrected him. At this time, he was eating an apple with curiosity on his face like a crowd of melon eaters: "The difference is quite big. Your Asgardian spaceship, If I remember correctly, it should be a convertible?"

Asgardians have very good physical fitness. Basically, a warrior with a name can enter the universe with his body. This is something that neither dark elves nor frost giants can do.

"Loki has long since left the earth with the Queen and Frigga."

However, at this moment, Agent Coulson appeared at the door with a smile. Regardless of whether Thor was happy or not, he shook hands with him first:

"Thunder God, if you want to catch up with them, I suggest you stay on this battleship."

"How did you get in? I don't remember sending an invitation to SHIELD."

However, this time it was Tony who frowned. He did not expect to see Coulson at all, because he did not inform SHIELD that this was the Avengers ship.

It’s okay to say that it was someone else who came, but they were kicked out on the spot without giving any face to anyone. This is a collective activity of the Avengers, and there should be no spies.

Only this good old man with bald hair came. Tony had been indebted to the bald man ever since he dealt with Obadiah's matter. In addition, Coulson always smiled, and he really couldn't open his mouth to chase people away.

"I opened the hatch, Iron Man, your security verification protocol should be upgraded."

A figure flashed out from behind the good old man, smiling and waving to everyone. With his Asian face and cute dimples, everyone immediately recognized him as Shockwave Girl Skye.

"Hmm, little clever guy, has anyone told you that tampering with the host's things will put you on the guest list? Listen, next time I hold a party and invite Michael Jackson to perform live, but I won't invite him. You guys, you can’t see it, tsk tsk, it’s so pitiful, it’s because you made a wrong decision to pick the lock today.”

Iron Man's tone softened a lot. Even though he had a tough mouth, he actually admired the girl very much in his heart.

Shockwave breaks through Jarvis's firewall and hacks into the ship's controls

System, he opened the hatch without anyone noticing, and brought a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to get in. This is not something that ordinary hackers can do.

Tony's character is like this. As long as others have abilities, he will respect them. It doesn't matter whether they are in compliance with the rules or not.

Because geniuses don’t need to explain to fools. Whoever is inferior in skills is a fool. It’s just so realistic and there is no need to avoid it.

"Don't be so angry, Mr. Stark." Coulson smiled and walked around Thor, who was standing at the door of the infirmary, and entered the room. He first shook hands with Captain America, and then turned to Iron Man: "I accept Nick... Director Fury’s order is to negotiate terms with you on behalf of SHIELD.”

"Haha, he has some shitty conditions to negotiate. Does that dark-bellied bald man think he is the death knell?"

With a sneer, Tony hugged the little spider beside him and turned around to leave the room in annoyance, but not at a fast pace. He just didn't seem to want to talk to Coulson anymore.

Even though Iron Man was very uncooperative, Coulson still smiled unabated. He quickly caught up with Tony and whispered a few words into his ear.

Immediately, Iron Man's footsteps stopped, and he showed an interested expression:

"Fury really said that? Hey, he is still so cunning. He is worthy of being the king of agents. He made an offer I can't refuse."

"It's absolutely true. Let's not talk about that matter for now. There are additional benefits. The scientists in my team will cooperate with your research. In addition, SHIELD exists to protect mankind. What we want is intelligence in the universe. I don’t want any material gain from this journey.”

Coulson snapped his fingers into the corridor, and sure enough, the science duo from the SHIELD team appeared with a box.

The two young men gathered around Tony when they saw him, looking excited to see their idol. Fitz even started asking about the engineering design issues of linear engine power conversion on the spot, and admired the structure of the spacecraft's thruster. Design genius.

According to his words, it seemed to be a masterpiece of God.

Being praised like this by an equally outstanding scientist, Tony immediately felt happy and smiled so much that he could reach his ears. He liked being asked for advice, which gave him the opportunity to show off his intelligence.

Only smart people can understand his spaceship design.

He pushed Spider-Man away from his arms, put his arm around Fitz's shoulders, and patted the young man's chest:

"So you are also interested in this, haha. It's easy to say. After all, I am also the consultant and chief scientist of SHIELD. We are all my own people. Come, I will take you to visit the power cabin."

Naturally, Coulson would not refuse, so the other members of the SHIELD team, including Iron Cavalry, followed Tony and left, leaving only a group of fringe people staring in the infirmary.

The captain grabbed the patient and continued to bandage it, and Thor who thoughtfully accepted the treatment, plus wasps, ants, spiders, and three insects.

"I think I should go, thank you, captain." Peter tugged on the schoolbag on his shoulder, and showed an awkward but polite smile: "If I leave late, I will be late for work, that will be bad. "

"Why don't you go to the universe with us?"

The captain patted the boy on the shoulder, but this was actually just asking and answering himself:

"Okay, I support your decision. You are right. My son, you can't aim too high. Work hard first. Having a full stomach is the most important thing. In this way, I will arrange for people to send you back to New York. You will not delay your work. Come on! Send more. A few takeaways, but please pay attention to traffic safety!"

As he spoke, the captain smiled and pointed at Peter with his index finger, just like he did in the youth education video.


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