The Death Knell

Chapter 4622 The dust has settled

Ouranos is the first of the Eternals. As the name suggests, he is the first one created by the Celestials.

Maybe it was because he had no experience when making it for the first time and had enough materials, so he is also the strongest among the Eternals, and he is very powerful. At least as far as Su Ming knows, that guy has no obvious weaknesses.

In the comics Su Ming read in his previous life, Uranus was able to kill all the X-Men in one hour. This is enough to prove that he is much stronger than Thanos in his normal state, and there are forty-seven of them. Minutes were the time he needed to defeat the 'big crowd' head-on.

Anyone who knows what kind of mutants Daqun is, knows what level they are, right?

However, in the past, the most powerful mutant, Apocalypse, was sealed under the pyramid, and the most powerful Eternals were also sealed in the quarantine area. The reasons for their defeat in ancient times were similar: overconfidence.

That's a digression. Since it is certain that Ouranos will not be released, let him continue to sleep. Su Ming is not so free that he must release the other party to find trouble for himself.

Cloak took everyone back to the North Pole, back to the ice they left before. In fact, you can see from a distance that the only person left standing is Sheena.

Ikaris's face turned green and he had already died. Crowe's body and head were separated and fell to the side. Xina seemed to have lost her soul, kneeling next to the two corpses.

The wind and snow buried half of the body. If it had lasted longer, even the blonde would have been buried.

Carol sighed. As a soldier, she was more soft-hearted than others. After all, it was the Air Force. She had seen very few dead people, unlike Captain America, who was a big-headed Army soldier running around with broken limbs. Comparability.

The advantage of flying an airplane is that if you press a button, even if hundreds of people die below, she won't see any blood at all, and there is no sense of reality.

It was only after she went to the Kree Empire that she participated in many ground missions, but the corpses she saw were all aliens, so it was not as impactful as seeing dead human-looking creatures.

The Eternals look like humans, and Carol herself, as a hybrid, also looks like humans. Although Deathstroke has long excluded the Eternals from 'humanity', she saw that Igris was really dead, and Sheena Being so sad, I can still feel the emotion to some extent.

"Xina, are you okay?"

Deathstroke signaled everyone to wait on the flying carpet, and he went down to communicate with the woman. Then he landed gently behind the woman and put his hand on her cold shoulder.

"how so??"

She didn't move, she just whispered like this, her voice was trembling, but it was definitely not because of the cold.

"I still don't know what happened, Xina, can you tell me?"

The considerate Supreme Mage hugged her shoulders and took out a blanket from his pocket to wrap it around her, looking concerned.

With someone to comfort her, Xina finally relaxed. She sniffed and told Deathstroke about what happened after he left, as if she hoped that the Supreme Mage could make the decision for her.

Things went as expected. Not long after Deathstroke and his friends left, Crowe stabbed Igris in the back. The special poison on the dagger quickly killed the man, even though Sheena immediately chopped down the abnormal tribe. , and no antidote was found from him.

Ikaris died quickly, and Crowe also died happily, but Xina recovered her memory at this time, and she remembered the past that she and Crowe had had two children.

It was simply too tragic. After thinking that Crowe should be controlled by the druid, Sheena also guessed that the druid must have destroyed Igris's consciousness backup in Olympia just now.

She began to regret that she should not have killed her ex-husband, because she could have tried to help him sober up.

So I just kept kneeling here in a daze.

Deathstroke comforted her and said that he and others would definitely kill the druid to avenge Igris, and then urged her to return to Olympia to take charge of the overall situation.

Xina was distraught. She was an excellent warrior, but she was never the kind of person to make decisions.

After hearing that the Supreme Mage was willing to avenge her, she immediately gained a backbone, cheered up, and flew in the direction of her hometown.

Before leaving, she looked lovingly at the Supreme Mage of mankind, a man who stood erect even in the wind and snow, and said:

"thank you!"

"Master, are you sure you can control her?"

Seeing the blond figure flying away, Wanda moved closer to Deathstroke. She didn't think there was anything wrong with what the Supreme Mage did. On the contrary, she felt proud of it.

Controlling the fate of others is also an ability, and this ability is always better in the hands of humans than in the hands of enemies.

Mutants are members of the ‘human race’ that Deathstroke personally recognizes, and this will not change.

Wanda has a close relationship with Deathstroke, better than all mutants except Mysterio, because her master's master was Monaco and her father was Magneto.

Unlike alien hybrids like Carol, she was born in the Deathstroke camp, so she always had a sense of superiority.

And the facts prove that this is indeed the case, because after Deathstroke killed Sithorne, he left the Shining Domain to himself and allowed himself to control such a powerful power as Chaos Magic. This is the trust that others can only hope to get.

"Well, Xina's control of the Eternals is the most beneficial to mankind, because of her son Zoe."

Deathstroke sat on the flying carpet and answered expressionlessly, while patting his cloak:

"Take us to Flash."

The front end of the magic floating cloak was slightly raised, just like a horse raising its front hooves before preparing to run, and then led everyone on the journey again.

"Her son? Could it be?" Carol hugged the orange cat and asked curiously.

There was no sound of wind in his ears, and the cloak once again entered the invisible and soundproof state, so Su Ming's voice seemed very clear: "Yes, her only remaining son is a hybrid child born between her and a human. The father of the child may be the same as yours." Meet Thomas Eliot."

Carol looked at Wanda, Wanda looked at Hela, and Hela looked at the orange cat.

The three women all shook their heads, and then looked at Thanos together, but the latter simply didn't bother to pay attention to them, and was even indifferent to the name Deathstroke said.

"There is no such person in the superhero circle, right?" Carol tilted her head, she buried her nose between the orange cat's ears, took a deep breath and said, "Is it the real name of a certain masked person?"

"Maybe it's a mage from another dimension." Wanda thought for a while and made a wild guess.

Hela simply stopped guessing. Anyway, she had only settled on Earth for a short time, so there was no shame in not knowing.

"It seems that none of you know that your cultural level is not as good as mine, haha." Su Ming shook his head with a smile and revealed the answer: "He is a British writer and poet, and the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948. His winning work is "Four Quartets" tells the dialectical relationship between 'eternity' and 'time'."

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