The Death Knell

Chapter 4501 Hospitality

Not to mention, Su Rui's spaceship looks silly, big and dark, but it has a lot of functions, and even the optical camouflage system is more advanced than the X-Men's aircraft.

This is probably a technological derivative brought about by Wakanda's outer barrier. That huge barrier can hide a country, and the scaled-down version should be more than enough to cover a spaceship.

The key is that the performance of this spacecraft in the atmosphere is also very good. It is very difficult to allow a large ship to escape the influence of gravity and freely enter and exit the atmosphere. It is a great test for the structural strength of the spacecraft.

Most space battleships must be assembled in a space dock from the beginning, and will not enter the atmosphere until the end of their service life.

Except for giant colonial ships, these ships are often disposable. Once they land, they never think about taking off again. They are often converted into outposts in place.

It seems that Wakanda's materials science is also unique. The vibranium spacecraft flew without any noise, and soon arrived over a mountain forest in Maine, which is not far from New York State. The girls were not even allowed to board the ship. A chance to say a few words later.

However, the people sitting in rows in the mountain villa at this time were actually not the people they were looking for.

"I will never drink again."

Barry was squirming on the dining table. There was a good-looking noodle in front of him, but he didn't seem to have much appetite. He just put his face on the table and looked at his teammates blankly:

"It's like being obsessed with something. It's so strange. Why did we all seem to have lost the ability to refuse that day? I can usually refuse when Deathstroke offers me a drink. Why did that little girl toast me that day, but I stretched out my hand again and again? go?"

This was talking about the hangover from the night before yesterday. Barry had not drunk enough, so he actually woke up at noon yesterday, but his hands and feet were weak and unable to move.

As for the other people, Neptune, Green Lantern John, and Cyborg, the situation is more serious. They have just regained their ability to move for a while, but fortunately, the expressions on their faces are similar at this time.

It's the kind of look that's a little weak, but not completely weak, or just low on energy.

"Isn't that the most unreasonable thing?" Cyborg lay on his back on the chair, facing the brown-red wooden ceiling with his eyes closed, because he would get dizzy when he opened his eyes: "I have obtained a super upgrade now, even if He has regained his flesh and blood body, but according to Deathstroke, he has definitely become stronger, how could he be drunk?"

Even with his eyes closed, Cyborg, who looked like Granny Yang, still shook his head unconsciously because he was still dizzy.

"I have this question too. "Arthur's long hair was as messy as weeds, and with a sallow complexion, he held back his nausea and said, "I usually drink a lot. I can drink several liters of the strongest whiskey, and I can still swim in the sea and participate in battles. What on earth were we drinking that night? Pure s***?"

"Lamp Ring, check my body."

John directly used the Green Lantern Ring to give himself a shot. Known as the Green Lantern Miracle, he was able to accomplish many things that other Green Lanterns could not do.

But the lamp ring just answered him with a mechanical voice, everything was normal.

If it weren't for the fact that the back of his head hurt terribly, as if there were bugs in his brain, then he would really believe it.

"Everyone, here comes the barbecue~"

At this time, Gin was carrying a huge tray with a whole roasted male adult wild boar in it. She came back from the garden with vigorous steps.

Smiling, he placed the tray on the table. After the long solid hemlock table made a heavy roar, the greasy aroma of the barbecue spread.

"You are all Slade's friends, so you are also my friends. You are welcome. Please enjoy the food. I will go to the basement to get a few barrels of mead."

There are no other spices in the Asgard fundamentalist barbecue, only a handful of salt, and the fat from the roast pig is still oozing out. Just by saying this, the big plate is already full.

"No, no, no, we won't drink anymore." Arthur, who usually loves to drink the most, waved his hand. When he smelled the greasy barbecue smell, he started to faint again, and when he heard the wine, he even retched: "Previously

We may have drunk denatured alcohol last night, so we are in a very bad state now. It is best to take a rest and return to our Earth 0 as soon as possible. "

As soon as these words came out, his teammates nodded, especially Barry, who decided not to drink again.

"So you should drink some good wine, our home-brewed wine. "Gin took out a dark blue battle ax with enchanted light from behind, and chopped off the head of the roasted pig with a bang: "Actually, in my hometown, if someone drinks too much, he will be killed the next day. If you have a big drink and exercise regularly, your drinking capacity will get better."

She worked very quickly. While talking, she pulled out the dagger from her belt and started shaving the pig's head. She first cut off the pig's ears and then went back to serve her men with wine. Then she split the pig's head in two with an ax and took out the meat inside. Brains, this is for Strangler to eat.

Others, such as noodles and pig faces, were cut into small pieces and added to the noodle bowls of the guests.

After all, they are here as guests. Even though they had a drink before, they still haven’t left today. You can’t let them eat plain noodles, right? That would be an embarrassment to your man. Fairy palace women are never stingy when it comes to hospitality.

She knew that Slade had the best relationship with Barry, so she put the whole pig's mouth into the latter's bowl, and now it looked like a little chimney on the noodles.

The four of them didn't know what to say for a moment. They looked at the large piece of pig skin in the bowl that still had the fearful expression before it died, and the burnt-black eyeballs like cuttlefish balls floating in the noodle soup. They all looked at it. Falling into deep doubt.

Is this what Deathstroke usually eats? What kind of strong willpower is this? !

However, Gin always did things neatly. She didn't even wait for a few people's replies and went straight to the basement to carry the wine. When she left, she let out a "lithithiazole" laugh, seeming to be very happy.

"How about we run away?" "Cyborg whispered to Barry, obviously intending to use the Flash's speed force to disappear instantly.

"No, wouldn't it be Batman to leave without saying goodbye? It's too rude." Barry picked up his fork and poked the pig's mouth in the bowl with some difficulty. "And given our current state, it's better to rest for a while." Okay, by the way, if any of you have seen Diana, she was still there yesterday."

"We all woke up later than you. You asked the wrong person. I...who is outside?!"

Arthur was talking when suddenly he seemed to feel something in his life force. He suddenly turned his head and saw that there was a row of strange masked people standing outside the window at some point. Each one of them had painted on their uniforms. Spider Web was lying on the window looking at the roast pig on the dinner table.


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