The Death Knell

Chapter 4504 suddenly emerged

"That's weird, it should be right here."

Star-Lord released the joystick of the spacecraft and clicked frantically on the screen nearby. He first calculated the address given to him by Deathstroke, and then re-verified the path data of the spacecraft's more than ten space jumps.

Nothing was wrong, every step was correct, except that there was no data recording during the period of rafting due to a power outage.

Now that he has arrived at the promised "universe stage," he is ready to perform an inspiring adventure show with his teammates, but the key problem is that the promised stage is missing.

According to Deathstroke and the lieutenant, there should have been a desolate planet here, with prepared ancient tombs on the planet, and a lot of bionic monsters prepared to act as villains. The filming of Guardians of the Galaxy should have started here.

No matter what Deathstroke wants with that mockumentary, the Guardians of the Galaxy are space raiders, get paid and that's it.

But now there is only a dark universe in front of everyone. There are no stars in this universe, let alone planets that can be used for acting. There is not even a space rubble that a person can stand on.

"Could it be that the agreed coordinates are wrong?"

Gamora, who was in the fire control seat, tilted her head. She walked behind Star-Lord and leaned down to check the data. Although she felt Star-Lord secretly sniffing the scent of her hair, she didn't say anything superfluous.

Because the coordinates are correct, the navigation system used by our spaceship is operating normally, and the star map used is also the authoritative version recognized by the universe, and the coordinate system is common to the three empires, so there is no problem.

"I'm Groot."

The tree man sat in the last row of the cockpit. Because he was too big, he was not assigned any flying tasks.

"Groot said, you may have read the star map backwards, because a strongman like Deathstroke never makes mistakes." The little raccoon sat in the passenger seat and acted as a translator for everyone. Of course, after so many years of cooperation, everyone has more or less Everyone had a rough idea of ​​what the tree man was talking about, but Rocket's translation was the most accurate.

"This is a monitor. Although it is a bargain I bought from a lawless land, it is not made of paper." Star-Lord knocked on the center console and turned to the tree man speechlessly: "This kind of thing How is it possible to look at it from the other side?!"

"Get out of the way and let me see."

Rolling up his sleeves, Yondu still couldn't sit still. Star-Lord's poor flying skills before were like flying around while hiding from XZ. He also said that it was necessary for covert operations, which made him see the blood vessels on his forehead. Jump.

Now that I have encountered such a thing as trekking, it is simply an insult to myself.

That's right, Peter Quill's flying and navigation skills were all taught by himself. Now that his apprentice is performing so poorly, Yondu feels that he has lost face.

However, no matter who comes, the data will be correct and will not change due to subjective factors. The real destination should be 30,000 kilometers away in front of everyone, but now it is under the observation of the monitoring equipment. It was pitch black.

"Hiss..." Yondu straightened up, touched the red "fin" on his head, and put a cigarette between his rotten teeth to light it.

He couldn't imagine why this happened.

Flying a spaceship is actually similar to sailing. The chart is correct, the compass is correct, the people are correct, and there are no storms or tsunamis. Logically speaking, there can be no problems.

"How's it going? You didn't see anything, did you?" Star-Lord took out an apple from his pocket, rubbed it on the belly of his T-shirt, brought it to his mouth and bit it in a full circle, spitting out the broken pieces vaguely. Zha said: "I said I was right, why don't you believe me?"

"Maybe it's because you make mistakes too often."

The blue-skinned girl Nebula hugged her arms silently. She sat with the mantis girl and did not interfere with the investigation at all.

Although he was talking about damaging Star-Lord, in fact everyone still recognized this guy as a captain and believed in his driving and navigation skills.

If she really couldn't find the destination, she was more likely to think that Deathstroke or the adjutant had made a mistake.

But obviously, other people in the team seem to have a blind superstition about the death knell. When it comes to the man

People are just like talking to gods. If you express your thoughts and your thoughts will not be accepted, then just shut up and watch the fun.

