The Death Knell

Chapter 4490 Adding Members

"You just said 'you, this word, who do you have?"

Peter was moved. After all, Jesse was also his middle school classmate, and she was a good girl who knew everything. Moreover, she is very mature and only focuses on making money. She is not like other girls who are addicted to all the gadgets of adolescent girls.

Su Rui has a spaceship, and Gwen and the others may want to buy one too. Anyone who boards the spaceship may offend the other party, so they might as well not board it at all.

The Avengers' spaceship is the biggest and the best, and Iron Man is the quality assurance, but now SHIELD is involved, and the spaceship is full of middle-aged and elderly people with no common topics, so it is not considered.

At present, it seems that Jessica's side is the most reliable.

"It's just me and Squirrel Girl, you know her too, no one else." Treasure Girl smiled, she directly grabbed Spider-Man's arm and dragged him home: "We have all the other things ready , I just need a diligent and smart crew member, and I think you are a perfect fit."

She had already thought about it. When she arrived in the universe, she would occupy a deserted planet and use the colonial equipment of Wilson Enterprises to build a farm and use it as her own space office.

Being a detective in the universe is your only job, right? This is a blue ocean.

She found it exciting to think about investigating extramarital affairs among aliens in the future.

"Listen, Jesse, I'm willing to go with you." Peter struggled to get rid of the restraints, but the treasure girl was obviously more powerful, and he couldn't get rid of it: "But I have to go home and discuss it with Aunt May. She If you can’t find me, you’ll definitely be anxious.”

Not only Aunt Mei, but also the Wilson fast food restaurant chain where he worked, had to ask for leave, and things had to be done from beginning to end.

"I'm so envious of you. You still have family to discuss." Jessica suddenly became depressed. She let go of her hand, lifted her long hair, and sighed: "You're right, Peter, but you can try to invite you Auntie is going to space with us, she can cook, right?"

That's right, even though she was depressed because of the thought of her parents' death, the female detective's mind was still spinning.

She immediately took Aunt Mei into account. She learned from Deathstroke that everyone has value, so don't miss the opportunity you can take advantage of.

"What you said makes sense." Peter tilted his head and thought, and suddenly thought it was a good idea: "Aunt Mei's salary is very low anyway, so we might as well go to the universe and have a go. You have prepared the ingredients for the trip. Right?"

"Of course." Jessica agreed without hesitation: "By the way, have you seen Deadpool today?"

"Isn't he still on his honeymoon? He's not on earth at all." Xiaochong shrugged. After saying this, he also missed Wade a little, and wondered whether his married life was happy.

"Oh, yes, damn it, I originally wanted to show him my spaceship to make him jealous." Jesse was a little regretful, but the two of them had already arrived downstairs in the office, and the spaceship was right downstairs. On the rooftop, it is suspended in an invisible state.

Treasure Girl can fly and Peter has spider silk. They don't have to take the usual route and are on the roof in the blink of an eye.

The hatch of the spaceship opened, revealing a slightly protruding fat belly. It turned out that Squirrel Girl was leaning against the door and eating melon seeds. She was also very happy to see the little boy. After all, everyone knows that Spider-Man is the guarantee of character. .

"Hi, Peter." The squirrel's tail swayed and she jumped up and waved: "Welcome aboard."

"Thank you, Doreen. It's nice to meet you. How are you doing?" Peter walked into the spaceship. The warm light shone on him, which seemed to instantly dispel his fatigue. The stimulation of the cerebral cortex brought by the novelty made him excited. The ground is a little runny.

"It's pretty good. We have food and clothing. All we need is an adventure. Not counting the last time we went to the Beyond with Deathstroke, it looks like an ordinary American town."

The puffy-cheeked squirrel girl showed her big teeth and replied with a smile:

"But this time we can choose our own route and fly freely. A happy adventure is beckoning to us. Are you ready? I have been studying this spacecraft for a long time. It is very intelligent and basically has nothing to do with it. What we need to do."

While saying this, Doreen wanted to grab Peter and go to the cockpit. They bought a medium-sized spaceship at a huge acquaintance discount. It was more than 80 meters long and had a total of five floors. It was very luxurious. You have to visit it carefully.

"Well, I have to go home first. Don't look at me so weirdly. Yes, I know it's embarrassing to ask my parents for permission before I go out, but if I run around without saying hello, Aunt Mei will kill me. Got mine."

Peter spread his hands helplessly and explained what he had said to Jessica again. He had to do this and be a good boy, just like what Uncle Ben told him before he died.

With great ability comes great responsibility.

"Strange, we are already on the most remote route, why is there a space raider spacecraft here?"

Sifu, who was driving the spaceship, frowned and looked at the ship's shadow on the detector and the Marauder logo printed outside the opponent's cockpit. She was a little worried about what she found.

Apart from her, the only other people in the cabin were the Queen and Loki. According to their status, it was her turn to be the bodyguard to sail the ship.

Space robbers are said to be space mercenaries, but they actually do everything. They are businessmen, pirates, and sometimes policemen, killers, or tomb robbers.

What they are depends on what they do to make money easily.

Sif was very familiar with this group. In the past, Odin often sent her to the collectors to store things, and she often had to deal with the looters.

Of course, she was very confident in her fighting ability. As long as she didn't encounter a few plunderers, it would be easy to defeat them.

The problem is that my own spaceship is not as easy to repair as Asgard's spaceship. It may not be able to survive the battle intact. You can't let the Queen of Heaven sit in a broken ship, right?

"Let me see, hey, he is really sneaky."

Loki stood up in the back seat and walked to the front row. After playing with the monitor, the opponent's ship's shadow on the screen was enlarged.

The spacecraft did not take a safe route. Instead, it was hiding like a thief. Sometimes it was hiding in the asteroid belt, and sometimes it was hiding in the shadow of the planet. Its flight path was like a snake. In short, it didn't look normal. People are driving.

When Loki saw it, he immediately smiled. She licked the corners of her mouth, put her hands on Sif's shoulders, and said in her ear:

"Isn't this the Guardians of the Galaxy's spaceship? What are they doing in such a remote star area? There must be something weird. Let's follow them. Be careful not to be discovered by them."


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