The Death Knell

Chapter 4505 Following one after another

"Interesting, a hidden planet system?"

The drop-shaped spaceship was hidden in the dim starlight in the distance. Loki rolled his long wavy hair with his fingers and smiled:

"The Guardians of the Galaxy are quite capable. Who would have thought that they would know such secrets of the universe? There is a hidden planetary system here, and there must be some interesting treasures in it, haha..."

Her curiosity came back. Originally she just wanted to follow the Guardians of the Galaxy to watch the fun, but she didn't expect such an unexpected surprise.

The universe is really mysterious.

"It may also be a secret base of space predators." Naturally, Xifu also saw that scene.

They had been quietly following behind the Guardians of the Galaxy spacecraft because they noticed it was flying in a weird manner. As a result, they now saw this fantasy scene. The planet system seemed to jump out of the darkness.

"Haha, it's unlikely, my Lady Sif."

Loki came to the conclusion without thinking. She lay enchantingly behind the driver's seat. The expression on her face seemed to be saying that Sif was childish, but she said in a gentle voice above the head of the former Valkyrie:

"If it's the base of the Predators, then the Guardians of the Galaxy won't be able to find it here. You must know that those people are not a united and warm family. They are cosmic mercenaries. Which mercenary would find such a secret place? , will you share it with your peers?”

"I am not 'yours, Lady Sif, Loki, I am your brother's fiancée."

Sif, whose tone was unkind, held her breath, but she had to admit that Loki was right.

Just as I didn't want to take Thor out and share it with human women, the cold-blooded and ruthless space mercenaries formed the large group of space raiders, but their internal structure was extremely loose, more like hugging together for warmth. Rather than a brother who digs his heart out.

They will not share their vested interests with their peers.

No matter who discovers this mysterious and livable galaxy, it involves immeasurable huge benefits.

Just seeing the images of the three planets from a distance, I knew that they were ecological planets with water, atmosphere, and various animals and plants.

Even if the discoverer is unable to develop them, they can just sell them. Each planet can be exchanged for countless wealth. If the atmosphere of a planet is golden, it can be sold for a sky-high price. Sovereign people buy things from No counteroffer.

They will only kill you and take the things away when your offer exceeds their psychological expectations.

This is normal, because Immortal Palace also has this style, or in Xifu's view, all civilizations that enter the universe will gradually become this style.

"Oh, how long can I keep the title of fiancée?" Loki muttered quietly, but deliberately made the sound loud enough to get into Sif's ears. "Thor will definitely marry that Midgardian woman..."

"You!" When Xifu mentioned this, her heart ached so much that she could hardly breathe, and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Stop talking, Loki." Frigga stopped Loki from continuing. She also walked to Sif and hugged her shoulders: "Don't worry, child, I won't allow this to happen. If Thor still recognizes me as his mother, he cannot marry a weak woman from Midgard."

Frigga thought more about it, not only the difference in life span that she had thought about before, but now she also thought about her son's descendants.

The physical quality of a hybrid of Asa and humans is definitely not as good as that of a baby born from a union with the Warner. If there is not a strong enough future leader, Asgard may experience another fall.

And it’s the kind that has no chance of turning over.

"Oh, okay, mother, it's my fault for speaking too quickly. "

Loki patted his mouth lightly, taking the opportunity to cover up the evil smile that he unconsciously showed because of watching the fun. After he explained to his mother in a decent manner, he apologized pitifully to Sif:

"I'm sorry, Sif, I shouldn't have made you sad again by mentioning my stupid brother, but you are a woman determined to become a queen, so you will definitely not complain.

It was an honest mistake on my part, right?"

What can Sif say about this? Ever since she was a child, she has never been Loki's match, especially when it comes to words.

When she was little, Loki's use of magic was immature, so she could still use wrestling to defeat the second prince.

But after the prince came of age, he had already mastered illusion magic. An Asgardian warrior of her level could not even touch a corner of Loki's clothes.

If you touch it one day, I'm afraid it's a trap deliberately left for fools to get into.

"I don't blame you, Loki, it's just in your nature. "Xif wiped her eyes with her calloused palms, sniffed hard again, and piloted the spaceship again, landing the Guardians of the Galaxy's spaceship in the distance: "Let's continue to follow, the Queen and I just need a place with beautiful scenery. Live broadcast somewhere.”

Neither Loki nor Frigga had any objections. Of course, they had different things in their minds.

"Ah, I found the spaceship that Loki stole. Haha, his magic to hide his whereabouts may be great. I don't know much about it, but I know that I am stronger."

Pushing away the projection in front of him, a lot of calculation formulas were thrown away by him. Tony stepped hard and was able to barely hook the Thor's shoulders. However, because his arms were too short, he could only barely reach the latter. neck, but this did not prevent him from laughing extremely arrogantly:

"Look at the good things your brother has done. Oh, he actually used that small spaceship to travel long distances? I heard that your mother and fiancée also ran away with him? Don't worry, brother, take care of it with me, I'll help you get back everything you lost, and then let your sister? I apologize to you. 「

In the bridge, everyone from the Avengers was present, as well as the SHIELD agent team, but everyone present had varying degrees of disgust at Tony's smile that made his tongue pop out of his mouth.

The good old Coulson showed the least disgust, he was smiling as always; while the Wasp, who couldn't pee in the same pot as Tony, showed the most obvious, she was making a show of vomiting.

"Loki is my brother, not my sister." Thor was carrying a big ax and sharpening it, wiping the ax blade with a stone, causing sparks to fly: "Also, I will not marry Sif, I love It’s Jane.”

"Dr. Foster? Ah, the one you took to the Avengers Tower party last time was Daisy's teacher, right?"

Tony curled his lips and retracted his arm. After all, it was too tiring and not elegant enough to stand on tiptoes all the time:

"She is quite good-looking, but if my information is correct, the goddess Sif should be more beautiful. Well, I don't mean to offend the ladies here, but Thor, I want to ask you, you don't Have you ever thought about wanting them all? Do you Asgard support polygamy? "

"According to tradition, yes." Thor put down his axe, perhaps thinking of Jane, which made the bearded man smile a little: "But I have been on Earth for so many years, and I feel that the American view of love is the right one. Yes, so I will only marry Jane, and she will become the future queen."

"Oh, ah, then may all your wishes come true, brother. "

Tony, who knows the United States very well, gritted his teeth and twitched the corners of his eyes because he only did a better job on the surface. The problem of illegitimate children has always been a common family problem among wealthy people in Europe and the United States.

He glanced at Captain America covertly, and Steve, who was trying some space ice cream with Bucky, also shook his head slightly.

The lifespan of ordinary people is still too short. It would be difficult for the Queen of Heaven to agree to this kind of thing. As Thor's colleagues and friends, they have nothing to say in the strong man's housework and can only wish him good luck.

The captain changed the topic:

"Okay, Tony, now that we have locked Loki's current location, let's quietly follow the jump. We need to follow up immediately to prevent her from doing something too extreme."

Iron Man sighed and cooperated with the captain, deliberately speaking in a provocative tone:

"Jarvis, activate the Celestial Force Field Generator and let our ancient

Captain Dong, look at what an artificial wormhole is. This is much more comfortable than the conventional space folding jump you know. It is my new invention. "

"Then why is it called the Celestial Force Field?" Dr. Banner noticed something.

"Ahem! Don't worry about those details, Jarvis, take us away quickly." Tony coughed and avoided the topic flexibly.


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