The Death Knell

Chapter 4621 The flow of concepts

Wandering through the garden-like city, I met no one on the road.

This huge city is more like a closed prison, with gorgeous buildings and fairyland-like scenery, but few living people.

The Olympia dimension is about the same size as Asgard. Outside the city walls, there are also mountains, oceans, and rivers. But unfortunately, as the main city of the Eternals, there are no more than five fingers living here all year round. number.

Zuas lives here with Sheena's young son Zoe, and Sheena occasionally comes back to visit. Although Helios, Rakar and others also have residences here, they often live in human society.

As I said before, Olympia is a faction that is relatively close to humans. The dozen or so people under Zuas are basically mixed in human society. Some of them even have a deep understanding of how human society is played today, which is to live in America, then disguises itself as religious disabled fat gay poor people of color.

Su Ming remembered that there seemed to be an Eternal named Legba who did this.

In fact, the Eternals are not stupid at all, they are just smart but lack great wisdom. In fact, if they had turned to Emperor Weishan earlier, they would not have to worry about the problem of the gods at all.

The cloak flew back and rubbed its collar against Deathstroke's face, indicating that it had placed the fat old man back on his throne as if he were taking a lunch break.

"Very well, that's it, take us to find Hela."

The druid will be resurrected once by the machine, and Hela goes to the city to block people. Regardless of whether she admits that pouring consciousness into a body counts as resurrection, she is still the most sensitive to matters between life and death.

The collar of the cloak nodded up and down, then floated up and sniffed around, then turned into an arrow shape, pointing in a direction.

It wasn't very far, flying about two kilometers in the direction pointed by the cloak, and after bypassing a beautiful grove, Deathstroke saw Hela who was collecting the body.

Among the golden leaves, a goddess in black robes was casting a spell. Under the green light, a skeleton took off its skin and flesh like a body suit.

"The physical fitness of the Eternals is good, but they still have to be divided." Thanos spoke unexpectedly. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the skin bag that fell on the ground: "Druids lack experience in close combat. , People who think they can survive by relying on their brains often make this mistake."

While he was talking, the orange cat slipped away from Carol's arms at some point. It ran to Hela with its tail raised, raised its head and looked at the goddess with cute eyes for a while, and then looked at the flesh and blood on the ground. His mouth opened wide.


A large cluster of tentacles as tall as a person came out of the cat's mouth. Like a rake, it rolled up all the flesh and dead leaves on the ground into its mouth and disappeared.

The orange cat narrowed his eyes in comfort, stretched out his pink tongue and licked his mouth, then rubbed against Hela's leg before running towards Carol with his tail raised.

As an element-devouring beast, it likes to eat things containing energy, and the corpses of the Eternals just meet the conditions.

"Is taking Qiuer with us to clean up the body?" Wanda reached out and touched the orange cat that jumped into Carol's arms. The latter purred: "This is in line with nature. It’s a cycle.”

"How can there be a cycle? Witch." Thanos shook his head, and he continued to walk behind Deathstroke: "The element-eating beast only eats but does not excrete. It is like a black hole in a living thing. Instead of feeling that the druid has entered life, cycle, it’s better to think that he fell into a void that he can never escape from, haha.”

The path in the forest is winding, and when you step on it, it will make a gentle rustling sound. The death knell seems to be floating as it moves, and there will not even be any footprints left where he walks.

"How's it going? Hela, the Druid's skeleton is fun?"

Walking to the side of the goddess of the underworld, Deathstroke looked at the bones in front of her. How should I put it, they looked no different from human bones, except that they were a little hunchbacked.

"My power is still increasing, Slade." Hela held a ball of green flame in her hand, and she controlled the bones to dance: "The whereabouts of the goddess of death are unknown, but her authority seems to be transferring to me, you Do you know what’s going on?”

"Probably because 'death' cannot be escaped or missing, so after she left, the concepts of death remaining in the universe gathered around you."

After lighting a cigarette, Su Ming touched his chin. He looked up at the blue sky and continued:

"I've had a similar feeling before. It was the rustling sound made by the darkness flowing towards me. Others couldn't hear it because it was rubbing against my soul."

More than that, what he felt before was more like a tug-of-war, with himself on one end of the darkness and Darkseid on the other.

And even now that Uncle Da is dead, in other distant worlds, there are still different controllers of the concept of "darkness", holding the threads of the big web.

However, that is all beside the point.

"That doesn't sound like a good thing." Hela's mouth twitched, as if she had lost her good mood, and then she extinguished the green fire in her hand, and the skeleton in front of her immediately turned into powder in a burst of green smoke.

"Oh? Many people will be happy when they become stronger. Why are you just the opposite?" Su Ming looked at Thanos, who was very calm at this time and did not go crazy because Hela left when he mentioned death.

"Because the responsibility of death is too heavy, and I don't want it at all." Hela rolled her eyes. She put her arm around Deathstroke and pointed at the magic floating cloak: "Just the underworld is enough to annoy me. Now, human life is better, that’s it, can we leave? Olympia is too empty here, I don’t like it here.”

It was indeed very empty, but only for people, because when Hela was talking, the nearby flowers were still blooming, the birds were still singing, and there were still fish swimming in the river in the distance.

It's obviously a nice place, but Hela, the homebody girl, seems to prefer a closed and cold-toned environment.

"Okay, then let's go back to the North Pole to put on a show, and then the tasks of the Eternals can be handed over to others."

Su Ming raised his hand to turn the magic floating cloak into a flying carpet and invited everyone to sit on it:

"From the information read, it turned out that Druid had a trump card. After killing Ikaris, he planned to release his grandfather Ouranos to clean up all the 'anomalies' on the earth. But now, we arrived just in time, the man is still asleep in the seal in the exile area, and no one will wake him up."


Thanos was slightly dazed when he heard the name.

"That's right, Uranus, codenamed 'Uranus', is the biological brother of Cronus, the 'God of Time'."

The dark Supreme Mage pulled Hela onto the cloak, squatted at the leader's position, smiled and winked at Thanos:

"And Cronus is your grandfather, Thanos, which means that Druid should be considered your cousin. How about killing another relative today. Does it make you feel familiar?"

"Hehehe. It feels great. You should have told me earlier. I might want to kill him more slowly and experience it carefully."

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