The Death Knell

Chapter 4512 Time Tactics

The battle lasted longer than expected, but this was only for Su Ming.

Because he frequently manipulates the timeline, he can't even tell how long time has passed relative to the outside world. Maybe it's just a few seconds? Maybe a few minutes?

But that's not important. The space in the eternal body can be regarded as another independent dimension. It is a projection of the entire Marvel multiverse, but it is not entirely.

In terms of observing the narrative layer, Eternity is a bit similar to Doctor Manhattan, and is not as rational and ruthless as the latter, but it seems to be weaker in terms of ability.

In short, overwriting the archive again and again is really a bit overwhelming for the body, and it feels like the bones are two ounces lighter.

However, as Strangler snatched a Galactus corpse from the orange cat and ate it, there was no longer any problem of weakness, and he was in good condition now.

"Speaking of which, Galactus is also made of flesh and blood. "

Su Ming used a lightsaber to shave the head of Shen Fu's corpse. The latter's death was extremely miserable. There was almost no intact flesh on his body, and it was all densely packed with ravines, like fine scales.

These were all sword wounds caused by Deathstroke, and black smoke was still coming out of the wounds. The black smoke was rising in one direction and being sucked into the black sun.

"Ah, I know this. Some people say that Galactus is not a conceptual entity, but a creature from ancient times."

Hela wiped the sweat from half of her face. Fighting at this level was a bit reluctant for her, but if she just followed along, it would be okay.

There were many times when she was in danger, but somehow she was safe and sound. She had already guessed that Deathstroke had used the Time Stone.

"Haha, okay." Su Ming nodded, turned the lightsaber in his hand into a circular saw, and began to saw the skull of Talisman: "Now let's open a treasure chest and guess whether Talisman has a brain. .”

"I guess not, otherwise he wouldn't want to fight you. Alas, I'm so hungry and my shoulders are so sore."

Carol floated slowly to the death knell, looking like she was about to faint. Entering the binary state was very taxing on her, and she felt like her belly was touching her back, so she moved towards the person who had stored food.

Even Eternity has become a ploy in Deathstroke and Emperor Weishan's plan. The divine talisman should be seen in Eternity's body, but he thinks he is stronger than Eternity?

I really can't find the logic.

Seeing the pilot's expression, Su Ming guessed what she was thinking. He asked Strangler to take out food from his pocket and feed it to Carol. At the same time, he did not stop sawing the bones in his hands:

"In fact, the actions of the talisman are in line with his own logic. He is like a child who has never been born. Every time he is released from the eternal body, it is the day of eternal death, and his birth is It means that the sky will restart and everything including himself will be destroyed."

It's hard not to be simple with such a magical talisman.

From the second firmament to the present, it is still unknown whether the total time he has lived in the main dimension, that is, the material world, is five seconds.

He had never dealt with any living beings or other conceptual entities, let alone the human Supreme Mage, who was known for his scheming.

For him, his duty is to destroy, and his very concept forces him to have no choice.

This is not a theoretical thing like the Legion of Destruction or the Way of Destruction, but that he himself is a bomb, destroying and being destroyed, this is his destiny.

At least his body was still intact after being hacked to death by the death knell, right? If the universe restarts, it will be another kind of death without a whole body. It’s so desolate just thinking about it.

In addition, the fact that Carol is hungry is actually a side effect of the binary star state.

The binary star state is a very wonderful critical state. As the time of entering the binary star state prolongs, after Carol consumes her own internal reserve energy, she will begin to formally draw original and pure cosmic energy from the universe.

The absorption speed is very slow at first, but as time develops, it will become faster and faster until it is completely out of control.

This is what happens after you pass that tipping point.

With the original cosmic energy

As the power takes over her body, she will gradually lose her personality and memory, and even completely become a "double star," a unique conceptual entity.

Captain Marvel in the 616 comic universe once entered a binary star state and couldn't get out. Her last sanity made her desperately leave the solar system, and then she wandered in the universe unconsciously for half a year.

Wherever the twin stars passed, it would be worse than being burned by the Phoenix Force. The planet burned by the Phoenix would still have a glass ball, but if the twin stars were swept by the tail of the twin stars, there would be nothing left.

Even though he finally recovered, there was still an extra binary personality in his body, which can be regarded as schizophrenia.

So if it is not necessary, Deathstroke hopes that Carol on his own earth will not exceed that critical point.

"First a big burger, then a pack of crispy noodles, and high-sugar, high-calorie nutritional After a few clicks, it turned into a bald magical head. "Oh, my result may not be optimistic. This voice sounds hollow."

If you are picking a watermelon, the hollow sound means that the flesh of the melon is sandy and it may be delicious; but if it is a human head making this sound, it is most likely a sign of brain atrophy.

Thanos came over and raised his hand to knock. Judging from his experience as a farmer during this period, he agreed with the death knell.

But he didn't do anything extra. He just took the power gem off the Infinity Gauntlet and put it away, then stood and watched with his hands behind his back.

"This skull structure is not like human beings, nor like the Asa Protoss." Hela walked a few steps around the skinned bald head, and reached out to touch the bones in the green slime: "But one conceptual entity can sleep, and the other I’m not even surprised that conceptual entities have bones.”

"That's because you didn't see another "Death" not long ago. She played with me in our universe for a day. She was still human during that day."

While talking, Su Ming turned the bone saw into a chisel and hit it hard on the crack he just sawed:

"I have discovered a long time ago that these conceptual entities can do whatever they want. They can have whatever organs they want. Conventional logic cannot be used to measure their status."

"Well, because they are not human." Hela turned to look at Carol who was devouring her food, and then at the orange cat in the distance.

The orange cat is still eating the corpses of Galactus. There are too many dead Galactus here. It can't stop eating and makes a purring sound.


With a crisp sound, the skull of Divine Rune was opened, and everyone looked at the contents of the skull hesitantly.

In fact, there is an organ in Shenfu's brain that looks like a pig brain, at least in terms of its folds and outline.

But the problem is that this organ seems to be just a shadow. It is suspended in the skull and emits colorful light, like a dream.

"A brain without a physical entity...I know what this state is."

Carol, who was eating, suddenly raised her hand, and she couldn't help but smile. This made the circle of ketchup around her mouth look like a big red-lipped smile.


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