The Death Knell

Chapter 4513 Mountain of Bones

After everyone looked at her, Carol rubbed her belly and boldly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She had a straightforward temper, so naturally she would not show off, but directly gave the answer:

"Supreme wisdom once told me that when your mental power is strong to a certain extent, you can form such an 'external brain', allowing the universe to help you think. "

"Oh? Can he do it too?"

Hela was arranging her hair while looking at the contents of the skull.

An incorporeal brain was quite new to her, a god of the underworld who often saw dead bodies. She even had the urge to take this organ the size of a football field home and place it as a decoration in front of the Palace of Death. .

"Well, although the Supreme Intelligence is a super AL, he later underwent "bionic evolution" and gained extremely powerful mental power."

Captain Marvel squeezed the drink bottle in his hand, as if recalling the feeling of facing the supreme wisdom in the past. For example, he kept turning into familiar people and communicating with himself in the spiritual world. He was very angry at the time, but Nothing can be changed:

"Not only is his entire head incorporeal, but he can also cast his body to any place in the universe. Since he told me about the external brain, I believe he can do it easily himself. "

"But he is still dead. It seems that our universe is not very smart and did not help him in thinking." Thanos joined the topic. Apparently after experiencing the battle just now, he vented some of his anger and was in a better mood. .

As a famous murderer in the universe, Thanos has frequently attacked the Kree Empire's colonial stars in the past. He will destroy one today and another the day after tomorrow, killing everyone as a gift to death.

Therefore, he has had some interactions with the Supreme Intelligence, which was not particularly friendly, but it has not reached the level of head-on confrontation, because the Supreme Intelligence is too rational, and all gains and losses are carefully calculated.

It's easy to come to the conclusion that sending several fleets to chase one of Thanos's ships may not necessarily win. It's a big loss.

This also led to Thanos not having a high opinion of the big green head. After all, the Mad Titan didn't pay attention to his opponent who didn't even have a temper.

"Ah, you are right, Thanos." Su Ming looked at the glowing virtual brain. It was like a colorful line drawn out, wrapped in a psychedelic mist: "Our world Consciousness does things very mechanically. If you have seen the star symbol, you will understand what I mean."

Titan just shrugged and continued to watch with his hands behind his back. He didn't know what the star sign was, and he didn't want to know.

"Let's put aside those digressions, captain, what should we do with this brain?" Hela twisted her ponytail and squeezed some sweat out of it. Half of her body was alive, which also allowed her to have some Human touch.

Due to being a gamer for a long time, her body now smells like various takeaway fast food and carbonated drinks. Thanks to her being half dead, otherwise, if she had been another Asa, she would have become fat. What.

"Feeling, the supreme wisdom has said that there will be resonance between spiritual powers. If we want to know the memory of the talisman, then we should only need to feel."

Carol also followed suit and went to twist her hair, but she couldn't get any water out, because in the double star form, her whole body was filled with high temperature and dried completely on its own, leaving not a drop left.

"Hela, come here." Su Ming gave a new order, and even took a step back to give up the most direct position facing the colorful brain: "I have no heart or feelings, and I can't make peace at all. Empathize with others, let alone feel God’s thoughts.”

Having said that, there is no need to mention what the truth is and what concerns Deathstroke has.

The goddess of the underworld obviously also understands this. Obviously, Deathstroke wants to let herself go to explore the way. After all, among the four people present, she is the only one who is a spell caster, so she is more suitable for such mysterious things.

She did her best.

When she reached the position closest to the corpse's head, black spikes rose from her feet, holding her upward.

And the colorful brain in the skull now seems to have been knocked open

Eggs, the yolk inside hangs on the edge because of the tilt, looking precarious.

She stretched out her pale hands and tried to touch the shadow. The next second, in the dark space, various lights illuminated her face.

"Bah, these things are much easier to deal with than black lantern zombies. At least there is no psychological burden, haha."

Arthur stepped on a pile of bones and stuck the pentagram heavily into the soil beside him. He smiled and patted away the bone powder and dust on his body. He also took the stubble of bones that he had accidentally eaten into his mouth while shouting and fighting. Spit it out.

Originally, before the fight started, my body was still a little uncomfortable, but after doing this and exercising for a while, I don't know if it accelerated the decomposition of the alcohol or it was something else. Now I just feel that my ears and eyes are bright, and I am in a very good state.

Well, maybe it was because of sleeping all day.

Green Lantern John did not answer the call, but looked sad because he had not yet become a Green Lantern when the Black Light Night on Earth 0 happened, so the experience was not very good.

Being attacked by the corpses of your dead relatives in the dark of night is a nightmare.

Cyborg in the distance has no chance to speak, because he is still in the state of a giant electric oven, and the Flash is sending bear bones into his body again and again, seemingly to burn fertilizer or feed additives.

In short, the small mountain villa was besieged by the skeletons of tens of thousands of various wild animals, but it was still unscathed, and not even a single leaf fell from the sunflowers in the garden.

The undead army composed of beasts looks pale and astonishing, but it is still far behind against the Justice League.

If it weren't for the fact that this was Deathstroke's home and it was inconvenient to use amplified moves, Barry only needed to run a few steps quickly and perform a short speed storm to solve the problem.

"Jean, you have to burn these things under your feet." Barry appeared in front of Neptune, stretched out his hand to pull the strong man a few times, and asked him to move aside: "There are so many bones piled near Deathstroke's house. If he comes back, he will definitely see it." You’ll be unhappy.”

"Hmm... I think he would be happy instead. "

Arthur tilted his head and thought for a moment, then came up with an opposite opinion, but he was still very honest. He picked up the fivedent and jumped to the side.

Anyway, he felt that Deathstroke was not someone who disliked corpses. He couldn't remember how many times the brother had sat on the corpses of his enemies and told cold jokes.

Barry rolled his eyes and continued working speechlessly. After all, as a guest, you have to help the host clean up before leaving, right?

If Deathstroke really liked to live surrounded by mountains of corpses, seas of blood, or bones, then based on his own ability, he must have arranged it this way.

But look at this small villa, it's just an ordinary mountain hut. He and Gin's life here is no different from ordinary people, and they also plant many flowers and plants that are growing happily.

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