The Death Knell

Chapter 4502 The darkest afternoon?

Before entering the house, the spider girls were still lamenting that Deathstroke was too low-key. With his status and financial resources, the place he lived was not a castle or a white house, but an ordinary mountain cabin.

This wooden house looks like the size of an ordinary middle-class family's house. It has two floors, and it is estimated that there are about ten rooms inside. Counting the yards in front and behind the wooden house, the floor area does not exceed 500 square meters.

But when they walked outside the restaurant window and didn't have time to knock on the door, they were stunned by a group of people eating. Although they didn't know who these good guys were, the giant roast pig weighing almost a ton on the table was. They were all speechless.

One meal is so luxurious, how can it be so low-key?

The key is that Deathstroke himself is not here yet, and this is not a formal dinner.

However, the girls who were lying on the window watching the roasted pig were soon discovered. The few people who were dining were very calm. After discovering that they were just a group of underage children, they became less alert and invited them on behalf of the host. Go in.

Anyway, this pig will definitely have more to eat, and the person who can find this remote villa should also be a friend of Deathstroke, so let's share the burden together.

Facing several strange men, the girls were a little reluctant to let go. Su Rui was the best at diplomacy. She lifted up her skirt elegantly and saluted, and then came in through the back door of the garden.

"I'm Shuri from Wakanda. Hello, gentlemen."

"Uh, hello, kids." John Stewart smiled awkwardly. He watched the girls walk into the restaurant one by one, sat down at the dining table, and looked at the roasted whole pig very curiously: "If you are looking for As for Deathstroke, he is not at home, only Gin is. We are his friends and are here as guests.

"Well, I'm sorry to interrupt your party, but have you ever seen such a person appear?" Gwen took out her phone, opened the photo album, and showed the photo of Peter in a spider uniform swinging across a high-rise building: " We heard he was here, and we actually came to find him."

"No, at least we haven't seen each other when we are sober." Cyborg rubbed his face in pain. When there are more people, the environment becomes noisier. For people with a hangover, it just feels like their heads are about to split. .

After hearing this answer, the girls began to discuss. One said that Peter had disappeared and might have been abducted by Jessica and sold to drug dealers; the other said that Jessica would not do that and Peter should have followed her into space.

There are all kinds of opinions, and everyone thinks they are right. If three women are equal to a group of ducks, then the current situation is probably like a group of ducks in a frying pan. This made the hungover people miserable.

However, as Gin reappeared carrying four huge barrels, the headache-inducing controversy stopped. After all, as guests, the girls were not very familiar with the hostess here.

All I know is that she is a former Valkyrie, and she seems to have a very fiery personality, because all Asgardians are like that. "Hello ma'am, we are here to disturb you."

The girls all stood up and said hello, appearing very polite.

In response, Gin just smiled and invited everyone to sit down. When there is a banquet, there are always people who come uninvited. Anyway, the custom of the fairy palace is that all comers are welcome and everyone is an honored guest.

"Welcome, girls of the Spider Alliance, I heard the boss talking about you. Please sit down, you're welcome. Of course, the more lively the banquet is, the better. Just eat and drink to your heart's content. I hear you seem to have some problem? Let's eat while we're at it. While chatting.

Gin knew almost everything about the 40K universe, so naturally he was no stranger to these children.

As she said this, she lowered her arms and shoulders, and the four wine barrels she was carrying crashed to the ground. She punched one open, then found a large pile of five-liter horns from the kitchen and started serving wine to everyone.

Although the girls left school early today, it was actually time to eat. When they saw the barbecue in front of them and the golden drinks that looked like liquid amber, their stomachs rumbled in dismay. .

Mead is really deceptive. It only smells fragrant and sweet, and there is no pungency in your mouth when you drink it. But in fact, mead brewed with the ancient method of Asgard often has a higher alcohol content.

It's sixty degrees upward.

Gin didn't care about the American rule that teenagers under the age of twenty were not allowed to drink. According to the customs of the fairy palace, as long as children can drink milk, they should be able to drink.

So she filled a large glass for each of the girls, and with a smile, she asked the adjutant to send a few androids over to serve as waiters.

But just when everyone divided the pork and was about to start eating, everyone clearly felt the tremors on the ground, as if something was moving underground, accompanied by a cold breath, whooshing under the door. Come in.

Everyone here is a superhero, so it goes without saying that they are alert, not to mention that some of them also have super sensory skills such as spider sense.

"It seems like something is approaching, and I feel a tingling sensation in my back." Mary Jane put down the horn cup. She looked around warily, but the trees in the forest were still rustling in the wind, and the flowers in the garden were still there. Bright, nothing seems wrong.

"I felt it too." Gwen put on her mask again, her head turning rapidly: "There should be something approaching us underground. "

"Justice League, prepare to fight!" Arthur stood up. His feeling was the most obvious. As the owner of the power of life, he could clearly feel an opposite energy gathering around everyone.

No, not only the people around them, but all the areas within the range of perception seemed to be filled with death energy.

As the first-line superheroes of the Justice League, the four naturally did not want minors to participate in the battle, so although they were still a little unwell, they were still ready to fight.

Especially Barry, who had already started to warm up by raising his legs in place.

At this moment, the ground in the garden began to turn, the soil was lifted high, and the turf was pushed down in reverse.

The next second, a white bone emerged from under the soil, then a skull, and then the entire body. Two purple will-o'-the-wisps appeared in the skull's pupils. It shook the soil on its body and quickly locked onto it. Everyone alive.

It has no eyes, but strangely, people seem to be able to see a kind of hatred in its eyes. It is different from the common hatred of the dead towards the living, but more like... a personal grudge?

This is just the beginning. More and more similar skeletons emerge from the ground one by one and appear in front of everyone. At a glance, there are no less than hundreds of them. The purple will-o'-the-wisps outside the window can almost be used for lighting.

"This skeletal structure should be that of a North American brown bear." Cyborg began to deform, and his hands turned into huge leaf blowers: "Strange, why are there so many bear skeletons around Deathstroke's house? And they are still hiding corpses now. Oh! I didn’t make it last time during the black light night, so I still couldn’t escape?”

"Concentrate, it's not dark yet. " John used lamps and rings to reveal wooden boards to strengthen the doors and windows of the villa, and then prepared to go out to fight. "This is not a night, it's not even dusk. We may have a long night.

As soon as he finished speaking, the densely packed bear skeletons outside the window launched an attack. They opened their mouths wide and let out a silent roar, and then began to attack the villa.


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