The Death Knell

Chapter 4623 Arranging housework

The Druid died. Deathstroke and others knew about this, but the Eternals did not. They would only know that the new Eternal Supreme murdered the previous one, and then absconded in fear of the crime.

It is true that Igris's association with the abnormal tribe is equivalent to betraying the entire tribe, but this is not a death penalty. At most, it will only cause him to be imprisoned in a closed area and go to a prison with stagnant space to keep company with some people.

According to the rules of the Eternals, killing fellow members is the most serious crime, not to mention that the Druids also destroyed the consciousness backup, which will put everyone in danger no matter which faction they belong to.

As long as they can't find the Druid, they won't feel at ease. How can they have time to think about how to deal with humans?

If Xina succeeds the Eternal Supreme, she may find that the Druid's consciousness backup is also missing, but the wall is destroyed, and she cannot be sure whether the Druid took it away by himself, just like the Titans ever done.

In this way, the overall situation has been decided, and the only trouble left now is those Hex.

Su Ming planned to leave these giant statues soaking their feet in the Earth's ocean to Barry and the others to deal with. It shouldn't be a big problem. After all, Earth 40K was not completely defenseless. There was also a fleet in orbit.

Next, I’m going to go solve Thanos’s problem. Before I leave, I want to say hello to Barry and the others.

The Hex that Barry and the others dealt with before has disappeared into the sea. It may have been dragged deeper into the abyss by tentacle creatures, or it may have been dismembered on the spot by brute force, so the death knell is near the equator. Only then did they find the duo of Xiao Shen and Neptune who were dealing with who knows which Colossus.

Their tactics were still the same. Barry carried Arthur and ran wildly. Arthur called the nearby sea monsters to come over and beat the enemy in a group, but it was gone.

Useful tactics are not afraid of repetition. This is called copying successful experience. Before the enemy comes up with a new response strategy, everyone only needs to repeat the monotonous and boring work until the final victory.


The cloak lowered its height and flew close to the sea. It caught up with the Flash wrapped in electro-optical light, and the two sides walked hand in hand on the sea.

"Hey, Barry, I'm really troubling you, but you still need to deworm my earth." Deathstroke waved with a smile and shouted to the side: "I want to discuss something with you."

"Oh, don't suddenly speak so loudly in my ear and scare me." Barry twisted his steps a few times and almost fell into the sea. After seeing the death knell with his peripheral vision, he flattened his mouth helplessly: " If you have anything to say, just say it, I'm listening, I always listen to you."

"There may be something wrong over there on Earth 0. I'm going to take these friends there first. I'll leave these giant statues on Earth to you first. Is it okay to tear them all down?"

With that said, Deathstroke pointed to the sky, indicating that he wanted to leave here.

"What? Did something happen at home?" Xiao Shen was a little nervous. His hand holding Arthur's arm tightened: "Should we go back too?"

"Don't panic, there's Batman over there on Earth 0." Su Ming consoled him. He looked at Arthur who was holding a five-dented pendant and performing power with his eyes closed: "Besides, it's just the investigation stage now, you have nothing to do when you go back. , we still have to wait for Bat and I to find clues."

Neptune seems to be talking to the fish. He is very immersed in the conversation. Is he so addicted and intoxicated?

When Deathstroke said this, Barry felt relieved. He scratched the top of his head with his free hand and nodded with a smile:

"So that's it. Then I can rest assured and wait until you and Batman find out what's going on. It's really useless for me to go back. I still have to look at your detectives."

He, Cyborg, Arthur, and John, none of them are smart enough to compare with Batman. Anyway, Batman has not ordered the Zhenglian to gather together, so it means there should be no big problem.

Staying on Earth 40K to save people is also saving people. This is what superheroes should do. This is the purpose of the Justice League.

"I'm not a detective, just a mercenary." Su Ming wiped the sea water splashed on his face. Just now, a giant nautilus-like sea monster hit Hex's body, knocking it up in the sea. A huge wave.

Barry accelerated instantly, triggering a Speed ​​Force storm that offset the tsunami, but water still splashed onto the flying carpet.

"Ah, you are often the first to find out the truth. I have forgotten that you are not a detective." Barry stuck out his tongue and smiled sheepishly: "I always feel that solving crimes is a job that can only be done by detectives, like Smart guys like Batman and Bobo.”

He seems to have forgotten one thing, and that is - Deathstroke is not a member of the Zhenglian at all.

"Little Fook is actually better at detective work than Batman, because he doesn't have the ability to torture and extract confessions, so he can only rely on reasoning."

Seeing that The Flash agreed to help clean up the remaining Hex soldiers in 40K, Su Ming also chatted about detectives. He took out a few boxes of pizza from his pocket and inserted the "bitter tea" into Neptune's sharp five. On the prong:

"Okay, let me go first. You and Arthur can eat these things when you are hungry. If you need anything, you just need to raise your head and call the adjutant like you used to call Superman."

The Flash, who was running wildly, looked up at the food. The stack of boxes on the pendant looked like Arthur was holding a big mallet, but it only looked a little funny. The smell of pizza was still very tempting. of.

"Okay, don't worry and leave this earth to us. You don't need to kill people to deal with these stone statues. I think I can do it."

After bidding farewell to Barry and Arthur, Su Ming went to the northern hemisphere to find the duo of Cyborg and Green Lantern. These two were responsible for dealing with some Hex after landing, and their fighting methods seemed much tougher.

The so-called login actually means that some Hexes landed on the islands. The land structure of the earth is like this. In addition to the mainland, there are many small islands hanging offshore, and people live on them.

After repeating what he said before to the two of them, they made the same decision as Barry. It was impossible for them to let go of the person they were trying to save.

Anyway, Batman didn't rush me, which means it's okay.

"Um, Deathstroke, when can I replace the octopus?" Just when Su Ming was about to escape, Cyborg suddenly grabbed him and asked secretly like a thief.

"You're as red as a bubble teapot!" Su Ming pushed the little black man's face away and waved his hand in disgust: "We haven't trained any good ones yet. If you get tired of using the octopus, I can arrange a new surgery. How about a squid or an electric eel for you?"

Cyborg took a breath of cold air. He turned into a giant eggbeater and stirred Hex's head. While fighting, he asked:

“Can electric eels also be used?”

"Of course, have you heard of the Canadian electric eel? It's amazing."

He stretched out a little finger and twisted it, and Deathstroke showed a mysterious expression. He started to fool people again.

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