The Death Knell

Chapter 4487 Invisible obstruction

The Collector handed over the seeds he found to Thanos. When he handed over the seeds, he couldn't bear it and even grabbed the bag and refused to let go.

But in the end, under the narrow gaze of Deathstroke, he closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and let go of his hand.

Thanos got a small bag of seeds. Compared with the gun bag he carried, this small bag was no bigger than his thumb.

But he didn't look at the specific seeds inside, and just stuffed them into the pocket of the farmer's vest he was wearing. Anyway, he farmed the land just for self-cultivation, for fun, to pass the time after retirement, and he didn't really want to Earn a living by farming.

After that, he did not leave in a hurry, but waited for Deathstroke to finish his work. He was a little interested in what the Supreme Mage said just now.

"Well, what can I do for you? Master Supreme."

Di Fan's tone was still a little painful, and the smile on his face was uglier than crying, because he had never done such a loss-making business in his business history.

Everyone in the universe knows that when a collector does business, he can always only get in but not get out. He can exchange cherished treasures with various common currencies, but it is impossible to exchange cherished treasures for anything else.

Today was an exception, but there was no other way. He exchanged a small bag of seeds for his own life, which was obviously a profit. Thanos was a ruthless person, completely different from other honest customers who were afraid of the reputation of the Presbyterian Council of the Universe.

Now I hope Deathstroke will stop making excessive demands.

"Don't be so serious, Difan, just smile." Su Ming leaned on the edge of the counter, resting his elbows on the counter: "Don't think that I'm here to make a deal or negotiate terms with you, just think that I'm here to give you something. Welfare.”

Hearing what the Supreme Mage said, Di Fan couldn't help but laugh.

What do you mean by giving benefits? That’s not what you mean?

But in recent days, the Supreme Mage has become very famous. There are rumors on the road that he killed Sithorne and Seth. They are powerful old gods.

Difan asked himself that he would not be Sithorn's opponent, so naturally he would not try to go against Deathstroke, because he also knew that if something happened to him, no one from the Presbyterian Church would help him avenge him.

And Su Ming also knew this.

The Universal Presbyterian Church is more like a chat group, or like a class reunion in elementary school. Occasionally, people who haven't seen each other in decades chat about their current situation and joke with each other. The relationship seems to be okay.

But if any student asks someone to borrow money, haha.

"Ah, of course, what do you need? Is it something to buy or something to sell?"

The Elder of the Universe smiled hard, showing his uneven teeth. His pink eye shadow looked a bit funny, but the white hair standing on end revealed that he was shaking slightly.

"I want you to use the map of the universe to help me find something, a seed of death. I want its current location." Su Ming dipped his hand in a little bit of strangled saliva and drew a symbol of a seed of death on the counter. Outline: "Of course, I don't want your help in vain. Regardless of whether I can find it or not, I will give you a treasure you have never seen before in exchange."

After speaking, without waiting for Di Fan to ask questions, he took out a prop from his pocket and placed it gently on the bar.

It was a small fish tank, the kind commonly found in supermarkets, the kind used by children to raise turtles and play with them.

But the key is that there is a transparent and luminous small fish in the fish tank at this time. This fish looks very weird. It actually has compound eyes like a fly, and its head is still rotating, pushing it to swim in the opposite direction like a propeller.

Su Ming made a gesture of invitation and asked the collector to inspect the goods.

This is definitely a rare cargo. It is a creature that Difan has never seen before. It comes from an ocean planet in the ghost universe. Although there are probably hundreds of billions of such fish in the sea, in the 40k universe, this is Only one copy.

At least for now.

This kind of beautiful screwfish was originally prepared for the newly opened space zoo. After all, the reception planet also needed to be renovated. Su Ming asked his lieutenant to get a lot of these fish and planned to build an underwater restaurant.

Now take one out for trading, collectors like to be alone

A portion of something, because things are rare and valuable, this little fish that even A Thousand Cats Dream wouldn't eat, its own value is second to none.

In fact, even without the death knell to speak, Di Fan couldn't bear it any longer. This fish he had never seen before was still shining brightly. It was so beautiful. He picked up the fish tank and looked at it carefully, and asked Lots of questions:

"Is this a fish that lives in salt water? What is it called? What is your usual recipe?"

"I don't know. I don't know anything about what you're asking about. I'm the Supreme Mage, not the Supreme Biologist." Su Ming laughed and knocked on the table with his knuckles: "You've seen the stuff, can this business be done?" Do it, give me an answer."

"Yes, yes, you can definitely do it." Difan smiled and put down the small fish tank, still staring at the fast-swimming fish, and even swallowed, as if he wanted to eat it: "I Go get the map now and be back soon."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away, perhaps tens of thousands of times faster than when he went to get the seeds.

The afterimage of the original counter still stayed on the retina and did not dissipate. Di Fan came back with a gust of wind, holding his precious map in his hand and spreading it on the counter with a smile.

Thanks to this kind of thing, Difan is able to know so much treasure information, and hires space plunderers to search for things in these places. Sometimes Star-Lord and the others will come here to take orders when they really can't get rid of the problem.

Anyway, Difan just needs to get the thing. He doesn't care about the specific process of getting it and who sent it.

The outline of the Seed of Death drawn by Deathstroke with strangulation saliva on the table had not yet dried. After taking a serious look at it, Difan grabbed the map and began to inject cosmic energy into it.

It has to be said that as the Elder of the Universe, his energy is pure and abundant, with a sense of ancient vicissitudes.

For a moment, there was a bright light, and the store was filled with turmoil, as if something terrible was about to come out.

However, just when everyone thought there was hope, the map only flashed a few times, suddenly spewed out a puff of black smoke, and then there was no movement.

"Ahem, cough, cough. No, the thing you are looking for is alive, and it can even fight back across space." Di Fan was staggered by the black smoke and sat on the floor. His hair was blackened, but At least it's no big deal: "I'm sorry, Mage Supreme, I'm afraid you have to think of another way."

"No need to apologize. You at least proved a few things to me about the Seed of Death, and I am not indebted." Su Ming stretched out his strangulating tentacles from his shoulders, helped the collector up, and then pushed the fish tank towards him: " This fish is yours, I have other things to do."

After saying that, he turned around and left without any hesitation, as if he disliked this place.

"Wait, Supreme Mage, do you want to sell your element-devouring beast? I can pay a hundred times the market price in the galaxy." Difan held the fish tank, but he was still thinking about the orange cat. As a collector, his greed was on display at this time. Incisively and vividly.

"The cat is not for sale, and you'd better not take advantage of it, or I'll beat you to death."

Deathstroke didn't even answer, but directly pulled Thanos away who was watching the fun. However, Carol, who was at the end of the team, waved to the Collector and ignited the cosmic energy like a torch when she went out with the cat in her arms. fist.


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