The Death Knell

Chapter 4515 A series

"A planet with beautiful scenery, um, there are edible fruits, and the water is very sweet."

Star-Lord clapped his hands and stood up from the river, kicking away a small alien beast that looked like an otter. He kept nodding along with the music in his headphones.

As a person with a camera on his head, everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy now has to shoot a pseudo-documentary from the main point of view for later editing.

Therefore, it is not enough to just do things silently. You have to talk more and explain more. These words may seem like you are communicating with your teammates, but in fact they are all for the future audience:

"There are just a lot of little pests. Oh, my God, did you see it? That little guy almost bit through my boots just now, haha."

"The geological structure of this planet is very simple. The scan has been completed, Star-Lord."

Gamora approached with a tablet, but she didn't show it, instead sliding the screen. It was probably the first time she knew she was going to be in a movie. Her movements were very stiff now, and her improvised lines sounded suspiciously like Good Reading:

"We didn't find 'Albaile' here. There are no traces of civilization, either underground or in the ocean." "

The so-called Ailebaile Civilization is a name made up by the adjutant. It is the main background that should appear in the archaeological movie.

In the plot setting, this civilization built a huge tomb for the whole family and stored many cosmic treasures in it, and the Guardians of the Galaxy came for this.

As the story progresses, everyone will follow the footage of the Guardians of the Galaxy and gradually discover the truth about the collective death of this alien civilization. They will feel a lot of humanistic care and have a lot of emotional reactions.

For example, you could see little bones or mummies curled up in your mother’s arms, get wedding photos of aliens with their corpses nearby, or find some miserable videos that record the destruction of civilization back then.

Stuff like that.

In short, the adjutant who has understood human nature also understands it very well. Her script setting is to give out candy and hair knife in turn.

Give him a piece of candy and stab him nine times in a row.

After all, the police chief had told her a long time ago that tragedies leave a deep impression on people.

With a lot of dark plots and well-paced battles, everyone will investigate for a while, chat for a while, and fight for a while.

In short, the result is that amidst the dangers, the Guardians of the Galaxy obtained a super treasure that inherited the spirit of civilization and could save the entire universe, and retired before the planet was destroyed.

"It doesn't seem to be here, Star-Lord." The raccoon sat on the tree man's shoulders and used his paws to build a small shelter above his eyes: "We should go to the other two planets to see, but I seem to feel something unusual. The things are not far away from us."

"Haha, you're right, my friends, board the ship and let us weigh the anchor." Star-Lord also felt that it couldn't be here, because if it were, the traces of the ancient tomb would be obvious, and the adjutant would leave a reminder: " Come on, don’t be discouraged, as the captain I want to keep everyone of you happy every day, how about we sing a song?”

Teammates: "..."

Apparently, no one planned to sing the chorus, they just felt that Star-Lord was too expressive.

But who is Star-Lord? As long as he is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Regardless of the attitude of his teammates, he started humming along with the music from his Walkman headphones, singing like a ghost screaming, but also danced a demonic dance, step by step, like the steps of a devil, he was on the grassland of this planet. Rubbing it hard, he moved little by little to the spacecraft.

The teammates had long been used to it, and they didn't even mean to complain. They boarded the spacecraft one by one. After getting into their positions, the small spacecraft broke away from the earth's gravity again and flew to another green planet visible to the naked eye in the sky.

And when they left the planet, something seemed to emerge from the sea not far away, and the outline of a translucent spacecraft was dripping with water.

"Oh? Didn't you like this place? It's obviously a good livable planet." Loki touched his chin and smiled crookedly: "This makes me more curious, what are they?

Are you looking for something good?"

This planet is sold on the interstellar trading market. The newly discovered habitable planets can be sold for sky-high prices. At least all the Guardians of the Galaxy can live comfortably in this life, if they are not hacked.

Being able to give up the fat on the lips means that there is bigger fat in the distance. This is something Loki also wants to see. Maybe he can get some benefits?

Mainly, if I find some treasure, or enough wealth, I can restore the World Tree before Thor...

Then my mother should like me more, right?

"They don't seem to have noticed us." Sif did not follow Loki's ideas. She just kept the spacecraft invisible and adjusted some parameters on the console: "It turns out that your illusion can also be used in space battles." "

"Haha, of course, I am the best illusion master in the multiverse, just Star-Lord, haha."

Loki immediately puffed up her chest proudly, and she flipped her long hair with her hands:

"Keep following me, I want to see what the Guardians of the Galaxy are looking for."


About three or four seconds after Loki and his small spaceship secretly followed the Guardians of the Galaxy and left the planet, another transparent ship silhouette emerged from the clouds in the distance.

"The Guardians of the Galaxy are actually here. Loki is following them. Is he going to do something bad?"

Steve crossed his arms and asked Bucky beside him.

"Anyway, that's their family matter. Let's not talk too much and just watch."

Baji pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and replied.

He always wore the glasses he had confiscated from Zola back then like a trophy, but to remind himself not to rush in and make the same mistake on that train that day.

After hearing this, Steve nodded and said nothing more. He just glanced at Thor not far away with sympathetic eyes and sighed.

"You actually weren't discovered by Loki and saw through her illusion."

Thor, the axe-god, didn't notice the captain's gaze because he was admiring Iron Man's scientific skills.

"Haha, of course, I am the best scientist in the multiverse, just a Loki, haha."

Tony snarled until his beards on both sides stood up like a bird's wings. He then ordered Jarvis to keep the spacecraft in a lurking state and followed it secretly. Everyone wanted to see what Loki was planning.

And just a moment after the Avengers left the planet invisibly, a medium-sized spacecraft rose from the forest while remaining invisible.

Like a food chain, the young people on this ship also started a conversation...

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