The Death Knell

Chapter 4620 Death to Hell


I don't know whether it was because he had completely defeated his old enemy, or because he felt that there was hope for the future of his race. The druid stepped on a puddle of wet powder and looked up to the sky laughing.

But he soon discovered something was wrong, that was, there was an echo coming from this originally small circular room.


"Hahahahahaha!" He laughed a few more times, but stretched his neck and looked around.


This time the echo was different, a laugh that seemed distorted by electricity, or a sound coming from the mouth of a hellish demon.

"Who?! Come out! I am the Eternal Supreme, and I order you to come out!" The Druid realized that this was not his echo. He immediately raised his vigilance and was ready to escape at any time.

He himself doesn't have the ability to teleport, but his 'new friends' can get him out of here.

At least, that's what he thought until he tried it.

But when he found that no matter how hard he pressed the emergency escape button on the communicator, he was still standing in this damn place, he knew that things were out of control.

A ghostly figure floated out from behind a large jar filled with orange liquid and landed gently on the ground. The circular light beam in the hall also shone on him, illuminating the black and yellow armor.

"You are so hard to find, Eternal Supreme. I am the Supreme Mage Deathstroke. Speaking of which, we are both 'supreme generation'. Do you want to recognize a relative? You call me grandpa and I call you stinking shit." "

The red one-eyed goggles glowed with a breathtaking light, and the Supreme Mage drew out the lightsaber in his hand while making wisecracks.

There was a stabbing sound, the sound of the air being ionized, and the entire space gradually became darker.

"Haha, the Supreme Mage is so funny. Why do you come to me?" Druid swallowed. He had actually paid attention to some things happening in the outside world and knew that he was definitely not Deathstroke's opponent.

Not to mention anything else, I definitely couldn't stop the wave of annihilation insects last year.

"Well, since you asked sincerely, I will kill you with mercy!" A brisk voice came from behind the death knell mask. It originally sounded like he was in a good mood, but suddenly it turned into a cold command. .

I saw a huge purple fist coming from the darkness. The druid subconsciously wanted to defend himself, but then his limbs were grabbed by the sudden red light, and he received the punch firmly.

The purple light exploded, and the druid was killed on the spot. Thanos pulled out the forearm wearing the Infinity Gauntlet from the big hole in the opponent's chest, unscrewed the druid's head, and threw it to Deathstroke.

"Another weak ant."

Thanos also snorted some air from his nostrils, as if he felt that killing such a person would dirty his hands.

Deathstroke didn't even take action, so he probably thought so. It was enough for the orange cats in the team to deal with such weak Eternals, right?

Thinking of this, the Mad Titan turned his head and glanced at the orange cat, who was trying to break free from his master's restraints, as if he was going to eat the headless corpse.

Thanos's punch using the power gem almost turned the person into a 'meat floss in a skin bag'. The orange cat found it particularly easy to swallow and tasted good.

"Don't relax, I still have another chance to be resurrected, Carol, watch which consciousness backup is working." Su Ming threw the head in his hand into the air, and the strangled bean sprouts popped out, caught it, and started sucking, while he arranged Next task: "Hela, go block the exit of the new machine. Don't worry, the adjutant has sealed the surrounding space. The druid can't escape. You can take your time."

"No, it's true that I am the goddess of the underworld, but when have you ever seen me abuse a corpse? I'm not a pervert who enjoys torturing others."

Hela turned around and walked away with the Sword of Dusk, with a look of disgust on her face, as if what Deathstroke said was unpleasant.

"Tsk, then you don't have a way to have fun. I'm sorry for you." Su Ming took off his mask, lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. He waited for the result of reading the information about strangulation, and at the same time, he looked at a fat man at the door. The figure waved his hand: "Thank you, Zuas, it's okay. You can go back and rest."

"What did you say? You still want to eat? It's good to eat. Come, eat with me."

The old man ignored Hela who passed by him, smiled and jumped up and down, and clapped quickly with his two chubby hands in front of his chest, just like an old child.

"If you don't want to eat, we won't eat." Su Ming rolled his eyes speechlessly, and pointed to the wall in one direction, asking Carol to take out a glowing crystal there and destroy it like the druid just did. Lose.

Captain Marvel can still do this, and she doesn't even need to take any crystals. When she raises her fist, a cosmic energy ray blasts a hole in the wall, and the corresponding crystals are naturally wiped out.

As a medium for storing consciousness, this crystal seems to be a bit fragile, but this is probably intentional by the Celestials. After all, they are their own creations. In order to prevent them from rebelling, they must leave some weaknesses and backdoors, right?

"What? You said you want a beach? I have a beach at home, but who are you? Why are you at my house?" The chubby old man stood at the door of the machine hall, confusion written on his face.

"I am Igris, and she is Xina, your daughter." Su Ming walked towards the fat old man, put his arms around his shoulders and patted him. At the same time, he signaled that everyone could leave, pointing at Carol and saying: " Let’s come back to see you. How are you doing lately?”

Igris is completely dead, and Druid will soon be completely dead, so the next Eternal Supreme will most likely be Sheena.

"Ah, Igris, my student, and Xina, my daughter, you are back." Zuas didn't recognize anyone at all. His Alzheimer's disease was very serious, and he even held Deathstroke's face in his hands. Touched: "I have fed the dog well. Just come back. Come on, let's go eat."

"No, don't eat, don't eat."

Deathstroke waved his hands repeatedly. The old man was confused, but his hand strength was not weak, and he almost dragged him away.

"What? You said you want soup? What kind of soup? I'll ask someone to make it for you."

The old man seemed to be not only confused, but also had bad ears. He was really difficult to communicate with. No wonder the druid left him standing at the door after controlling him to open the door.

But if this fat old man didn't have a big enough goal and liked to wear gold and silver, and his whole body was shiny, Su Ming wouldn't have found the rebirth machine hidden in a deep mountain so easily.

This machine is seventy or eighty kilometers away from the city of Olympia in the dimension. People who are resurrected in it will be directly transported to the city. Ordinary people really can't find the connection between the two.



The fat old man fell down, and the pan in Deathstroke's hand turned into a golden light and disappeared into his palm.

"Oh, forget it, let's just help you fall asleep. If you help us, I will help you too. We are even."

After that, Deathstroke asked the cloak to take the old man back to the throne in the city garden, and put him in a comfortable position to sleep. Zuas didn't need to remember what happened here, he just needed to continue living happily.

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