The Death Knell

Chapter 4488 Awakening Hope

The treasure map cannot be effective against the seeds of death, and Su Ming had been mentally prepared accordingly.

In the final analysis, although the map is good, it is still just a cosmic wonder from the Seventh Firmament. Compared with the Seed of Death that was born in the First Firmament Era, there must be some gaps.

These treasures are like ginger, they are still spicy when they are old.

But this road doesn't work, it doesn't matter, Su Ming has a backup plan, which is to find death.

Death was born in the Second Sky and has experienced many reincarnations, but Deathstroke doesn't believe it if she has nothing to do with the Seed of Death.

What does Thanos know? He is just a licking dog, how can he know about the goddess?

But now Thanos seems to be quite useful. After all, as the leader of the largest cosmic gang in the past, his face is very useful.

"Thanos, think about it, if Death wants to break up with you, why doesn't it say it face to face?" On the street where people were coming and going, Su Ming patted the purple sweet potato's thick arm and helped him analyze it with sincere words: " She must have some concerns or is being coerced. You must find her. No matter what, you must get an answer face to face."

Su Ming began to exploit Thanos's weakness, which was his strange love for death.

For him, death was a friend, a teacher, a mother, and a lover. His love for death was extremely fanatical, abnormal, and perverted.

Judging from the past stories, we can find that death has tortured him thousands of times. He treats death like his first love. Now he just wants to break it off?

Do not believe.

Deep in his heart, there must be some kind of expectation, and expectation is desire, and creatures with desire can take advantage of it.

".But, she said it very clearly in the dream."

Putting the straw hat back on his bald head, Zishu looked over the heads of the crowd, looking at the distant starry sky and the mining spacecraft flying around.

"That's a dream! Thanos, wake up. If you don't believe me, I'll ask someone else for you." Su Ming patted him on the back, his tone became bitter, and he took off the cigarette butt in his mouth: "Stuck. Rao Er, tell me, do you take what you dreamed about seriously?"

"Uh, no?" Carol held the orange cat and kept looking behind her. She was worried that she would be followed by the collector, so she answered a little absent-mindedly: "Who in the normal world would take dreams seriously?"

"Very good, Hela, do you take what you said in your dream seriously?" Su Ming turned to ask the neighbor's sister on the other side, who was holding her arm.

"Hoho, no, otherwise judging from how often Odin sleeps, he might have unified the universe long ago."

Hela, who had been eating melon quietly, covered her mouth and smiled. This time she followed the death knell and felt that she had gained some insights, such as discovering that Thanos was actually a psychopath.

Also, as a half-dead person, she never needs to sleep, and naturally has no qualifications to dream. But since the death knell needs her cooperation, of course she has to go along with it.

"Did you hear that?" Su Ming spread his hands, pinched the cigarette butts and put them away, rolling his eyes at Thanos: "If you still think I was wrong, then let's grab a few people on the street and ask them s answer?"

"." Thanos's eyes narrowed, and his steps became much shorter, as if he was already thinking about Deathstroke's words.

Seeing this situation, Su Ming kept his word and stopped a passerby who was passing by. The lightsaber popped out of his palm and was placed firmly on the other person's neck.

"Tell me! Do you take what you dreamed of seriously?!"

The person who was stopped was an alien miner, who was originally a bitter migrant worker. When the golden sword was pressed against his neck, he thought he was being robbed and was so frightened that he was even willing to hand over his underwear.

After hearing the robber's request, he suddenly became even more nervous, because he suspected that the creature asking such a question was most likely a lunatic.

"No, I won't. Please spare my life. Don't kill me. Please don't kill me. I don't taste good."

He spoke standard London English and had a pair of snail-like eyestalks on his head. Tears spewed out from under his two eyeballs like sprinklers on the lawn.

"Go away." Su Ming withdrew the weapon and threw the alien aside, but still threw a hamburger to the alien as compensation: "Take this food and go away, don't let me see you again."

If the aliens were granted amnesty, those who dared to take out weapons and commit murder on the street outside Difan's shop, and those who did not even have the collector to intervene, must be a ruthless person that he could not afford to offend.

In the universe, you don't have to be strong, but you must be clear about your identity.

So the alien hugged the burger and ran away with great gratitude, and completely followed the strong man's command to 'pissoff', that is, peeing while running.

Next, Deathstroke followed the same pattern, following Thanos to the dock area while randomly catching lucky people on the street.

Once caught, the same question was asked, and under pressure, various alien species gave a unified answer, that is - no.

No living thing would ever take a dream seriously, that would be crazy.

"That's enough, Deathstroke, there's no need to prove your point any more." Thanos interrupted the Master Supreme when he was about to capture the thirtieth person, and shook his head seriously: "You're right, the dream could be mine. Hallucination, death may be waiting for me, I want to find her."

Hope reignited in his heart.

That's right, that's right. If a licking dog has been licking for so many years, of course it will be reluctant to let go.

"Hey, that's a smart move, Thanos. Now that Wade is married, no one can stop you from being with death anymore. It's a great time. Don't ruin your life's happiness by being confused for a moment. Although Wade is My cousin, but I still see you being with death."

Su Ming smiled and took back the weapon, took out the wine bottle and took a big sip of it to relieve the dryness of his throat caused by talking too much:

"It just so happens that I also want to go find Death and ask about the Death Seed. By coincidence, we are on the way. Where is your spaceship? Do you mind giving me a ride?"

"Okay, the spaceship is over there." Thanos was obviously a little impatient. He didn't bother to think about what Deathstroke was going to do. He just wanted to see death quickly: "You reminded me, Deathstroke, I should have thought of it a long time ago. , she loves me so much and even gave birth to a child for me, how could she leave without saying goodbye?"

As he spoke, Thanos' confidence grew stronger and stronger. His rickety back straightened up again, and his chin full of clefts also lifted up.

At this time, the aura of the cosmic tyrant returned, which was completely different from the previous aura of the old farmer. After Thanos returned to normal, he felt like a volcano that could erupt at any time.

He strode forward impatiently, and when he came to his small spaceship, he even opened the cargo compartment very roughly.

"Get on the boat, let's go to the goddess's garden, dear, she must be waiting for me."

But Su Ming was not in a hurry to get on the ship. The spaceship was originally very small, just a garbage ship with the cockpit directly connected to the cargo hold. He pointed to a corner of the cargo hold: "Throw away your poop bucket first. , I don’t want to sit with farmyard manure.”


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