The Death Knell

Chapter 4514 What is justice

Barry's speed at work was unparalleled. It only took less than a second to clean up the mountain of bones.

If it were other speedsters, they might not be able to use the Speed ​​Force in the Marvel 40k universe, but Barry is different. As the source, he is generating the Speed ​​Force every time he takes a step. This is what makes him special.

When the four members of the Justice League returned triumphantly from the garden, the girls of the Spider-Woman League gave them warm applause.

"Awesome! You are worthy of being a friend of Deathstroke!" Michelle's hands trembled and she showed her thumbs, stretching and contracting alternately like boxing. "I have never seen anyone so fast, the uncle in red, You seem to be faster than Quicksilver."


Without thinking about who Quicksilver was mentioned, Barry covered his chest and staggered. He had never been called that by another superhero. You know, even Damian would only call him his name or Lightning. A hero.

Why do these sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls think they are uncles?

I am not yet forty years old. Although my actual age may be older due to the ten years that I was lost in the Speed ​​Force plane, I actually look very young.

For this reason, he went to the bathroom specifically and looked at the mirror decorated with gold, silver and gems at Deathstroke's house to make sure that he really did not have forehead wrinkles or hair loss. Then he dipped water in his hair and wiped it. I tidied up a bit before running back.

It was still so fast that the girls didn't even notice he left.

"The look in your eyes is not like that of a young man. Your experience is all reflected in it, uncle."

Latin girl Michelle spoke as if she had her own electronic sound, speaking very quickly and laughing:

"Although you look like a man in his twenties, so does Deathstroke's appearance. However, your eyes and faces don't match at all. I think you should be considered an old man who has lived for who knows how many years." ...Old-timer, right?”

She might have originally planned to talk about the old monster, but suddenly she remembered that Gin was also there, and Valkyrie seemed to be the oldest among everyone present, so she changed her tune at the critical moment.

"Haha, she's right." Cyborg said, rubbing his belly with an uncomfortable look on his face, but his expression was a bit gloating: "You're exposed, uncle."

Cyborg is a little older, in his early twenties. But there is indeed a generation gap between him and the other first-line heroes in the Justice League.

Barry just knocked on Cyborg's shoulder, looked at his Granny Yang's hairstyle, and said nothing, because Cyborg didn't look young now, like an eighty-year-old old woman.

He forgot to transform back into his own appearance, and actually changed from the oven back to the factory state.

"You are so strong, why have we never seen you in New York before?" Gwen Spider sat back in her seat, because she hadn't eaten the roasted wild boar yet, and she was a little hungry: "Don't say you are from Maine. , you have such good skills, why don’t you go to New York to have a try?”

What superhero wouldn't go to New York if he had super powers?

You must know that this is the birthplace of masked people. If you don't go there if you have the skills, it will be like holding a natural diamond shovel but only knowing how to dig out excrement. You will be blind.

"We are not actually from this universe."

The black lantern sat back in his seat and brought a piece of steaming barbecue. At the same time, he showed off his lantern ring and used it to project some models, such as two big matryoshka balls:

"Now everyone's location is here, 40k Earth; and we come from here, DC Multiverse 1 Earth 0."

Black John is also an anomaly among the Lanterns. His lantern ring can be charged at high speed using willpower, and can even perform miracles such as "resurrection", which is something that even Hal can't do.

Anyway, he highlighted two locations on the projection and told the girls about the concept of parallel universes.

In fact, he doesn't understand it very well, but he can still repeat what Batman said.

As for the girls of the Spider Girl Alliance, there is no need to elaborate. As spider totems, they all know the existence of parallel worlds. It can be said that they understand it as soon as they hear it.

Learn it.

"It turns out to be a combination of parallel worlds, no wonder. Su Rui looked at Gin who was just smiling and had no intention of interrupting: "Are you calling the Justice League? That's great. It sounds more confident than the Avengers."

"Maybe our world is darker and we need something like faith."

Barry gave a wry smile and sat down. He skillfully picked up the pig's mouth on the noodles in his bowl with his chopsticks:

"Hurry up and eat. I just ran around the earth and found out that this is a worldwide attack. We are safe here for the time being, but there are more people who need help."

"Well, let's go to New York immediately." Arthur picked up a pig leg. He was going to leave now and eat something on the way.

"Are you willing to help people on another earth?" The vulture's daughter was a little curious, biting the corner of her lip: "I thought..."

"You think we will leave people in crisis?" Barry smiled and shook his head. He finished a bowl of noodles and about a kilogram of barbecue at lightning speed, and stood up: "No, that is not what a hero would do. , the Justice League will never back down and protect mankind and the earth. This is our responsibility."

That's what Barry thinks, but of course, it's limited to his own thoughts.

If it were Batman, it is estimated that the Dark Knight would immediately return to Gotham to prepare a backup plan to prevent such resurrected skeletons from appearing in his city.

"Okay, don't talk about those big things. They are just students, and the responsibility is too heavy for them." John was not very hungry, but he took a few big bites before getting up, looking at Gin and asking: " Ma'am, do you know where Wonder Woman is? It's time for us to go."

"Xiao Dai and Harley went to play. They are not on 40k Earth. You don't have to worry about her. She will go back by herself when the time comes."

Gin waved his hand, walked to the cupboard aside, opened the cupboard door and pulled out a few large cork stoppers, slapped them on everyone's horn glasses as a sealing measure, turned the wine glasses into portable containers, and stuffed them into everyone's arms. ∶

"Since you are going to fight, then bring the wine with you. Don't worry about my safety here. Slade has prepared very complete measures. Just to deal with the resurgence of the undead, he has dozens of backup plans. "

The corners of everyone's mouths in Zhenglian twitched. They didn't know whether it was because they heard that Diana would do such unbelievable things, or because they heard Deathstroke's usual dark style arrangements.

Anyway, they said goodbye. Cyborg transformed into a lightning car and came out. Barry jumped on the treadmill on the roof. Arthur and the black lantern got into the car. Then in a burst of lightning, they disappeared into the restaurant. Outside the door leading to the garden.

Watching their afterimages disappear from the retina, the girls looked at each other for a while, and when they were about to say that they wanted to leave too, they were interrupted by Gin.

"Don't leave. I just got the news from the adjutant. The Spider-Man you are looking for followed his friends to the universe and is currently out of contact. We don't know where they went, but obviously you are just looking for a needle in a haystack. , it’s useless, it’s better to trust that kid and wait for him to come back.”

In fact, Gin knew where Peter and the others had gone. The Nuvalis had reported it to the adjutant before sending them away.

But, since that space may soon turn into a battlefield, it is better not to let more people get involved. The combat power of these girls cannot participate in that level of battle.

Why do you say that?

Because my man is also moving towards that space, and the lost death seems to be there.


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