The Death Knell

Chapter 4496 Dynamics of all parties

"Okay, don't worry about me, I'm fine, and I can accept this."

The young man in black robe nodded. He came to the surgical altar and reached out to hold Death's hand fixed by the magic energy rope:

"My dear, just be patient. Soon, you will become extremely powerful and become the most perfect form." We can kill all enemies and achieve the ultimate beauty of tranquility, and we can be together forever..."


The sharp cone on the chest pierced about another millimeter, and Death let out a scream, twisting on the bed like a maggot. Her face also flashed several times quickly between the different appearances of a beauty and a skeleton, like a whole People have become extremely unstable.

Her screams frightened the man holding her hand. He quickly hugged Death's cold head and covered her mouth where saliva was spitting out to prevent her from biting off her tongue:

"My goddess, my love, please be patient a little longer, just for a moment, very soon, very soon we will be over... Mage, can't you hurry up?"

He asked the cloaked man who performed the ceremony.

However, the executor ignored him and didn't even look at him. He just continued to recite the incantation and did the work in his hands in an orderly manner, as if the person who asked the question was like air.


The man in cloak, who was called a young man, was indeed young and energetic. He clenched his fists, and instantly his whole body was illuminated by cosmic energy.

His cosmic energy is blue and very pure, giving the impression that it is even purer than many ancient gods.

"Don't be impulsive, my young master. Magical rituals cannot be rushed, especially those related to the concept of the universe. It will eventually end, but not now. Why don't we leave here now and take a little rest?"

The man in black robe who had previously explained the blindness method quickly grabbed him and patiently persuaded him, just like a teacher instructing his students, and began to explain the differences between magicians.

” It’s best that way. "

The cosmic energy in his body was extinguished, and the short black-robed man turned around and left. After leaving the basement and entering the dark corridor, the two walked in silence for a long time until they estimated that Death could not hear his footsteps. Stopped:

"You magicians are sure that increasing the strength of the Death Goddess will not affect the success rate of mating and reproduction between me and her, right?"

"Haha, of course not. Please don't worry, the goddess of death was originally incomplete." The black-robed mage replied, and his words were full of the strange power to soothe people's hearts: "When the ceremony is over, a perfect death is the most appropriate , you will definitely be able to give birth to the most powerful offspring with her."

"Hey, it's better to hurry up. I can't wait to get the new one. It must taste good." The young man in black robe said this. Of course, the so-called young may also be a relative term.

"Don't worry, I will arrange more women to serve you, haha, so that you will not be lonely while waiting."

The mage on the side raised his hand slightly and released a small communication magic. He didn't know who he contacted.

"Well, very good, you are very good at doing things, I am very satisfied." The steps started to move again, and the not tall man in black robe seemed to have thought of something again. "The intelligence showed that the Avengers have left the earth and sent some untraceable people." Resurrected, go to Earth to cause trouble, find something for Deathstroke to do, and don't let him ruin our affairs."

"Jie Jie, obey."

The two ended their conversation and walked faster and faster in the dark corridor, as if they were going deep underground, and their figures were quickly swallowed by the darkness.

"So this is my plan."

Jessica and Squirrel Girl squeezed into the captain's seat together. The spacecraft was leaving the atmosphere at cruising speed. Because the spacecraft was purchased jointly by the two of them, there was only one captain, so they simply shared the authority.

While watching Peter get on the ship and start setting up the cleaning robot equipped with the spacecraft, she explained the plan:

"Deathstroke once told me that the universe is like a sea without light, full of dangers and unfriendly aliens everywhere.

It can be seen that on our first voyage, we still focus on safety. "

The female detective is not timid at all. After all, she dares to open a firm in Hell's Kitchen, but she can't do it without some courage.

But it's one thing to be in New York, and it's another thing to be in space. After all, the latter doesn't even have a chance to stay on the ground.

"Kaka, that makes sense, kaka." Squirrel Girl ate pine nuts and nodded while holding her big tail: "When I was working with Deathstroke, he also said similar things, and he seemed to really hate aliens. People, it's like they've done something bad to him."

"Ah, I also acted with Deathstroke and eliminated an alien vampire family. They were probably vampires."

Peter started the sweeping robot and checked its program settings while saying:

"To be honest, when I was acting with Deathstroke, I felt like I couldn't keep up with the rhythm. Until the end of the mission, I didn't know exactly what the enemy was. I only knew that Deathstroke said to fight, so I fought with my friends. Starman, and then..."

As he spoke, he turned over his palm, indicating that the alien would just fall down and die.

"I've heard about this, parallel world, right? I heard that there are many, many Spider-Man's." Jessica's information is quite good, she actually knows the secret information of the Spider family: "It's not our female classmates, but It’s someone else.”

"Well, Deathstroke didn't ask me to talk about the parallel world, so I think I should be able to tell you."

Peter smiled. He walked aside to check the flight parameters of the spacecraft, correct the course, and follow the course guidance cursor of the Tianjian Bureau space station.

"There is a Spider-Man named Miles Morales, who wears a black spider uniform and lives on our earth with his family. Deathstroke arranged for him. He is a good guy and a very interesting person. "

"Ah, it seems that you have a good relationship with him, so you exposed the secret identity of Ultimate Spider-Man to us."

Jessica rolled her eyes and shook her head speechlessly. This was not what she asked, it was Peter who took the initiative.

"Well!" Peter realized at this moment that he was so excited that he said the wrong thing again. He quickly covered his mouth, but since it was too late, he could only ask the two women with a wry smile: "Can you Can’t you forget this? Just pretend I never said it?”

"What do you think?" Jessica was amused. She had been in society for so long and all she had seen were dark things. Peter's simplicity and honesty made her feel funny: "Okay, just pretend we have forgotten." . Come, tell me about the other members of your spider family, who is the most powerful in combat? "

Peter felt relieved when he heard that Jessica was willing to forget, and he continued to do the work at hand:

"The strongest Spider-Man in the multiverse, I think, is Takuya Yamashiro. His giant robot, wow, is really cool, you know? When I saw that machine, I drooled. I wet the mask. Unlike Deadpool who often spits in the mask, the inside of my mask is usually very dry..."

"Ugh, don't mention Deadpool when we're chatting. It's really off-putting. I still want to eat my first meal in the universe."

The female detective raised her hand to stop Peter from continuing. She and Squirrel Girl shook their heads in disgust at the same time. When they heard Deadpool's name, the rotten face came to mind, which only made people feel sick.

Doreen, in particular, spat out all the pistachios she had stored in her cheeks.


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