The Death Knell

Chapter 4506 Each shows his or her special powers

"The Avengers' ship opened a... black hole?"

Jessica tilted her head. The spaceship of their trio was currently on the far-end departure orbit of the Tianjian Bureau space station, mixed with countless water dropships, and it was inconspicuous at all.

But when she saw the ship with the "circle A" mark on the midpoint between the earth and the moon, it began to glow, and a miniature wormhole opened in front of the ship's bow, and she slipped into it, the female detective was still a little panicked. .

Isn’t this lost?

"It's not a black hole, it's a wormhole. It's very different in terms of mass and gravitational force against light."

Xiaochong admired Iron Man's technical level very much and clenched his fists with excitement:

"As expected of Mr. Stark, do you already have such technology? That's so cool. I wish I could be so powerful anytime. No, maybe I still hope to see another greater subject in the near future."

"What subject? Are you still a high school student?"

Squirrel Girl paused while eating melon seeds. She blinked her big eyes and asked curiously.

"Yes, I am a high school student, but I met a judge when I participated in the high school physics experiment competition."

Peter puffed up his chest a little proudly and explained to Doreen:

"He thinks I have great potential in scientific research, so he invited me to visit his project recently. Do you know what it is? You have to sit tight, that project is artificial sun."

"Oh, if I remember correctly, artificial sun is controlled nuclear fusion?"

The crooked squirrel girl started eating nuts again, and her big tail shook a few times:

"Iron Man's tokamak device, also known as the Ark reactor, should be controllable micro-cold fusion, right?"

Doreen's college major is computer science. She is not a physics professional, but she is not illiterate either. Naturally, she has heard of the artificial sun.

"It's almost the same, but there are differences. Artificial sun has temperature. We can use that light and heat instead of letting the device do work to generate electricity." Peter was going to say more, but he saw that Jessica on the side had already begun to face the problem. Looking at him expressionlessly, he could only change his words: "What should we do next? The Avengers have been lost to us."

Seeing that the topic was back under her control, Jessica felt very satisfied. Simple boys were afraid of girls getting angry, and she took advantage of this.

But she still shook her head, sat on the chair and crossed her legs, took a sip from the cigarette in her hand, and replied while puffing away:

"I'm a detective. You ask me to investigate the body of a drunk man in an alley where I can't see my fingers. I can tell how many shots he received before he died and what he had for his last meal. But you want me to be in the universe. Tracking the footprints of a spaceship? Then you really think highly of me, old classmate."

"Then what should we do? Wait, let me think about it. Maybe I can..."

Xiaochong also knew that it would be difficult to ask Jessica to complete interstellar tracking, so he decided to play his role as a crew member.

Is it tracking using gravitational waves? Or with gamma rays that can traverse the entire universe?

Get moving, Peter, get your brain moving!

But at this moment, Squirrel Girl, who was unwilling to squeeze into the captain's seat with Jessica because she was getting fat, so ran to the CIC control seat to eat and drink, raised her hand.

"I know what to do, kids. Your sister Doreen has a way." She stretched out her baby-fat little hand and pointed to the airspace where the Avengers spaceship disappeared just now.

After the Avengers disappeared, a huge fleet in the lunar synchronous orbit was revealed in the distant background behind it.

Those spaceships were extremely huge, each with gold and red collision paint, and the surface of the ship was densely packed with giant energy turrets that looked like hedgehog spikes.

That is the Nuvali fleet, which was invited by Deathstroke to escort the people on Earth who have just entered space. At the same time, this fleet is also responsible for remotely commanding the resumption of work and production of many Nuvali factories located in the wild continent of Antarctica.

Yes, the three of us will definitely not be able to find Iron Man driving him

Where did the Nala Feng battleship jump? But as the Squirrel Girl who participated in the operation with Deathstroke last time, she had seen with her own eyes the technological level of those dog aliens.

Deathstroke also said that in terms of space technology, the Nuvalis are very powerful, especially now that the Transcendent Protoss have been wiped out, only the Constructors should be slightly stronger than them.

In short, this level of technology should be better than Iron Man.

They most likely know where the Avengers went through the wormhole. In this case, what Doreen has to do now is to try whether she can brush her face like Deathstroke in the alien place.

After explaining this and that, Jesse and Peter both agreed with this method, so their spacecraft left the space station and flew towards the lunar orbit, and Doreen began to call the hedgehog fleet.

Almost immediately, the communication was connected. It was difficult for Doreen to tell whether she had seen the dog-headed toad alien opposite, but she could see the other person's eyes and expressions. It was obvious that this person knew her.

"Hello, hello, lady who looks like a human and a squirrel from the earth, we meet again."

The dog was wearing a gold and red high-tech armor and looked like a small version of Iron Man. He spoke in a standard British London accent. At the same time, the alien rubbed his hands with excitement:

"Does our eternal friend Mr. Deathstroke want to inform us of something? No problem, the big bosses have already given instructions before I set off. Our Nuvali fleet will actively respond and fully cooperate with our friends' needs."

Peter's mouth opened unconsciously in surprise. He glanced at Jessica, and the girl was in a similar situation.

The two of them were young and had no idea that Deathstroke would have such a powerful influence in the universe.

I used to think that Iron Man's battleship was very powerful and the wormhole technology was very cool, but now things have changed.

Obviously the fleet in front of them is much stronger than the Avengers, and these aliens are extremely respectful to Deathstroke. This gap was immediately apparent, because the Avengers were not even within the range of these aliens before.

Sure enough, technology is still no match for interpersonal relationships. Deathstroke is still much stronger than Iron Man, and this power is even very hidden. If he hadn't teamed up with Squirrel Girl today, I'm afraid no one would know about it.

"Well, it actually doesn't have much to do with Deathstroke, but you can also think it's what he meant." Squirrel Girl was not very good at lying, so she blushed, lowered her head, stared at her toes and said, "We need to secretly follow Get on the ship that just left through the wormhole jump, can you help me?"

Everyone in Nuvali is very simple, and they have no doubt that Squirrel Girl will lie, because Deathstroke is a business partner, and Squirrel Girl is his follower, and everyone is one and mutually beneficial.

"No problem, or in the words of your earth, it's a piece of cake, haha." Commander Dog laughed, which sounded a bit like a frog's cry. "Well, the spacecraft you are using now has insufficient propulsion power. I will take you directly to the coordinates where the ship arrives, please sit tight."

Having said that, a giant ship in the fleet broke away from the queue and instantly came to the top of the trio's spacecraft. After a beam of light shot out and covered the small ship, the big ship took them into the invisible state and completed the tracking jump at the same time.

Just as Squirrel Girl thought, for Nuvali's level of technology, tracking a wormhole trip is as simple as a casual matter.

In fact, they arrived earlier while the Avenger was still drilling in the wormhole, so now, after thanking and watching the Nuvali battleship jump away, the three of them still had plenty of time to appreciate what was not far away. A somewhat unfamiliar but very beautiful four-body planetary system.


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