The Death Knell

Chapter 4489 Abducting classmates

There was almost no light in the small spaceship, at least not a trace of light could be seen in the cargo hold. Some dilapidated purely mechanical structures gave people a depressing feeling.

Thanos stood at the door of the cabin with a cold face. The light from the stars in the universe fell on him, making him look like a piece of ice or a purple statue.

However, all this atmosphere disappeared as he kicked the dung bucket away.

Su Ming watched the barrel swirling and flying several hundred meters, and with a bang, it hit the cockpit glass of another port spacecraft. When black and yellow sticky soup flowed out of it, he didn't know it for a moment. What to say.

But as the Supreme Mage, he couldn't embarrass the earth by being silent, so he smiled lightly and passed by Thanos:

"The bucket is very sturdy, and the organic fertilizer is also very environmentally friendly."

The purple-skinned giant just shook his head and did not respond. After the three people and the cat were on board, he strode back to the cockpit and controlled the spacecraft to take off.

First, it is necessary to leave the gravitational range of the god's head and enter uninhabited airspace to facilitate the jump.

So taking advantage of this time, Su Ming walked around in the small cabin.

He noticed that the deck beneath his feet felt slightly astringent with every step he took, and although the traces of long-faded blood left on the black metal were barely visible, they were very obvious to the symbiote host.

The blood of different races formed a terrifying picture. Their owners may have been lying at someone's feet a year or six months ago, feeling the despair of life slowly leaving the body.

Therefore, Su Ming judged that this small spaceship should have been randomly launched by Thanos when he left his Temple II, and it might have originally belonged to one of his men.

Because killing people and bleeding them slowly is not Thanos’s style.

"Death Knell, if you see death, you have to protect me." Hela stood in the warehouse, holding on to the cold metal bulkhead with her hands: "My relationship with her is not very good."

"Haha, not only is it not very good, Odin has a Hall of Souls, but you create an underworld. Many souls are walking through the inner circulation system of the World Tree and do not participate in the reincarnation of death."

Su Ming touched his nose, took the bottle, took a sip, wiped his mouth and said:

"However, it's not a big problem. Death wants to settle the score with you. Just throw the pot on the World Tree. Yggdrasil is not as simple as you think."

"You know I can hear it, right?"

Thanos's voice came from the cab. The small spaceship had many advantages, such as being concealed enough, and the cost of flying was very low, but it was not good at all. There was no privacy at all.

"When you see death, you should consider whether to file a complaint, Thanos." Su Ming remained calm and calm. He leaned against the bulkhead, feeling the movement of the spacecraft entering the jump, and feeling that the space was being folded. Stretching and twisting: "If Death is not at home later, you will have to rely on me if you want to find her."

"Whoosh~ This way, Peter, here."

Captain America had just sent people to use a stealth aircraft to return from New Jersey to the safe house in Hell's Kitchen, New York City. As soon as Xiaochong walked out of the place disguised as a street store, he heard someone calling his name.

I turned around and saw that it was Jessica Jones.

This former classmate was still dressed like a socialite today, wearing a black leather jacket and smoky makeup, waving at him like a thief at the entrance of an alley.

"Hey Jesse, what are you doing?"

Pulling the schoolbag off his shoulder, Peter walked over with a puzzled look on his face. He looked around and saw that there was no one around.

"Hey, I was originally waiting here to see if I could meet the SHIELD team."

Jessica handed Peter a cigarette, but the boy waved his hands to refuse as if he was seeing drugs. She could only shrug, put it in her mouth, lit it, and blew out a puff of smoke:

"But you can do it too. I got a spaceship. Do you want to be our companion?"

The girl sent

Invitation, waiting for Peter's answer.

Hell's Kitchen was severely damaged in the last major incident, and only the area around this small store is still intact. Jessica has been staying here since she accidentally broke into SHIELD's safe house last time. .

No reason, just a job.

As we all know, she is a private detective. Whether she is helping someone find a cat or secretly filming evidence of her husband's cheating, this is part of her job.

But how much money can I make? It’s still very tiring.

Ever since she started working with Deathstroke, the girl's generosity and generosity have greatly expanded the girl's horizons. She discovered that if she wanted to make a lot of money, she had to take on jobs related to superpowers.

So, here comes the question. There are many incidents related to people with superpowers, but they are not all found in the streets. How can we find them without intelligence channels?

It's very simple, just use other people's intelligence channels.

So her life pattern became to stay in the SHIELD safe house when she had nothing to do. If she met an agent to do a task, she would offer to help. In this way, wouldn't she be involved in the superpower incident? ?

She was very smart. After noticing that the red-necked agent shop owner showed no signs of driving her away, she roughly guessed that Nick Fury might want to recruit her.

Logically speaking, if the secret service organization wants to recruit people, it is nothing more than coercion or inducement. With his friendship with Deathstroke, he will definitely not be the target of coercion.

Then there is only one option left.

The black braised egg director in Deathstroke's mouth will most likely give himself some benefits first, such as 'the warmth of a big family,' generous remuneration, 'show dental insurance,' etc.

Jessica didn't think about what would happen in the future, but when faced with sugar-coated bullets, she chose to sugar-coat them first.

But things were changing a bit fast. Now that the age of space exploration has arrived, she immediately realized the changes in the trend.

So she made an immediate decision, cashed in the gift Deathstroke had given her, and found another sister who was in a similar situation. The two of them pooled their money together and bought a mid-level spaceship at a reasonable price.

The so-called other sister is, of course, Squirrel Girl. Deathstroke gave her a lot of toilet paper, toothpaste, facial cleanser, pots and pans, dried fruits and other things, which she can sell, and they are very easy to sell.

Nowadays, many people want to go to the universe, and they will buy some things before departure. Jessica and Squirrel Girl sold the goods on the college campus.

Then, the two women bought the spaceship, which went smoothly because they were acquaintances of Deathstroke and got a big discount. They bought the original version instead of the American special edition with thin skin and big fillings.

But then they discovered a problem - no one was working.

Squirrel Girl has squirrel syndrome. She especially likes to hoard things. Her dormitory is usually messier than a landfill. Jessica is an alcoholic. She sleeps drunk every day and never cleans the house.

In this case, at least one more crew member is needed on the spacecraft.

So, leaving Squirrel Girl on the roof of her house looking at the spaceship, Jessica ran out to catch the strong men. Originally, she wanted to infiltrate a group of low-level SHIELD agents and abduct a few of their henchmen.

But after meeting Peter, she had a better choice.


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