The Death Knell

Chapter 4619 For the Great Revival

This is a huge rotunda hall that looks a bit like the space inside a flying saucer. It is full of blue-lighting pipes and cold-colored silver metal. Everything looks full of high-tech feeling.

But the most eye-catching thing is not the decoration here, but what is located on the high platform in the center of the hall. It is a large stamen-like jar filled with an orange translucent liquid, and there are some pipes connected to it. In the walls leading to the room.

The liquid was beating like a heart, the water surface was shaking constantly, and a thin, somewhat hunched middle-aged man stretched his neck, looking for something in the room like a vulture.

"Igris, Igris, hey! Where are you?"

While laughing strangely, he stretched out his hand to touch the wall. As he touched it, the silver wall near his palm turned into a transparent screen, displaying some words of the God Group.

That is, 0 and 1 that everyone knows.

Unlike scrap species like humans, the power of the Eternals lies in their ability to directly understand binary strings like the Celestials, without the need for translation, and can use them as proficiently as their native language.

The black-haired man with a hooked nose rubbed his hands. He was not in a hurry. After all, there were only about a hundred Eternals, and everyone's backup consciousness was here. It was only a matter of time before Igris was found.

At this time, he touched the wall next to him again, and a string of 0 and 1 characters appeared there, which made him stop, tilted his head and muttered to himself.

"Hmm, is Xina's consciousness backed up?"

As he spoke, he reached into the wall, pulled out a bunch of something that looked like a transparent crystal, stared at the blue light in it, but didn't do anything, he just put the crystal back in its original position:

"This stupid woman with big breasts and no brains, but it doesn't matter, as long as Igris is dead, she will be mine sooner or later, suck it up."

Yes, he hated Ikaris for this reason, because he also coveted Xina's body.

On the one hand, Sheena is the strongest warrior among the Eternals. The ability of the weapon in one hand allows her to often defeat many with one hand. After all, the weapons in her hands are ever-changing, long and short, which are always difficult to guard against. Her martial arts are also The most exquisite of them all.

But on the other hand, Xina is still a gentle and passionate super beauty. Her desire to be a mother is particularly strong, and she has slept with almost half of the men in the clan.

Unfortunately, it was too difficult for the Eternals to reproduce naturally, and the artificial insemination technology used by the Titans was considered heresy, so Sheena gradually became a little crazy.

After being on good terms with an Eternal for a period of time, for example, if she still can't get pregnant after a thousand or two thousand years, she will kick him out and find a new male partner. The reason is that her genes are not in sync.

In recent thousands of years, she has been eyeing Ikaris, but the latter's attitude towards her is very serious, that is, it is okay to be friends, but not to do that kind of thing.

Xina, who had never been rejected by anyone, got excited. She thought Ikaris was so special, so she insisted on giving it a try. From then on, she has been pestering the golden-haired man, and she will follow him wherever he goes.

This is not the key point. The key point is that Sheena had a list a long time ago. Druid secretly looked at it. It is his turn next to Igris.

But now the blond man doesn't agree, and the process is stuck.

You want to say how much the druid loves Sheena? That's not true. After all, the Eternals are all handsome men and beauties, and the other women are no worse than Xina.

But sometimes people's psychology is very strange. Every time Druid thinks that half of the men in the clan have slept with Xina, but he has not, he feels very uncomfortable and feels like he is isolated.

The reason is very simple. If you have never played a game that others have played, then you will not be able to join in when they discuss this topic.

Druid is actually not bad looking, just a little bit hunchback, which made him look down upon by many people in the past, after all, everyone was so perfect.

He just wanted to have a child with Xina to prove that his genes were the strongest in the family.

However, after so many years, Xina did have children. Because she could not reproduce in the tribe, she had attacked foreign races many times.

For example, 10,000 years ago, she met Crowe from the Abnormal Tribe and gave birth to two mixed-race children. This was a taboo for the Eternal Tribe, but the Druid covered it up for her.

He killed the two little mixed-race bastards, and then used his psychic abilities to erase the memories of Sheena and Crowe. If Zuas hadn't been there at the time and insisted on preserving the so-called 'friendly anomalies' , then the Druid will definitely kill Crowe.

Fortunately, perhaps due to God's will, Crowe, who was not killed back then, can now be put to use again.

The druid captured and mind-controlled Crowe and planned to use him to assassinate Igris. Will Xina kill her forgotten ex-husband for revenge? I'm really looking forward to this scene of falling in love and killing each other.

Thinking of this, the druid couldn't help but sigh. Zuas was such a hero ten thousand years ago. He was an existence that could sit on an equal footing with the second-generation gods of the earth and stand shoulder to shoulder with Zeus.

His reputation was so great that his daughter Xina was given a serious priesthood in Olympus at that time, and was called the war goddess Minerva. You must know that the other war goddess is Athena. If they share the same priesthood, they will even be Human beings offer their faith in confusion, that is the daughter of Zeus.

But times have changed. Nowadays, Olympus is full of people dying, Zuas is suffering from dementia, and the earth is no longer a stable place to live. More and more eyes are coming from the distant and dark universe. All the earth All living things are exposed.

The Druid knew that if he did not change, the Eternals would be eliminated by the times. For the future of the whole family, he had to take action.

Save his people, eliminate the abnormal tribe, become a great hero, and then marry Xina, he has already thought about the direction of his efforts!

But I really wanted to get started, but I got stuck at the first step, suffering from lack of strength.

From birth to now, he has never left the embrace of Mother Earth, so how can he find enough strength on Earth to deal with the distant threats that will come?

Do you want to contact humans?

No, human spellcasters, mutants, inhumans, werewolves, vampires, etc. are all derivatives of humans. The genes of this race are extremely unstable, too abnormal, and too deformed.

The anomalies on the earth must be cleared up, and the third principle cannot be violated. Otherwise, the Celestials will come and completely destroy the Eternals without waiting for unknown enemies to attack.

And just after the Druid had been distressed for several years, one day not long ago, he suddenly received a secret communication from the Celestial Group, and the creators showed him a clear path.

After listening, he knelt on the ground, moved by the vast vision and huge plan of the Celestial God Group, and was so excited that he burst into tears.

Because he saw the way for the Eternals to become great again, and now he is executing the plans of the gods.

While reminiscing about the past, he worked, and the work in his hands did not stop at all.

Touching the wall with his hands again and again, and checking the consciousness storage behind the wall again and again, he finally found the location where the target was stored.

"Haha, oops~~~"

The druid let out a sinister laugh. As if his hand suddenly slipped, he smashed the crystal in his hand to pieces on the ground. Then he raised his foot and stepped on it without expression, crushing it crazily.

Well, Igris is dead for good, and the Eternals can be united again.

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