The Death Knell

Chapter 4497 ​​Cunning Treasure

After the two women retched for a while, their emotions gradually calmed down, because after leaving the atmosphere, the surrounding scenery became better.

Not far away is the Tianjian Bureau Space Station, and behind it is the earth shrouded in blue fluorescent light. Looking out of the porthole of the spacecraft, everything looks beautiful.

Of course, after briefly appreciating the beautiful scenery, the travelers still had to set off. Countless spaceships entered the transition not far away and flew to unknown distances, leaving only bright lines left after the engines accelerated. .

The dense afterimages of the flame tails are like a blackboard filled with shining silver tadpoles, or like giant dandelions whose seeds are scattering in the wind.

It's time to get down to business. The spacecraft is now occupying a low-Earth channel, and the dispatcher at the space station has begun to urge it.

"So my plan is, we follow the Avengers' ship, and we go wherever they go."

Jessica looked straight at the scenery outside the window, but Xiaozui talked about the plan without any delay. She took a deep breath of cigarette and flicked the ashes at the sweeping robot in a very social manner:

"Just like in the deep sea, the guide fish will cling to the shark, waiting for the food that people leak."

Peter is a top student and can understand Jesse's words; while Doreen is a bit dull, but she is a serious female squirrel college student, so she is not bad at biology.

They both got it.

The ferocious shark is a famous killer in the sea. It can swallow several small fish in one bite and can kill and eat fish or other animals that are larger than it.

But there is a kind of fish that is not afraid of sharks at all and will not be attacked by sharks. They seem to have a unique but not close symbiotic relationship with sharks.

This kind of fish is a guide fish.

Even when they reach adulthood, the largest individual is only 30 centimeters long and has almost no fighting power. But whenever sharks go on hunting expeditions, they follow them closely, or simply cling to them.

Sometimes, the guide fish also swims ahead, as if to help scout for prey, but will quickly return to its original position, waiting for the shark to start hunting.

The shark attacks, kills its prey, devours chunks of meat, and becomes full very quickly.

At this time, the guide fish will come over and eat small pieces of meat, or clean the shreds of meat from the gaps between the shark's teeth, and do some odd jobs in exchange for the shark's food.

This plan sounds like bionics, but it was actually summed up by Jessica from her own experience of following Deathstroke.

That is to find a way to "symbiosis" with the strong, so as to achieve one's own profits by free riding.

It feels good when I think about it.

The Avengers' spaceship ascended to the sky not long ago. The huge spaceship was painted with the Avengers' "circle a" logo. Iron Man had no intention of hiding it at all. Instead, he traveled out in a big way, for fear that some residents of New York and New Jersey would see it. Not the same.

However, since they set out at this time, they should have a known way to make a clear profit, right?

Combined with the information Peter mentioned before, saying that the S.H.I.E.L.D. team was also on the ship, Jessica did not believe that Nick Fury, the agent chief, would send his subordinates to do voluntary labor?

It must be impossible. According to Jessica's understanding of the agents, these people are not enthusiastic about charity or public welfare activities.

From the above clues, we can draw a conclusion, that is, the Avengers and SHIELD are teaming up to find a big treasure in space. What is it specifically? I don’t know, but it must be a treasure.

More than a dozen superheroes were dispatched. Among the first-line superheroes who often appeared in the Avengers, except for Carol and Lanqi from the military, and excluding the mutants who had disappeared, almost all other heroes participated in this space voyage.

With this kind of team configuration, you can’t go to space to see the scenery, right?

So what the three people in my team need to do is to follow them secretly and covertly. When the adults take away the big treasure, they certainly won't mind three children suddenly showing up and taking some small treasures, right?

In this way, wouldn't it be beautiful if the Avengers take action first when there is danger, and then take action themselves when there is benefit?

"It seems a bit immoral, like

Take advantage of others. "Peter frowned. He felt that it was not good to follow the adults like this: "Also, have you ever thought about what if the Avengers went to the universe to deal with some crisis? We will be involved in the battlefield, their The spaceship is a battleship, and ours is an armed expedition merchant ship."

Doreen has no objection. She just has this kind of happy-go-lucky personality. As long as there is no supermarket sale, she will be calm most of the time and just have nuts to eat.

Regarding Peter's statement, Jessica just smiled slightly, took a big sip of wine with confidence, opened and closed her mouth quickly, and said a long string of words at the speed of a shrew:

"You are Spider-Man and a preparatory member of the Avengers. In the end, you still don't understand what the Avengers are? Pay attention to the way I mouth "Avenger". This name determines that they are a team that only fights. The team that fights back will only fight back if someone provokes them. Are there any now? Apart from the incident where a lot of symbiotes appeared on the earth not long ago, are there any aliens worthy of counterattack? That incident has passed. So now there are no imaginary enemies, so I judge that they are hunting for treasure, or at least digging for rare space minerals."

"So this is it, is this an Avenger? You are great, Jesse!"

Peter felt like he had learned something again. Jessica was really amazing. She could tell so many things from her name, and she knew how to analyze intelligence.

So he hit his palm with his fist and suddenly realized:

"Then it's possible that they went treasure hunting. By the way, I also have a symbiote. Deathstroke gave it to me. It's just that this little guy seems to love sleeping. I can feel it in my body. inside the body, but it’s as quiet as if it’s in a coma.”

"Haha, that's right. Look, Deathstroke gave you a symbiote. What is it? Just look at his own strangulation and you will know that that kind of creature is a priceless treasure. Also, he also sent it to me and Lots of stuff for Doreen, and money, green notes."

The girl who was praised smiled crookedly, took another sip of cigarette with satisfaction, and shook her long wavy hair:

"Let's look at what the Avengers have given us? Nothing. So if we follow them this time, can they not give us some gifts at the critical moment? Anyway, I'm sure that as long as we mention Deathstroke, Iron Man will You must show your generosity.”

She had already planned everything, taking advantage of Iron Man's love of comparison.

"Well, that's very good. I believe this plan will work."

Doreen leaned on the captain's throne. She was a little tired from eating nuts. She hugged Jessica's waist, put her face on her shoulder and closed her eyes, as if talking in her sleep, and asked softly:

"But there is a key question, and that is--if we all think Deathstroke is better, why don't we find him and go directly to his ship?"

As soon as Squirrel Girl said her words, Jessica and Peter were immediately silenced. Only now did the two smart kids think of this question. Yes, why not go find Deathstroke? Even if you can't find him, you can just go find Gin. .

"No, don't worry about those details. Following Deathstroke is high risk and high reward, and he is a dictator. There is no freedom in the prescribed route. We now want to pursue both adventure and safety."

However, the deal was done. Jessica reacted quickly. She blushed and made an excuse:

"In this case, Peter, when you contact the Skyward Sword Bureau space station, just say that you are a member of the Avengers, but you got separated from the main force. Ask the navigator which direction they went. We should go with the Avengers."


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