The Death Knell

Chapter 4492 Put on the hat

Many translucent souls are still lining up at the entrance of the garden. On the marble-textured white platform, it seems that there are densely packed ghosts, which makes people feel a little funny.

Yes, ordinary people would probably feel scared if they saw so many ghosts, but when these ghosts are waiting in line to get a number, as if they are going to the hospital to see a doctor, the scene is a bit funny.

The key point is that the ghosts all seem to have round heads, and each of them seems to have no hair. This reminds Deathstroke of Kang the Conqueror, who is also bald.

Following the volunteer guide towards the interior of the garden, Su Ming passed by the souls with a cigarette in his mouth and thought for a moment.

Mephisto has his own agenda. He has always wanted to become Satan and sit on the throne of the King of Hell. Every generation of Supreme Mage knows this.

But even so, you can give him a verbal lesson, but you won't really have to release the God Eater to kill him.

Lao Mo is the more "eye-catching" among the many hell lords. He also has the largest territory and knows how to keep pace with the times.

While other hell lords were still using primitive methods to cleanse their souls, he had already established a hell casino, allowing souls to gamble endlessly, automatically clean themselves, and at the same time use their greedy emotions as Lilan.

The reason why Emperor Weishan acquiesces to the activities of demon lords on the earth is mainly because they are like scavengers. Demons and hell are important links in the circulation of souls in the universe, and are like decomposers in the ecological chain.

It's not difficult to kill all these demon lords, but in the end you still have to find someone to do the dirty work.

When a new and unfamiliar person comes on stage, it is better to let the familiar old people continue to work. At least the older generation knows how much they weigh.

At least compared to young Nastir, Old Mo is more sensible.

Every piece of land in the many hells is soaked with blood and souls. It is not uncommon for low-ranking demon strongmen like Nastir to want to dominate.

Compared to his master Velasco, Nastir's combat effectiveness level is significantly higher. He looks like a green-skinned version of "Diablo", with good strength and magic levels.

But it was only good. Mephisto said that his head would be delivered to the Supreme Mage tomorrow, which was obviously a sure thing.

Of course, Lao Mo might also be lying. After all, the contract was not signed, so it is normal for the demon lord to break his promise.

But Su Ming just said a word, so he lost nothing, right?

With the God Eater in hand, there will be no trouble in hell, and everything will be fine as usual.

Withered black roses hang on the decaying vines, and will explode into a puddle of ashes with the slightest touch. There are many plants embellishment in the garden of death, but they are all things that can only be seen but not touched.

"This flower is not interesting." Hela saw Deathstroke touching the withered rose. She walked beside the man and said, "My death spores are more beautiful than this, and they have an entity that can be touched."

In fact, the death spore flower is more like a mushroom growing on the ashes of a coward, but as a specialty of the underworld, Hela has the final say on it.

She said it was a flower, that was a flower.

"The rose of death is an ordinary dried flower. If ordinary people touch it, nothing will happen." Su Ming clapped his hands and continued to follow Mephisto and Thanos to find people to play with: "But the death spore flower, if ordinary people touch it, nothing will happen." I hung up immediately. If you want to appreciate its beauty, the threshold is a bit high."

Death was most likely not at home, Strangler couldn't smell her scent, and the black light ring didn't sense anything.

However, looking at Thanos's red eyes, it doesn't look like he can listen to his opinions.

Then let him find it now and feel it while searching.

"Goddess! My goddess! Where are you?!"

While walking quickly, looking at the forks in the hedge maze every day, Thanos shouted for death. Apparently he had found the feeling in the past. This state is called "dog-licking anxiety."

Su Ming had seen many similar jokes on the Internet in his previous life, in which the licking dog bought something for the goddess and wanted to give it to her. As a result, he sent dozens of WeChat messages during the day and nothing happened.


Licking the dog makes me very anxious, worried about whether something happened to the goddess, whether she is short of money, or whether she did something wrong and made the other party angry.

The whole day was spent in self-doubt and anxiety.

It wasn't until midnight that the goddess replied to a message. When I asked, she was going to have her hair done with her best friend.

Regardless of what kind of hairstyle the goddess had done throughout the day, Liangou would be happy when he got the news. He would say that he would offer tribute and wait for the opportunity to meet the goddess.

Su Ming didn't comment on this. If one was willing to be licked and the other was willing to be endured, it was a private matter between them. If he tried to persuade the licking dog to wake up, he would be resented.

Now, all he has to do is follow Thanos, leisurely watching him and Mephisto running around, and he only needs to be a spectator.

"Is death not at home?" Carol walked into this world of black and white for the first time. The scene of souls queuing up before made her a little excited. Now she is looking around, as if to see the scenery here. It's all engraved in my mind.

The rotten and dry air, the white bone sculptures everywhere, and the dim sky.

The Garden of Death is suspended in the universe, like a large platform, but the scenery you can see when you are in it is different from anywhere else.

Maybe this is the ‘perspective of the deceased,?

"I think she's not here, but it depends on when Thanos realizes this." Su Ming took out a bag of popcorn from his pocket and shared it with the two ladies: "Anyway, I doubt that two people died last time. After the day of the shift, our death left us."

As I said before, Marvel's Death is not as good as the second sister next door because she is too human-like.

Even Su Ming couldn't guess what she would do when driven by complex desires.

"Is it to avoid going to work?" Hela nodded, she seemed to want to laugh a little: "When Caroline gets up every morning, she always yells that she doesn't want to go to work. The patterns of Death Garden and restaurants are a bit similar, both are boring. Boring repetitive work."

Caroline is actually quite capable. In addition to working in a fast food restaurant, she also runs a small cake shop with Daisy, which is not easy.

"When you put it like that, it does sound a bit like it, haha." Deathstroke gave her a bottle of soda, helped her unscrew the cap, and handed Carol a bottle of the same one: "Our universe itself is like a computer The operating rules of machinery are inherently very monotonous, because the simpler, the more reliable it is."

"The cosmic machine said, I heard the supreme intelligence also said so." Carol took a sip of soda and felt the breath of life brought by the orange smell: "It has always wanted to use calculations to simulate the way the universe operates. Experiment to adapt to this world, but in the end, it failed, and the Kree Empire doesn't know how long it can survive after losing its home planet and him."

"You have to ask Ronan about this. I heard that he has always been an opponent of the Supreme Intelligence secretly. Now it may be a godsend for him."

Su Ming waved his hand and said that there was nothing to say about the aliens. At this time, he had already seen the good show.

Thanos came to the swimming pool where Death used to bathe, and then he made a major discovery. The place was full of traces of sexual intercourse between men and women. Transparent or opaque mucus dried on chairs, tables, the ground, and piles of bones, under the dim light. shining.

Of course, Purple Sweet Potato Essence's face was purple at first, then turned into deep red, and then turned into a strange brown color, like shit.

Ah, purple and green mixed together, that's it. He shouldn't have thrown away the straw hat just now, but now it's fine and he has a new one.


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