The Death Knell

Chapter 4498 High-Level Route

A group of four people walked out of the Garden of Death, surrounded by souls queuing up. In addition to those on the stone steps in front of the door, there were many floating in space like sky lanterns, spreading to the end of the field of vision.

I can’t say exactly how many there are, but it seems like they have nowhere to go but queue up.

Thanos comes here often. He has no interest in souls at all. Because he has killed too many people, he has long lost interest in these currencies.

He stepped towards his broken little spaceship, but was stopped by Hela's voice:

"Don't take your boat. It stinks inside. Let's take mine."

"Do you also have a boat? If possible, choose one with better sanitary conditions."

As a relatively clean woman, Carol blinked. She really didn't want to get on Thanos' shit boat.

The goddess of the underworld did not answer directly. She just smiled slightly, then raised her hands and began to cast spells. Green flames began to spread from her body into the universe, like a green fire rising.

The next moment, the space in front of everyone shook a few times, as if a stone caused ripples on the water. Then the ripples became larger and larger, and even made a tsunami-like roar in the space very unreasonably.

Accompanied by a long horn horn, a huge black bow appeared in the ripples. It seemed to rise from the water, wrapped in thick black and green smoke, and jumped in front of everyone with a burst of cold air.

This is an Asgard-style long ship, very huge, about 400 meters long and about 50 meters wide.

There is a ferocious skull dragon head decoration on the bow, and there are black sails that look like they are woven from dark clouds. The sides of the ship are decorated with round shields with different heraldry. The hull itself is lumpy and not round at all.

In addition, at the position of each oar, there is a green translucent soul with iron chains wrapped around its body and a painful expression. It is probably the coolie responsible for rowing.

They seemed to have been Asgardian warriors during their lifetimes, but the souls that could fall into Hela's hands would probably die in a funny way, at least not in a heroic death.

"If you have read the Norse mythology spread on earth, you shouldn't ask me this question."

Hela, who was smiling crookedly, turned around and said to Carol. She made a "please" gesture to let Deathstroke get on the boat first, and then followed behind.

"This is my Nagfar. Whether it is the material universe where the living live, or the alien dimension where concepts exist, or even other people's hell, it can take us in."


When she heard the name Nagfar, she jumped onto the deck first. Carol, who was holding the side of the ship and looking around, immediately retracted her hand and shook it in disgust.

Yes, she has read Norse mythology. After all, as a superhero, she often interacts with Asgardian personnel, so she needs to understand it to some extent.

If you don't understand anything, if you see someone throwing a glass after drinking, you will probably think that the other person has a problem.

Although the mythical stories on Earth are not true descriptions of Asgard, many places are of reference value... At least the description of the Nagfar is not wrong.

This is a ship pieced together by the nails of the dead. If you look closely at the pitted hull, you can see that the layers of nails are tightly held together by necromantic magic, just like the scales of a snake, with smooth texture. The curvature, and from time to time, will-o'-the-wisp light effects and strange shadows pass over these nails.

The whole ship was full of evil, and the cold breath crawled from the soles of the feet to people's legs, not to mention that after everyone boarded the ship, the souls of the warriors rowing seemed to have been stepped on, and they let out painful wails.

But there are advantages. At least there is no peculiar smell on this open-top flying boat. Although the material selection is a bit abnormal, the boat is actually quite clean.

"Shut up! Set sail!"

Hela clenched her fists, and green light penetrated from her hands into each boatman's spirit body. Their eyes suddenly lit up with green light, and their minds were obviously controlled.

Thanos hasn't spoken much since he got on the ship, but judging from the way he looked around, it was obvious that

I really liked the boat made out of the deceased's nails, and there seemed to be a bit of annoyance in his eyes. He was probably thinking why he didn't think of giving such a boat to Death back then.

As for the victim's corpse and remains, he had plenty of them in the past.

As for the death knell standing next to Hela, his thinking direction was different from everyone else. After touching the mast made of nails, he asked Hades:

"I'm curious, Hela, what if the materials used to build the boat are mixed with onychomycosis? We all know, "If you get onychomycosis, one person will infect two others." Will your boat get onychomycosis? What about athlete's foot? "

Hela narrowed her eyes and tilted her head with a "Are you kidding me" expression:

"How long has this been, are you still thinking about this boring fungal infection? Have you ever thought about complimenting my boat on how beautiful it is?"

Obviously, she felt helpless about Deathstroke's always rude speech. Even though she knew that this might be some kind of disguise of Deathstroke, couldn't she pretend to be a more serious person?

Deathstroke just smiled and spread his hands. The main reason is that the structure of a longship is too simple. There is nothing to praise it. It doesn't even have an engine and uses "human power". You can't praise the lighting effect, right?

This is not a computer mainframe. The glowing parts in the chassis can be filled to "improve performance." The Nagfar is a warship, so why make it so fancy?

Well, considering that his own battleships are all in the style of cathedrals with propellers on top, Su Ming is not qualified to say that HeLa is the only one.

The souls rowed the oars, and the huge long ship moved at an unreasonable speed. Its black sails seemed to be filled with wind, and stars were splashed on the bow, as if it was really Just like driving in the sea.

The destination of the group is the far shore. Nagfar is much faster than the dung boat. It does not use jump technology, but sails directly into the middle dimension, passing through the Wandering Path and walking to a higher level. route.

This is the advantage of the magic ship. The far shore should arrive soon. Of course, if Eternity is willing to mobilize its power to greet it, it should be faster.

Driving on the magical path, the light and shadow effects here are more gorgeous than in the main dimension. As a transit station connecting countless dimensions, it is always very lively.

Countless demons and ancient gods were peeping in the dark, and Su Ming could feel those sights. Among them were dimensional demons, wandering evil monsters, homeless crazy mages, shapeless conceptual entities, etc. .

But when they saw the black and yellow armor and recognized Deathstroke, the owners of these eyes all backed away.

Obviously, after killing Sithorn and Seth, Emperor Weishan's new Supreme Mage has become something tabooed by them.

That's good, at least the road is much smoother.


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