The Death Knell

Chapter 4493 He is proud

After the licking dog discovers that the goddess has run away with another man, he often has several different reactions.

One is to accept it calmly, continue to respond to the goddess's requests, and look forward to one day being able to take over, such as helping the goddess raise her children.

The other kind is sluggish, thinking that if the goddess doesn't like him, his life has no meaning, and then he commits suicide by jumping off a building or something.

Thanos used to be the former type. No matter how fiercely Death and Wade fought, Thanos still loved her as always, but he only targeted Deadpool in all aspects.

But today, Su Ming saw a third emotion that was less common. It was a thought with dark attributes. It was also seen among humans, but it was not common.

Thanos looked at the battlefield with burning eyes. He put on the Infinity Gauntlet expressionlessly, turned around and said to the melon-eating Deathstroke:

"If I kill her, can I be with her?"

"Puff puff puff." Su Mingchao spit out a few melon seeds in the palm of his hand, and vaporized them with the cosmic energy together with the clean watermelon rind: "Don't get excited, Thanos, maybe there is some misunderstanding? It's not like this has happened in the past, death is and Is it fun for others, like a male best friend? Anyway, if you love her, you must love everything about her."

Damn it, Su Ming is not very good at boxing in this area. Thanos is too licky, and the explanations he learned from the Internet in his previous life are not enough.

".It makes sense." Thanos actually accepted this kind of open-eyed lie. The expression on his face relaxed and he took off his gloves: "She should still love me, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Of course, She can play whatever she wants, and I still have the mind and heart!"

"Ah, yes, yes." Mephisto was stunned. He stood aside numbly, nodding his head like a chicken eating rice. He also stretched out his hand to give Thanos a thumbs up: "You are this, You rock."

"Hmph, you've passed, now get out of my sight, devil, Deathstroke and I will get the goddess back." Thanos left the scene, and then he smiled again: "I guess I'm the only one who deserves it. She, she knows, she must know!"

"Then shall I take the first step?" Mephisto looked at Deathstroke with sly eyes like a mouse, seeking the Supreme Mage's opinion.

"There's one more thing, Lao Mo, you have to help me."

Su Ming stretched out his tentacles to wrap around the red-skinned arm, and gently held the other person back. He smiled and lit a new cigarette with his own hands, exhaling a puff of smoke:

"When you go back, check your own hell to see if there is a person named Ahmed Jafar. If so, arrange a private room decorated in the style of heaven for him, and then send 99 handsome and strong men to "serve" him , making him think that he really ascended to heaven with all his sins."

Su Ming promised the oil prince who provided information before.

"Okay, although I don't know when this idiot made you angry and asked you to torture him with a scam, but if his soul is in my hell, he will definitely follow the arrangements you said, Deathstroke."

Mephisto was relieved when he heard such a condition that was not a condition. He was not afraid that the Supreme Mage would ask for it, but he was afraid that Deathstroke would not want anything.

But fortunately, now it seems that Deathstroke and Ancient One have the same position. They don't bother to care about hell at all. It seems that the bloody battle in hell can continue.

The devil spit out a mouthful of fire with a smile, and the ground swallowed it up like lava, and Mephisto disappeared in front of everyone.

Su Ming looked at Thanos, who also looked at him, but after all, Titan was more anxious, and he spoke first:

"Deathstroke, can you find any trace of death?"

"Yes, but please let me go first. I'll go to the swimming pool, use the symbiote to record some smells, and then activate the time stone to see what happened here in the past. Don't read this. It's not good for the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. of health."

Deathstroke patted the tall madman on the arm and told another cold joke.

"Our space adventure actually has no clear destination, so we all agreed to help Thor catch it first.

Loki. "

In the spacious and bright bridge, Tony held the virtual sand table with both hands and analyzed it loudly to the superheroes surrounding him:

"Well, actually it is definitely difficult to find a small spaceship in the vast universe, but thanks to my recent progress in the Celestial Group's technology, I have mastered a new technology for scanning living things. Take Wilson The Asgardians who left the Earth on the Enterprise spaceship are only Loki and his team, and I am very confident that I can help Thor realize his wish."

"So, Tony, how exactly does that technology work?" War Machine raised his hand and asked. As Tony's good friend, despite his military status, he still had his own ticket.

"It is a special quantitative analysis method. When a person passes through a space a and goes to a space b, the distance is equal to the speed times the time. In this process, although our naked eyes cannot see that he has made space a What changes, but according to the theory of entropy increase, as long as time changes, the person is changing every moment, and the energy released or absorbed always accounts for the same amount."

Tony's mustache curled up as if it were its tail. After nodding towards his friend with a proud smile, he continued to explain:

"He stayed in Space A for a period of time. Even if this time was extremely short, he had an impact on it. The aging of the body and the transcription of genes inevitably produced energy loss, and it is this energy difference that the Celestial Group's technology analyzes. This It was originally the deep space identification technology they used to eliminate backward civilizations. Some species that consume too much energy but develop too slowly fall into the category of being wiped out by them."

He spoke a lot and spoke very well, but among everyone present, only Dr. Banner seemed to understand some of it.

Even the technological duo in the S.H.I.E.L.D. team looked confused at this time, let alone people like Shockwave Girl and Iron Cavalry who had never gone to school.

"Um, Tony, can you explain in more detail? Some of us don't even know what the Celestial Group is, let alone what it takes to clean up civilization."

Steve took a deep breath, looked at Bucky next to him, and made a request.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You don't need to understand. After all, I am the captain, I am the scientist, and I am still the one who decides what to do."

Tony spread his hands and unfolded his arms gracefully. His chin was slightly raised, and his eyes fell on the bottom of his eye sockets:

"All you need to do is be nice to me and don't bother me with trivial things. Then, you can start applauding me now. Let's go catch Loki and let him return Thor's ship. !」

"Pah, pah, pah!"

Thor started applauding on the spot, while the others looked speechless.

Because Iron Man's arrogant remarks came back again, and he knocked out a new spaceship with his bare hands, which really made him inflated.


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