The Death Knell

Chapter 4500 Unity

"It's all your fault! Peter ran away with another woman!"

"Oh, what does it have to do with me? You are the ones watching next to him, not me."

"I don't care, it's your fault. Everyone agreed to wait and see who he confesses to. Where did you come from? And you ran away as soon as you arrived?" 「

"How do I know you have such a ridiculous agreement? There is no such boring game in Wakanda. Time is efficiency, and efficiency determines everything. I think you don't understand it at all?"

"Barbarians, I thought you Wakanda would have an advanced social system corresponding to the level of science and technology, but in the end it's still a tribal style of knocking out any man you like and taking him away."

"Are you not good at geography? The man you knocked unconscious and took away was an Amazon tribe in South America. Wakanda is in Africa. Thank you."

Holding the mobile phone she snatched from Peter in her hand, Michelle, the Latin Spider, was arguing with Su Rui across the Internet. The two people had similar skin colors, even their tone and speed of speech were similar, and they were both masters of yin and yang.

The Spider Girls were thrown away by Iron Man's speed car. After a brief discussion, they tracked all the way to Peter's home, but they were still a step too late.

I could only smell an unfamiliar perfume at the closed door, along with traces of cigarette ash and the smell of alcohol.

This made the girls immediately connect Peter's whereabouts with bad women. You know, not long ago, there was a bad woman named Black Cat who hooked up with Peter through hacking methods and sent some shameless messages to his Douyin account. s things……

"Stop arguing, girls. It's useless to argue now. We need to solve the problem, not shirk responsibility here."

Gwen was relatively calm. She briefly investigated the footprints at the door. As the daughter of the police chief, she had skills in this area:

"After excluding Aunt Mei's footprints, we can see that it was two women who took Peter away. One was wearing high-heeled boots, and the other was wearing low-quality snow shoes like those in the supermarket that cost five dollars a pair. Does anyone have any ideas? ?」

"If she wears snow shoes in autumn, then this woman must have foot odor." "

Cynthia immediately made a deduction, and her eyes became sharp.

Peter is the "descendant" of the totem, and she is the "bride" of the totem, so although she doesn't know the specific reason, she always feels an instinctive emotional impulse when she is close to Peter.

"Oh, God, is this the time you said this?" Mary Jane rolled her eyes speechlessly. She took out her mobile phone from her schoolbag. "Stop guessing. I'll call Aunt Mei. We are neighbors and we know each other very well." , Peter would definitely not dare not report to her before leaving home. "

"Fight quickly, fight quickly." Liz, the vulture's daughter, pursed her lips and urged somewhat eagerly.

Mary sighed and walked to a quiet place to make a call. While waiting for the call to be connected, she felt a little emotional.

Originally, the Spider Girl Alliance had nothing to do with themselves. Earlier, she had a boyfriend, Peter's good friend Harry.

But since Harry's father passed away, his boyfriend's personality has changed drastically, especially his choice to drop out of school and inherit the family business, which directly led to their breakup.

The gap in social status is so big that it was not noticeable at first, but after inheriting the Osborne Consortium, Harry has shown the aura of a billionaire who is unkind to his wealth in all aspects. What Mary hates the most is the rich man. Is it really amazing?

So after the breakup, she simply joined the other spider girls' games and paid attention to Peter.

Yes, it sounds like asking an honest person to take over, which is a bit bitch, but what beautiful girl doesn't want to fall in love?

The call was connected, but the communication process with Aunt Mei was more difficult than expected. For some reason, Mary felt that this neighbor's aunt seemed to have some opinions about her.

However, after many sincere requests, they got an answer, that is, former classmate Jessica took away Peter, along with a fat cosy girl who dressed up as a squirrel.

"They said they were going to Deathstroke's house. I think there's no problem. As long as he doesn't hang out with Deadpool or Iron Man, Peter should also hang out with other superheroes.

Super heroes communicate more, okay, I have to continue working. "

Aunt Mei, who was working her second job, said this, and there was the sound of someone taking orders from her side. It sounded like she was working as a waiter in a coffee shop.

"Thank you, Aunt May." Mary thanked her and hung up the phone, then returned to her friends to share the news with the girls.

"Going to Deathstroke's house?" Ghost Spider Gwen narrowed her eyes. She tugged on the pink schoolbag strap behind her: "It's unlikely. Peter and Deadpool have a very good relationship. I know that, but he doesn't know about Deathstroke at all." Jessica and Squirrel Girl are both from New York, so they most likely don’t know where their home is.”

"What should I do?" MJ tilted her mouth, and she scratched her curly hair. "Jessica didn't get along with others when she was in school. She was a strange girl. I met her accidentally last time when I was patrolling at night. She was also smoking cigarettes and talking to several men who looked like drug dealers."

"No way? I'm not in your class. I only know about Jessica and the fact that she dropped out of school." Liz looked in disbelief, as if she knew her father was the super villain "Bald" "Eagle" is the same as before: "Have we already had a classmate become a drug dealer?"

"Well, who can say for sure? Everyone has different choices." Mary sighed. She put away her mobile phone. Her schoolbag was the most mature red color among all the girls. "The key is now, we Where to find Peter? Who among you knows where Deathstroke's house is?"

"I don't know." Gwen tilted her mouth and clapped her palms: "But let's find a place to change into uniforms first, and then go find someone to ask. I know where the female Thor's cake shop is, and she is very close to Deathstroke. .”

"Ahem, little girls, I have a proposal." Su Rui, who was still on the video chat, coughed twice and spoke: "I know where Deathstroke's home is, and I also have a spaceship that can take you quickly. In the past, should we cooperate?"

"How did you know? We don't know." MJ was very vigilant, as if he was afraid of being deceived. Maybe he would get on a pirate ship and be sold to Africa, right?

"Because I am a genius in physics and have been observing the changes in the earth's gravitational field since I was three years old? Can I observe frequent energy reactions in a certain mountain range in North America, and there have been several rainbow bridges in the same area?"

Su Rui, the black girl on the other side of the screen, waved her hand impatiently and ended the topic:

"I told you, but you don't understand. Come on, do you want to cooperate with me? I can consider your boring small group games. By the way, in a certain way, I am also a "totem". You know ?"

Yes, as a member of the Wakanda royal family, Su Rui is also considered a dependent of the Leopard God. She is also an animal totem. This is probably the main reason why she and Peter hit it off.

Cats and spiders don't sound like they go together, but the Leopard God and the Spider God had a good relationship back then, and everyone followed the Blue Bird.

Upon hearing the word totem, the Spider-Girls had different expressions, but after exchanging glances, Gwen spoke on behalf of everyone.

"Okay, let's cooperate. As long as you obey the rules, we will be good sisters."

"That's good, don't waste time, just look up and find your own way up. I can't park on the street because I don't have a U.S. driver's license."

Su Rui smiled. She controlled her spaceship to release its invisible state. The huge spaceship showed a square shape above the heads of the girls, like a train carriage.


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