The Death Knell

Chapter 4507 High Emotional Intelligence Statement

As a long horn sounded, the black ship made of fingernails began to slow down slowly, the starlight splashing on the bow gradually calmed down, and the bulging sails quietly fell.

The longship seemed to continue moving forward with inertia, like a loach, "sliding" into its eternal home, that is, the far shore dimension, a blank place with almost nothing.

Jumping off the longship from the side, Deathstroke already had a weapon in his hand, because just now, he saw Eternity lying on the ground. The current situation was one of unknown life and death.

"Everyone be on alert, Thanos, protect our casters."


Thanos sneered, but the tall body still did as he was told. He came behind Hela and took the rear position for the team.

However, feeling Thanos's oppressive gaze staring at the back of her head, the goddess of the underworld gave Deathstroke a speechless look. She actually didn't need protection. Being half-dead gave her a strong ability to withstand blows, and she was very resistant to blows. I am also confident in my martial arts skills.

But Su Ming ignored her. At present, Eternal Life seems to have been knocked down. If the murderer is still there, it may not be easy to get rid of. Naturally, professional soldiers should do the work of soldiers.

Carrying the lightsaber and flying towards Eternal's huge body, it was like arriving at the foot of a lying mountain. Su Ming reached out and turned the giant lying on the ground, causing the entire space to tremble.

Countless stars in the eternal body are also shaking, and the dark black body surface is floating like water waves, but for now, he should not be in fear of his life.

Because when he was helping the master turn over, he let Zhuo Zhu scratch his paws under the opponent's ribs a few times. The ticklish Eternal responded like a neurological reflex, which was to twitch a few times.

This shows that he...

"Not dead, just unconscious." Deathstroke retracted his weapon and motioned for everyone to come closer.

"Wait, if I remember correctly, the Eternal God should be the embodiment of a concept, right? Do you think he is in a coma?" Carol followed Deathstroke. She also noticed these details through the above experiments, but then Trapped in a logical paradox.

Because theoretically speaking, conceptual embodiments are not flesh and blood. They are more like singularities in the universe that exist for the convenience of other living beings to understand, or for "existence".

No matter which one they are, they are more like a pattern, a program, an idea, and a setting responsible for the way the multiverse operates.

So logically speaking, they should not be in coma, because the eternal body only has a collection of concepts of space, not even organs, so how can it show biological signs?

Jumping onto Eternal's chest, which was facing up, Su Ming took off his mask, lit another cigarette, and said to the female pilot who was following closely:

"I said he was comatose just to make it easier for you to understand. His current state can be considered as stagnant, paused, stuck, collapsed, whatever word you like, because it is difficult for human vocabulary to describe creation. The state of God and all the details must be understood spiritually.”

For example, if a person is a torsion structure engineer for silicon-based integrated circuit terminals, many people may not understand what this master does.

But isn’t it much easier to understand if it’s said to be a screwdriver in an electronics factory?

This is the truth. Anyway, in Eternal's current state, he can't move and seems to have lost most of his perception of the outside world, because even if Su Ming hits his chest, he doesn't have any reaction.

I have to say that the Eternal God’s skin is really smooth and her feet feel good.

"I understand, he just stopped moving anyway."

Hela was carried to the death knell by a pile of black stone spikes. Her black ponytail shook a few times, and she also tried to step on eternity with her feet. A suspicious flush appeared on her pale face, as if she was thinking that she could destroy the wound. The gods of the world stepped on him and made him excited:

"Then what should we do next? Eternal has no brain, how can we get information from him?"

In the past, she always wanted to prove that she was stronger than Odin and the strongest warrior in Asgard, but now? Who still cares about the three-acre land in Asgard?

Ah, just ask Odin to escape while standing on the chest of eternity, can he do it?

Thanos' method was more direct. He bent his knees slightly and jumped up, but he didn't say anything. He just calmly looked down at his feet, where countless stars were spinning around.

"No rush, let's go to Eternal's face first and see if he can blink."

Deathstroke answered Hela and exhaled another puff of smoke. The eternal size could be infinite, but in its current state, when lying flat, it would be only a few kilometers long. Does this size mean that before he was "coma", Have you ever come into contact with anything of the same size?

In addition, as long as Eternity is not dead, logically speaking, there shouldn't be a big problem...right?

As he spoke, everyone had already jumped onto Eternal's face, jumped over the abyss that was probably the mouth, and also bypassed the hillside that was probably the nose.

Soon, Eternal's glowing eyes appeared in front of everyone.

But at this time, those eyes that used to be full of starlight were wide open, like two pools of water with beams of light. There were no waves on the water, let alone the emotions that might be revealed in the waves. Eternity was obviously a The look of death with a look on his face, if he is really dead.

"Ah, it seems that there is no way to play the 'yes or no' question by blinking, my eternal god..." Su Ming squatted down and patted the black eye socket near the corner of the eye: "Me neither I know if you can hear what I say now, but in your current situation, if you need me to save you, I may have to pay a little more price?"

Eternity must be saved, as the embodiment of the concept of multiverse space, at least not until Deathstroke is ready to replace him.

But the work cannot be done in vain, you must get some benefits from eternity.

So after finishing speaking, Su Ming took out the paper from his pocket and began to draft the contract in triplicate, writing quickly and explaining at the same time:

"The deal is like this. I will restore you from your current state, and then you will do something for me in the future, okay?... If you don't say anything, I will take it as my acquiescence. Happy cooperation."

He is worthy of being the God of Creation. It’s a pleasure. Eternal is very wise now. It seems that the method I used to defeat him last time no longer needs to be used.

He signed the contract himself, and used the Force to grab the eternal eyelashes, blacken them and use them as pens to complete the signing on his behalf, and then asked Emperor Weishan to witness everything.

But unlike usual, the third contract was not burned up in a burst of will-o'-the-wisps. This time, the third contract flying into the sky was caught by a pair of hands that suddenly appeared. A goddess in a gorgeous dress appeared lightly. She turned the page while While signing the contract, he said:

"If Eternity becomes the Court of Life in the future, his authority will include suppressing us. Emperor Weishan cannot help you witness this contract. You can only believe in Eternity's credit."

"Hmm... my goddess, she appeared a little unexpectedly..." Su Ming narrowed his eyes and took a puff of cigarette: "But you are right, you want me to believe in the embodiment of a universe concept? This is indeed He is not even a living creature, he is worse than an alien..."


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