"Really? Not that often, right?" Star-Lord twisted and danced to the moonwalk, slid to Nebula, and did a spin: "People always make mistakes, you can't always catch some of my mistakes and keep saying , this will hit my self-esteem."


The bald Xiao Lan sneered. It would be great if Star-Lord had self-esteem, but she really hadn't seen it since he joined the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"It's better to contact the adjutant and ask her to check the coordinates again. Rocket, you..."

Yondu was planning to ask the raccoon to contact him, because Deathstroke seemed to like small animals. Not long after he left, something went wrong on his side. He was a little embarrassed. If he asked the small animals to contact him, he might not be scolded too badly.

But just before he finished speaking, a galaxy that no one could see just now suddenly appeared in the space not far away.

It was a simple system consisting of a yellow star and three Earth-like planets. Except for their sudden appearance, which caused the spacecraft survey system to beep and scream, there was nothing unusual about it.

"How is that possible?" The raccoon wiped his eyes hard with two little black paws, and his sharp mouth opened wide. "Guys, am I the only one who saw a planetary system suddenly popping up in front of me?"

"No! I saw it too!" Drax patted his chest and testified to Rocket.

"We have all seen it, but this is too weird." Gamora frowned. She squinted her eyes and began to adjust the parameters of the survey system, trying to determine the attributes of the planetary system in front of her. Various technological surveys Use all means.

But no matter how hard she tried, the result remained unchanged. This was an ordinary celestial structure in space, existing in the material world, and there was no possibility of any cosmic illusion.

As the adopted daughter of Thanos, Gamora has destroyed countless planets with him, so she must be considered well-informed.

But she had never seen anything like this before.

Now if someone tells her that our universe is actually a chicken, and this chicken just laid an egg, she will find this statement very credible.

Unfortunately, no one would say that. Everyone was staring at the planet system that suddenly appeared and thinking.

However, this thinking process was very short, and was interrupted when Star-Lord knocked his fist on the palm of his hand. He seemed to have discovered some shocking secret, and said excitedly:

"I understand. This is Deathstroke's arrangement. That's right. The main reason why this planetary system is hidden is to prevent unrelated people from entering. At the same time, it is also to make the documentary we shot more realistic. This is an artistic process. In order to reflect the mystery of the universe to people. This must be the case, Gamora, please edit the external surveillance of the spacecraft just now. This is the beginning of our adventure! "

"Is the design of Deathstroke? It makes sense." Yondu nodded. He also felt that Star-Lord's analysis was very logical: "But there is still a problem. Deathstroke promised to arrange the replica temple in a deserted place. On a dead planet, but the three planets we see now are all vibrant Earth-like planets, which one should we go to?"

"Isn't this simple? Of course, just pick one at random. I've already thought about this!"

Star-Lord smiled crookedly, as if he was possessed by the Dragon King:

"This is also Deathstroke's arrangement. If we had chosen the right planet from the beginning, wouldn't things have gone too smoothly? The film would have looked fake, so we had to try to hit the wall first and have some setbacks, so that the film Only then can there be credibility.”

"Sure enough, the people on Earth understand the people on Earth best. Rocket touched his ears, and he accepted this statement.

Everyone felt that what Star-Lord said made sense, and started a new round of nodding, because when they thought about it, it was indeed Deathstroke's style, dark, hidden, and understanding of people's hearts.

What about Star-Lord, who was praised by everyone at this time? He had already shown a sly smile, put on his red leather jacket, tugged on the collar coolly, threw the apple core away, tilted his head and put on the headphones of the Walkman.

Listen to classic rock hits

He's getting high, and yes, that's when the fun begins.

Sitting back in the driver's seat, he held the joystick of the spacecraft and looked at the images of the three planets for a while. "After ordering his troops, he randomly selected a planet and flew over, preparing to land and get everything back on track. .

The earlier we start work, the earlier we finish the work. This is in everyone’s interest.


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