The Death Knell

Chapter 4511 The siege of justice

Eternity cannot be killed because “if space dies, it means the multiverse may collapse.

But the talisman can be killed, because the destruction it represents is only a "result", not the "cause" of something.

There are not many entities that symbolize destruction in the universe. Even if you go to hell and pull out a demon king, it may have some concept of destruction. Therefore, if you kill the talisman and collect his body, even if he has no brain, Su Ming has a different idea. method to get information from him.

The method is relatively simple, just shake people.

Ao Shutu had already stated his position just now, saying that Emperor Weishan would always be the Supreme Mage's backing. Let's not talk about how sincere this statement was, but if they were asked to help study the corpse, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Even though Emperor Weishan may not have any expertise in this area, where are the connections of the veteran Ancient Gods? We can't let them help find the Eight Demon Gods.

If the Eight Demon Gods can't do it, they can ask others for help, even if they are looking for powerful enemies like the Ash Trisolaris or the Anti-Trinity. As the old enemies of Weishan Emperor, there is nothing they can't talk about.

Of course, it is still unknown whether the magic rune has a brain, it is best to have it.

So Su Ming's first strike was a jumping chop. He wanted to see what was under the opponent's skull.

It is known that the body of eternity is filled with "space", but what about the body of the talisman? It can't be just a pack of Shet, right?


Facing the sudden attack, Talisman raised his hands and tried to resist Deathstroke's attack with his arms. He succeeded, but only half succeeded.

As a weapon specially forged to deal with various gods, Deathstroke's lightsaber instantly turned into a giant sword thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters wide. One sword cut into the Talisman's thick left arm.

The sound just now caused a change in the expressions of both parties.

The reason for the change in Talisman's expression was surprise. He did not expect that he would be hurt by Deathstroke, because as a "parasite" in Eternity's body, he had seen Deathstroke deal with Eternity twice by tickling him. He had no idea about this supreme being. What kind of destructive power a mage can have if he gets serious.

This sword is not only a physical attack, but also uses the energy of Galactus that he hates most. It is also accompanied by more than a dozen dark-based concepts, which is like a hodgepodge of conceptual attacks.

Fear, madness, chaos, bloodthirsty, greed, and many other negative emotions rushed into his mind instantly.

Not only that, Deathstroke also had a symbiote and a cloak. When he was chopping, the two also launched attacks at the same time. The strangled tentacles drilled all the holes in the body of the talisman, while the cloak tried to trip his legs.

Even the black sun in the sky stretched out countless tentacles, as if there were ancient beings standing on the side of the death knell...

The other person whose expression changed slightly was naturally Deathstroke. Although this expression was hidden under the black and yellow mask and not shown, it was actually a smile.

Because he split the opponent's flesh with one tentative sword strike. The sound just now was when the blade penetrated almost halfway into the opponent's arm and struck something like a bone.

If the Talisman has bones, although it is not known why he would imitate the structure of a carbon-based creature, this is good news, meaning that he probably has an organ like a brain.

At the same time, the attacks from Su Ming's teammates also arrived, and they also caused damage to the talisman.

Hela has the Sword of the Night Sky in her hand, and she masters part of the concept of death. Death belongs to one of the five gods, and is naturally one of the advanced concepts.

She was also very cunning, choosing to launch a long-range attack at a medium distance. The black long sword struck out streaks of black light, and the light condensed into black spikes and shot densely at the feet of the magic rune.

Yes, Hela chose to cooperate with the attack of the magic floating cloak, because the cloak is Deathstroke's strongest defensive item and can resist almost all energy attacks except in rare cases.

She felt it was safer this way.

Thanos's attack method is simpler. He only needs to set gems on the Infinity Gauntlet. Although he only has one power gem left in his hand, the concept is not bad. He chooses to go around behind the enemy and jump up violently. Hit the opponent's leg, it seems

It was to make the talisman kneel down.

You know, even eternity would not dare to say that Thanos is dust. Obviously, Talisman's previous words angered the Mad Titan.

He desperately wants to find death, and every enemy that stands in his way makes him furious.

Carol was the most noisy among them all. She directly entered the binary star form, and her whole body had turned into a ball of golden human-shaped flames, even lighting up the corner of the endless darkness brought by the death knell.

Then she played with herself as a human cannon, that is, hitting the talisman with her body, anywhere.

She didn't have a clear goal. Anyway, she hit wherever she could. The main purpose was to take advantage of her flying skills and act as a containment.

It's because he was abandoned by his master who participated in the war just now, and no one took care of the orange cat. This glutton plucked its limbs in the dark space as if swimming, and swam towards the galaxy composed of the corpses of Galactus.

Compared with the fallen Galactus, he was so small that he could not even be counted as dust.

But when it opened its mouth, a large number of red tentacles wrapped around the head of one of the swallowed stars, and then began to "storm inhale" the giant body like noodles, the scene became as funny as a snake eating an elephant.

Even after eating half of the giant corpse of Galactus, its belly didn't bulge at all. Instead, it became more energetic and ate faster.

The magic rune has activated the concept of space and wants to distance itself from several people by changing the properties of the nearby space.

But today, Deathstroke had put down a little bit of capital. As long as the other party did this, he would immediately activate the Time Gem, returning everyone's position to a close combat situation.

Every time he hits a talisman with his sword, he will overwrite the "save" on the timeline to ensure cumulative damage.

Speaking of which, the Talisman has some time abilities, but after all, it is not eternal or infinite. His authority in this regard is not as good as the Time Stone.

You must know that the source of the power of the Time Stone is the remnant soul of the "Nemesis". Later, it experienced the blessing of Agamotto. At the same time, Deathstroke and TVA provided remote assistance in the timeline, which was enough to lock the talisman in this "being". In the state of chasing and slashing, there is no way to escape.

Although it might be easier to get the talisman if little Franklin was here, the current state is enough.

Every time you hit a target, you are instilling the concept of darkness into the opponent's body. When you have accumulated enough, you can test whether the anti-life equation will work in Marvel.

"Stop hiding...and don't resist. No, it's useless."

The timeline was disconnected and reconnected again and again, and the space was suddenly far and near, making Deathstroke's voice sound intermittent, but his lightsaber was always waving towards the top of the magic rune, and he could feel it through the mask. He is smiling:

"Let me cut off your head. You are a false god who thinks you are the God of Creation but is nothing at all. Let me see if you will bleed."

This wave is based on the enemy's mentality, because the talisman will really bleed when it is cut.

The blood is still light green, like melted melon ice cream, a little sticky, but the color is very environmentally friendly.


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