The Death Knell

Chapter 4618 The Supreme Mage of Humanity

"Let's go, Cape, to Kama Taj."

Deathstroke quickly withdrew his gaze and touched the collar of his cloak, indicating that it could leave.

"Aren't we going to save Igris and the others?"

Carol held the orange cat and looked at the ice below. The small black dot formed by the three people instantly became distant in her field of vision and was covered by the wind and snow.

"I am the Supreme Mage of mankind, why do I want to save the Eternals?" Deathstroke's voice seemed to be full of confusion, and asked rhetorically: "The so-called 'human beings and the Eternals have 99% of the same genes, and we are brothers', then I'm just making this up, and I'm not a biologist. I can still say that Thanos and I share 99% of our genes. Do you think we look like brothers?"

After saying that, he leaned closer to Thanos and placed his head next to Ziya's bald head, letting Carol compare it herself.

"Ha." Thanos let out a short laugh, as if he was mocking Carol's innocence.

There is no racial brotherhood in the universe, only the purest form of the jungle. But what is ridiculous is not this, but that Carol used to serve the Kree Empire, one of the most powerful powers in the universe, but she did not even understand this truth.

The Kree Empire has such a large territory, and it is not obtained by relying on emotional diplomacy. The Kree fleet is famous in the universe for its cold-blooded ruthlessness and serious discipline.

"So Master, you should have signed a contract with Igris before, right? Does it matter?" Wanda is more concerned about this. After all, if the contract is not fulfilled, then things will be a bit troublesome.

Even if there is Emperor Weishan's bias, there will definitely be some blood. Who calls Ao Shutu the goddess of justice?

"Well, if Party A is unable to perform the agreement due to its own reasons, it will be deemed as Party A's breach of contract." Su Ming took out a copy of the contract and pointed to Wanda the lace paper that looked like a devil's contract: "So , if Igris dies, he is the one who broke the contract, and I can still ask for liquidated damages from the Eternals."

The flying carpet had arrived at Karma Taj, and because it was one of its own, it easily passed through the protective barrier and went straight to the backyard.

It was obviously the first time for Thanos to come here, and he acted a little curious. He was probably amazed by the garden on the snow-capped mountains, or maybe he felt something after seeing the apprentices farming.

But it doesn't matter what he thinks. Anyway, everyone just came to see Master Gu Yi.

"Oh? It sounds like you're pretty sure Crow was going to stab Igris, not Xena?"

Hela looked at the smiling bald woman not far away, who was speaking into Deathstroke's ear.

Master Ancient One had been notified by the adjutant in advance and was waiting in the backyard. He knew what he wanted to ask her, so she reached out to meet Deathstroke, and the coordinates of the Olympia dimension entrance were strangled and passed to Deathstroke's mind.

Nodding towards the teacher, the cloak was lifted up again without stopping, leading everyone into a black light and reaching the sky above the Aegean Sea in an instant.

"This starts with the druid's mind control ability. His control of people is not the kind of remote control like a puppet, but more like a psychological suggestion. It cannot be directly controlled by the person being controlled. The person makes the decision.”

Su Ming locked the coordinates and gestured to Wanda, asking her to use chaos magic to tear open the pocket space. At the same time, he explained to Hela:

"Kloe has undoubtedly been brainwashed by him. In his eyes, Igris and Xina have become his enemies, but he only has one chance to strike, and then he will be defeated by the remaining person."

"Well, so the Druid is not sure who Crow will attack after being rescued." Carol picked up the topic. She touched the orange cat's back, from its forehead to its tail.

"Yes, even when he laid out the plan, he would not be sure how many people were traveling with Igris, so when giving hints to Crowe, he would inevitably increase the weight of Igris, such as shaping him He becomes a big devil and a super villain, while the others act like minions, and then gives another layer of orders, asking Crowe to disguise himself as a friend and choose the opportunity to strike."

Su Ming saw this, so he said that he had clothes to collect at home, giving Crowe a chance to take action.

After all, in the ice-covered North Pole, the ice fields stretched as far as the eye could see, with no cover. It seemed that he and the two Eternals were the only ones left in the world, and there was no one else. And those two people were still extremely distracted because of sadness.

Isn't this a God-given opportunity?

As for whether Deathstroke is going to hang out his laundry? This is not important. Crowe himself is a relatively simple-minded abnormal race. Even if he is not controlled, he will not doubt others.

"I see, it all makes sense."

Wanda hammered her palm, and she easily opened the crack leading to Olympia with chaotic energy, as if she had dug a hole in the plastic mold with her sharp claws:

"You said before that the Eternals have a resurrection machine. So if the Druid wants to really get rid of Igris, in addition to letting Crow do it at the North Pole, he must also destroy Igris here at the same time. Grace’s consciousness backup.”

So Deathstroke ignored the two people on the ice and went straight to the Olympia dimension. He didn't know the specific entrance location, but Ancient One or Emperor Weishan definitely knew.

Live a long time, experience a lot, you are so willful.

"Yes, and only Druid can do this. After all, except for his mind control skills, it is not easy for others to sneak into the place where the machine is stored, because only Zuas knows where the specific entrance is. , but he has Alzheimer’s disease.”

Deathstroke smiled and nodded, letting the cloak choose the largest garden to land on.

Olympia sounds a bit like Olympus, but in fact the style is very different. If you really want to say it, it may be more like the architectural style of the Shi'ar Empire.

Simple and clean lines, white buildings, flowers and plants everywhere, but no slutty goddesses, or people running around in bedsheets, and of course, there are no shabby temples with triangular roofs that leak air from all sides.

As mentioned before, the rebirth equipment is like a meat grinder. Ordinary Eternals are reborn after being killed. They are squeezed out from the 'meat outlet', and they cannot see the body of the machine.

As the Eternal Supreme of the previous generation, Xina's father Zuas should have told Igris the location of the machine, but who told him that he was already suffering from Alzheimer's disease and could no longer communicate with the outside world normally?

Things are so awkward. Only the druid's psychic superpower can read the information from the old man's mind, or can he control the old man to lead the way directly?

Anyway, now is the right time to rush to Olympia, find the machine, and stop the druid here who is trying to back up Igris' consciousness.

If Su Ming's guess is correct, Druid is one of the men in black robes. If he catches him and lets Strangler eat his brain, won't the information come out?

Besides, I'm really in a hurry now, because the adjutant keeps reminding me that the situation in DC is not right either, and it seems that Blank is planning to take a two-pronged approach.

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