The Death Knell

Chapter 4484 Encountering an acquaintance by chance

"Deathseed, it's a long story. In fact, all you need to know is that this thing was made by the original god group. It has the ability to control living things and can manipulate some of the concepts of death."

While Su Ming was wandering the streets with his teammates, he gave them a little knowledge about the seeds of death.

Yes, you can tell by looking at the figures of the two men in black robes that they are definitely not the Celestial God Group, but since they have God's creations in their hands, then the blame still belongs to the Celestial God Group, and they will have to settle the score with them sooner or later.

The place where the three of them are currently is is the most famous lawless place in the universe, which is on top of the god's head that is used for mining.

The reason why I came here was of course to find the collector Di Fan, because he has an artifact - a treasure map, which allows you to see where all the strange objects in the universe are.

There is no doubt that the Death Seed is a cosmic wonder. It was born from the hands of the original gods, and it is not much worse than the Heart of the Universe.

The people in black robes hold the seeds of death. As long as they find the seeds, they can find the person.

Deathstroke has already started preparing a meal for them.

Well, we can't let him die happily, we have to get a death plan, such as disemboweling them, taking out their intestines, and using them to slowly hang them.

"There are a lot of aliens here, and they are a little dirty." Hela looked at the dirty people on the street. The intelligent creatures active here are mainly miners and space mercenaries, and these people are not very good at hygiene. "I've heard of the Collector's name. Odin has done many transactions with him before, but this is my first time here."

Nothing has changed in the lawless land. It was the same as it was when Su Ming came, and it is still the same now.

There are all kinds of pawn shops and bars, shops selling spaceship parts, colorful light signs, and even the Big Dick Pawn Shop is still open for business.

The sky was also in a mess, with spherical one-man mining spaceships flying around dragging boxes and cans of different sizes, like flies on corpses.

"It's far worse than my Contracia. You should have noticed that even the **** standing on the street here are very low-end and not as clean as my androids."

Su Ming pointed at several alien female creatures not far away that looked like zombies. When they thought they were coming to do business, he released several strangulating tentacles to scare them away:

"But this is Difan's headquarters. The elders of the universe still have a few brushes."

"I'm thinking about one thing, Slade." Carol hugged the orange cat tightly to prevent it from getting lost in the crowd: "If the death seed was created by the original god group, would it kill the third person?" The key to a firmament?"

"The thing that killed First Firmament should have been the self-destruction of the God-killing Machine, but what you said makes sense. If the concept of death does not exist, First Firmament will not die."

Su Ming pursed his lips, and immediately took out a cigarette and lit it for him. After taking a sip to light it, he said again:

"But we don't know much about what happened in the past, so let's not make assumptions first."

Isn't it? Now that the identities of the Dark Gods Group and the Color Gods Group have been reversed, Su Ming can't use the experience and memory of his previous life to apply to the current situation in the Marvel Super Universe.

"Why are you thinking so much? Yellow-haired girl, you are not the type to use your brain at all." Hela stretched out her body and went shopping in a relaxed manner: "When Deathstroke grabs that thing, how do you want to study it? One sentence? Besides, there is me, I am sure of everything between life and death."

"What do you mean I can't use my brain?" Carol's fists were hardened, and she stared at Hela fiercely: "Do you think you are going to be any better?"

"No, I'm just better than you. And you see, when Deathstroke and I act together, I never think randomly."

The goddess of the underworld put down her hands, looked at the passers-by on the street, and then stepped towards the bar on the roadside:

"Let's see if the collector is willing to help first, and then we can think of the next step. If you keep guessing now, you are asking for trouble."

"He would be willing

Yes, I'll make him an irresistible offer. "

Su Ming interrupted the argument between the two ladies and blew out a puff of smoke:

"Besides, although the Universal Elders Council is a huge force, the connection between these people is not close. For example, Emperor Fan and Gao Tianzun are only 30,000 light years away from Saka, but they will not see each other for hundreds of years. On the one hand, this is a good relationship, but the organizational structure of the Universal Presbyterian Church is so loose."

"Okay, then tell me about the Universal Presbyterian Church. I want to hear it." Carol stopped arguing with Hela. She lowered her head and rubbed the head of the orange cat in her arms with her chin, changing the topic.

"Cosmic Elders Council, these are the first batch of civilization survivors born in our current universe after the seventh firmament was formed. They"

Su Ming was telling a story when he suddenly stopped. Difan's shop was not far from the corner of the street in front, but at this time another customer who met the three of them attracted Deathstroke's attention.

When the mercenary saw the other party, the other party also felt it. The tall figure turned around and showed a ferocious smile when he realized that the person looking at him was Deathstroke.

"The Sorcerer Supreme Deathstroke."

He put down the big bag on his back, pressed the straw hat on his head, stood still and said hello.

"Thanos, I didn't expect to see you here." Su Ming took a few steps forward and came to the Mad Titan: "After the multi-collision incident, we haven't seen each other for some time. You missed Deadpool. wedding.

"No, actually I went, but you didn't find me."

Thanos put his hands behind his back, his clothes were stained with dust, and he looked like he had just come out of the fields.

But even so, he was still very imposing, as if he was not the one carrying a sack of dragon fruit just now.

In fact, it is not a dragon fruit, but an alien fruit that can be used as a staple food. It looks a bit like a dragon fruit.

"Oh? That's great. Deadpool will be very happy if he knows that you have gone too." Su Ming approached the giant, and the two of them were almost touching each other: "But, why didn't you go to find Death today? And Are you here to sell food?"

"Things are a bit complicated." Thanos tensed his face, and the wrinkles on his broad chin deepened: "I am retired now, and I have realized that Death has always been using me."

Perhaps because he was too sad, the cold-blooded tyrant actually showed a trace of subtle pain on his face.

"Do you think I believe what you say?"

However, the suspicious death knell just shook his head. He moved his fingers, and the light sword in his hand revealed the tip of the sword:

"Our earth has just been attacked, and one of the suspects is a magician. Now I have a question. Where did Adam, the warlock, who used to stick to you like brown candy, go?"


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