The Death Knell

Chapter 4503 Sea of ​​the Dead

"Chief, the Earth is under total attack."

Deathstroke was taking a ride on the deck of the nail ship. While telling Carol what type of monster the flying behemoth he saw just now was, he was playing with the small stove in front of him to bake sausages.

But the news from the adjutant was obviously not good, and it was somewhat unexpected.

"What's going on?" Looking at the projection of the beautiful girl floating aside, Su Ming raised his eyebrows: "The earth's defenses are very complete, and there should be no possibility of large-scale landings by foreign invaders."

The adjutant did not explain in words, but directly projected the entire topography of the earth. Then he clicked on a few places, and the corresponding enlarged images appeared.

The situation in these pictures is similar. All kinds of skeletons or mummies are chasing humans. Originally, a large number of people left the earth to explore space, which caused today’s social structure to be unstable. So now, except for the Celestial Dynasty, many other There is anarchy everywhere.

This sudden attack only made matters worse.

"These undead are the same as what we saw on the space station." Hela reached out and pulled one of the pictures, zooming in a little to observe the details: "The purple flames in the pupils are the effect of the seeds of death. These There is no soul at all in the remains, it is just an evil thought that can control the body."

This time it's not an invasion from outside, it's something inside Midgard being exploited.

"A simulated soul?" Su Ming was not in a hurry. Anyway, his own territory must be impregnable. After all, Karma Taj and Ancient One were in charge.

"You can say that the Death Seed has re-cultivated a simple idea in these skeletons. It must be the kind that only listens to its orders. These ideas drive the skeletons to carry out some attacks."

"They... are quite weak." Carol was looking at another scene, in which some arrogant black men smashed a skull with a baseball bat: "All you need to do is break the skull and extinguish the purple flame. That’s it, ordinary people can do it if they are brave enough.”

"The army of the undead is difficult for the living to handle, not because of their individual combat power, but because of their numbers." Hela was not as optimistic as Carol. She tilted her head and clicked on the earth a few more times, opening a Surveillance in different areas: "How many bones have you humans buried underground in Midgard?"

"I can't say for sure. As you know, I don't even bother to care about the living, let alone the dead. I can't dig out every dead person to see their condition, right?"

Su Ming shook his head. He reached out and clicked on a location on the projection globe. He saw that his villa was being besieged by a group of bear corpses, while the Justice League and the Spider-Girl Alliance were busy at work. He showed an interested smile:

"If you include all kinds of dead animals and ancient fossils, the initial estimate is one trillion? Speaking of which, the bones of bears seem to be stronger."

Their strengths are limited. These undead creatures are no match for the four members of the Justice League, not to mention that the villa's own defense mechanism has not yet been activated.

While others were fighting monsters, Gin was still drinking. She seemed to want to observe the fighting power of these heroes.

It has to be said that after the upgrade, Cyborg became much more powerful. He could also turn into an electric oven, but he also acted as a corpse cremator.

Teammates only need to catch each skeleton bear and throw them into the open... mouth of the electric oven?

And there is good news. Judging from the current number of bear corpses, it is far less than the total number that Su Ming and Gin have eaten over the years. This shows that not all biological remains can be completely preserved, or in other words, dead. The seeds cannot fully utilize all the bones.

"There are really so many bear skeletons around your house. I know that all Asgardians like to hunt bears to prove their bravery, just because bears are stronger than lions and tigers."

Hela shook her head speechlessly. She knew immediately that this was Misty's masterpiece:

"But I thought you would strangle and chew the bones after eating the meat, but I didn't expect that you would leave many bears with complete skeletal structures."


In fact, these bears are basically strangled and eaten. They will chop off the meat and brains, and the bones will be thrown down the mountain. "

Deathstroke calmly turned off the picture of his villa and turned on the surveillance of Kama Taj.


The strangled black bean sprouts sprouted from the man's shoulders, rising and falling, indicating that it was indeed the case. Who would chew the bones when there was meat to eat? Do you lack that bite?

Gin's habit of grilling meat is hard to describe. No matter what is being grilled, the host usually just takes a bite of it. Gin eats a piece of meat, and the rest is all the symbiote's.

It doesn't like to eat food with only salt and no other seasonings, and the bear's genes are of no use to it. Eating them is purely to help the host.

The situation in the picture is good now. There is peace in the Himalayas. Some climbers' corpses have been resurrected into zombies, but with that amount, they can't even get close to Huaxi Village at the foot of the mountain.

As the largest mage market on earth, the most indispensable thing there is is capable spellcasters.

Not to mention Master Gu Yi taking action, even Modu was still basking in the sun in the yard and applying palm oil to the black hair on his chest. His life was no different from his usual life.

The general environment of the Celestial Dynasty is also the best. Su Ming probably took a few look at different provinces and cities, but there was no problem. It must be because cremation is popular, and there are no corpses for the enemy to use. The most important thing now is to guard the border. To prevent foreign skeletons from being smuggled in.

But how to arrange it is Lao Zheng's business, and Su Ming will not go to the kitchen to do it for him.

As a supreme mage, he only needs to make sure that Kama Taj is okay, the four holy sanctuaries are okay, and the few allies are okay.

One of Wakanda and Latvinia is extremely technologically advanced, and the other also promotes cremation, so now they are as stable as a mountain.

Not to mention the utopia of mutants. It was originally an isolated island created by Su Ming using the Cosmic Cube. Where did the corpses come from?

It's just that there may be whale fossils or something in the sea, but it's not a big problem. There are few acquaintances on the island now. Most of the teachers and students have gone to the Black Robe World for vacation. The other ordinary mutant residents? Not in Deathstroke. within the scope of attention.

"It looks like your home planet is in some trouble, Deathstroke." Thanos' gloomy voice appeared in his ears, but what he said was quite polite: "Do you need us to take a detour first? I can help you destroy these skeletons. But the condition is that they belong to me, I am going to crush them into powder and make cosmetics for my goddess."

"No need, Thanos. The cloaked people launched a full-scale attack on the earth. They were very blind. This just shows that they don't know where I am now." Deathstroke took a puff of cigarette and turned over the sausage on the grill: "If I go back, I will be exposed to their sight and lose the advantage of concealment. Then I have fallen into their trap."

"So, you and I are similar, facing the death of the same kind, we don't feel anything. "

The Mad Titan seems to have something in common with the Sorcerer Supreme.

That is, for the sake of a bigger and better goal, everyone is expendable, at least to him.

"It can't be said that I don't have feelings. People's hearts are made of flesh. For example, when I see someone killed by an old grandmother who crawled out of the coffin, I feel very sad..."

The smiling Su Ming asked Hangsha to click a few times on the area projection, glanced at one of the pictures, and shook his head regretfully:

"But the insecurity of the earth further proves the necessity of space navigation. The enemy inadvertently helped me advance my plan. I can use this matter to publicize and let more humans rush to enter the universe. As for this incident, For those who died, just consider them as sacrifices for the future of the race, so our destination remains unchanged and the mission continues."


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