The Death Knell

Chapter 4510 Little Green Man

In the misty and disordered space, there are only gaps and singularities between worlds. The black space fragments are like newborn babies, pulled by invisible umbilical cords, surrounding the people in the river of Planet Devourer's corpses.

But here there is only the breath of destruction, and nothing is born, including the giant in front of you.

He was dressed like a Greek god, with green sheets and green skin, but his face looked a bit like a black man, with his upper lip slightly raised, making him look like a slightly unruly and proud boy.

The green man's hair is black, and there is a lock of white highlights in the bangs on his forehead, which also looks like messy dog ​​hair.

His figure was almost as tall as Swallowing Star. He lowered his head and stared at the four of them as if he were looking at ants.

"Who are you?!"

Thanos couldn't accept this kind of look. He used to look at other creatures with similar looks in the past. How long ago was he looked at like this?


The giant answered with a voice like thunder. His lofty gaze passed over Thanos' purple bald head, then fell on the black and yellow human body, and said:

"I know you, Deathstroke."

"Very well, I know you too. This may be helpful to our conversation. Let's discuss the terms straight to the point."

Su Ming stepped out from the crowd, the lightsaber in his hand glowing with golden light, but there was no emotion in his words, only calmness.

The talisman is a unique existence in the multiverse, so the information Su Ming mastered in his previous life is still quite accurate. There is no need to worry about the origin of the background due to the problem of parallel universes causing too much discrepancy.

This green-skinned monster is actually the embodiment of a concept. He probably appeared somewhere between the time when the first firmament died and when eternity was formed in the second firmament.

The concept it represents is very complex, a metaphysical and very abstract "end and destruction".

Different from the styles of Phoenix Force or Galactus, which often bring about a slash-and-burn life after destruction, the destruction of the runes is a more desperate and future-less destruction, with a fatalistic feel. A sense of hopelessness.

And this is obviously not what the sky needs, so in every reincarnation, the talisman is sealed in the eternal heart, existing like another personality.

At the same time, in order to prevent the talisman from appearing, Eternity also prepared a back-up plan, and this back-up plan was the Planet Devourer.

Before there are enough doomed planets to awaken the talisman, let Galactus eat them all, so that the talisman will not have a chance to awaken.

But obviously, in the previous multiple fusion events, too many parallel worlds disappeared, and too many Star Eaters from different universes died.

They all now exist in the multi-eternal body, right in front of everyone, like a purple galaxy, and the sweetness of these destruction and despair, the imbalance of restraint, finally awakened the talisman.

However, Eternity is still alive now, so the talisman cannot get out and cannot leave.

He is waiting, waiting for eternity to "die". When the time comes, he will go out and bring destruction to everything in the multiverse.

So to put it simply, it can be regarded as a doomsday button, because if he destroys the multiverse, the next cycle will start again, and a new era of the sky will appear again.

Su Ming actually wanted to kill the talisman here, after all, its existence was a hidden danger.

But nowadays, there is a group of mysterious hooded and cloaked people who are looking for trouble for humans. The priority of dealing with the "cell" and the magic runes is not particularly high, and I have not prepared any props that can easily win.

It's better not to fight if you can.

Yes, all the abilities of the rune are basically like a replica of eternity, such as reshaping space, manipulating time, modifying the properties of matter and energy, etc.

In addition to not having some eternal permissions, he does not have the disadvantage of being ticklish, but he has another weakness, which Su Ming knows.

"Oh, a weak carbon-based life actually wants to negotiate terms with me.


Talisman gave a crooked smile. He looked very impatient, and even turned around so arrogantly that he continued to play with the corpses of the Galactus instead of looking at the location of the death knell:

"You guys are like dust, you don't understand how powerful I am. Mortals, you just need to leave quietly and wait to be destroyed."

It was obvious that he didn't think Deathstroke had anything worth talking about.

It might be pride, it might be true confidence, of course, it might also be pure cerebral palsy.

The dark Supreme Mage was more inclined to the last possibility, so he nodded and waved for everyone to go back the way they came, even as he conspired loudly:

"Well, it seems we can only go to the Infinite God and tell her that the magic talisman was causing trouble in Eternal's body and knocked Eternal unconscious. It just so happens that what I did also needs a scapegoat. Hey, that's it. That’s great, I guess Talisman doesn’t understand what scapegoat means, right?”

It must be understood. Su Ming said this just to stimulate the other party's emotions.

As the embodiment of concepts, almost every cosmic power has an ability called "extraordinary understanding." No matter what language you speak or what allusions you play with them, the conceptual entities can immediately understand that this is given by the universe itself. permissions.

Of course, if Su Ming said something "outside," such as "Your mother's name is Martha," then because this matter does not exist in the Marvel universe, it cannot be understood by the concept.

This is one of Deathstroke's strengths as a time traveler.

The next second, Su Ming felt a malicious attack from behind, but being prepared, he immediately turned around and swung his lightsaber.

An invisible force field was split open. It was obviously the talisman intending to capture a few people. As a concept embodied, he was actually quite despicable. You must know that many gods in the universe would not take action behind the backs of mortals.

After the sneak attack failed, the magic rune still wanted to continue to activate its ability, and it was still the power of manipulating space to launch a more powerful attack.

But now that everyone is in the eternal body, it is not up to him to decide how much power of rules can be mobilized. His ability is not ready yet, but he saw the black sun first.

There is a white corona that stirs like tentacles, and a darkness that is darker than the background of the universe. The black in it drips from the sky like a viscous liquid and falls on his body and head.

Deathstroke nodded, as if to show that he was satisfied, and said:

"Very good, very energetic. Now I decide to see if there is any brain in your head. You'd better hope you don't have a brain, otherwise..."

After saying that, all kinds of cosmic energy suddenly lit up on the body of Death Knell, but what is worthy of attention is that the energy attribute of Death Knell can still switch continuously, and soon it became the planet devourer, no, the life seeder. The same golden light.

While he was still thinking about why this was happening, Deathstroke had already crossed tens of thousands of meters with his lightsaber and arrived in front of him.


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