The Death Knell

Chapter 4624 Intelligence Fusion

Su Ming was chatting with Cyborg over the Atlantic Ocean. He mentioned various seafood, including sea anemones and corals, but the boy always shook his head and refused. He seemed to have a soft spot for octopus.

Since they have no plans to change for the time being, let's just make do with it for a while. I've been very busy recently, so I don't have time to arrange such things for Cyborg.

Yes, Wanda's chaos magic should be able to help the little black man get a new part instantly, but how can Su Ming say it?

Are you saying, 'Cyborg's little brother is gone, you use chaos magic to help him create a new one, and the shape must be innovative'?

Does the Supreme Mage still need the face? Moreover, the results of chaos magic are unpredictable. What if a sausage turns out?

It's better to go back and wait for a while and arrange for little Franklin to follow up on this matter, but only after he has sorted out everything in the transcendent realm.

But just when Su Ming was thinking about the type of 'prosthesis', some unusual movements suddenly appeared in the sky. You could see that the snow-white clouds on the sea began to change color and then gathered together.

The wind is often very strong above the ocean, so the clouds are mostly like cotton wool that has been pulled apart. At this time, they gather unusually. This is an obvious abnormality.

The ever-changing Cyborg and Green Lantern worked together to smash the Hex Colossus in front of them. The process is simple to say. He turned into a large refrigerator, locked the enemies in and froze them into crispy ice, and then John Stewart used a lamp ring to create a large Hammer, bang it with a few clicks and it's done.

"What is this? Is it a precursor to a typhoon?"

The little black man raised his head and looked at the clouds in the sky. At this time, the clouds had turned black and purple, like sarcoma filled with congestion.

"Ah, no, this is what the druid told his followers to do during the previous meeting."

Su Ming stared at the sky calmly. It seemed that Sheena's movements were still slow. After returning home, she did not immediately take over as the Eternal Supreme and inform the entire clan about the Druid killings. As a result, the Eternals who had attended the meeting still carried out the execution. One of the druid's plans.

That woman is easier to control, but being emotionally rich will lead to a decline in political ability. There is nothing you can do about it.

The clouds began to pile up, gradually forming a huge human face. It had its eyes closed and thunder was brewing in its mouth, but it was already almost as big as the entire ocean, as if all the clouds in the world had been gathered here.

If this was a real miracle in ancient times, perhaps the Eternals had used this method to make humans kneel on the ground in panic.

But times have changed, especially when magic is in human hands.

"What on earth is this? A weather weapon?" Carol was eager to try it. She liked this kind of enemy that looked very imposing, especially the big face, which reminded her of the supreme wisdom.

"This is intelligence fusion." Su Ming indicated that she could try to fight. Anyway, this thing can't hurt her: "The meeting process of the Eternals is called intelligence fusion, and this process can be embodied as a summoned object. Yes, to put it simply, the strange face above our heads is the embodiment of the spiritual power of many Eternals."

"A manifestation of spiritual power? It's really rare." Hela took the orange cat from Carol. She watched Captain Marvel, with the flames of his suit above his head, soar into the sky: "I seem to have seen something like this somewhere. thing."

"Well, the spiritual leech of the fourth dimension is very similar to this kind of thing. It doesn't exist originally. When people become suspicious, it will be born out of anxiety."

Deathstroke answered the goddess's question, and at the same time watched Carol's face rushing into the air. Thanos did the same thing as him, and the Titan seemed to want to see how Captain Marvel performed.

The golden cosmic energy burned like a flame, and Carol rushed into the sky like a comet. The closer she got to the big face, the smaller her figure became, but the light on her body became brighter.

Her fighting method has always been very simple, which is to launch herself like a cannonball.


After a loud roar, she punched Big Face in the mouth.

I don’t know if she is watching Big Mouth’s accuracy, or she has gained experience in dealing with battleships. Anyway, if Su Ming sees it, getting into the opponent’s body is also a good tactic when dealing with giant enemies.

Seeing a flash of golden light, the huge face suddenly turned into a painful expression.

The eyes and mouth that were originally closed were now opened, turning into three dark holes, spewing out purple glow.


Su Ming didn't know the effect of this blow. After all, it was his first time to see a fusion of intelligence and he had no experience at all.

But listening to the screams of this thing seems to be very painful, so that should be fine. The embodiment of spiritual power may be physically immune, but it is certainly not immune to cosmic energy attacks.

Carol is very flexible. As a pilot, she has many aerial combat skills that Su Ming should learn. The sky at this time is a suitable battlefield for her.

"It looks like she is working as a tailor." Cyborg also expressed his opinion as if nothing happened: "That face is like a dirty rag, and the golden lady is like needle and thread."

He was right. Given his age, it would actually be okay to call Carol aunt, and the metaphor was very vivid.

However, Su Ming still hit him on the head and cursed with a smile:

"What show are you watching? Go and deal with the other Hexes with John! Let us take care of this big face."

Green Lantern smiled and patted Cyborg's butt, which is how black people seemed to like to show intimacy, and then he flew away quickly, looking back from time to time, as if he wanted Cyborg to chase him.

But the younger Cyborg was not so naive. He talked for a while and looked at Deathstroke seriously:

"If I guess correctly, this is the first time that something happened to your earth and our earth at the same time, right? You can't control the relative flow rate of time..."

His tone was questioning, but the look on his face was sure.

"Did you see it? Haha." Deathstroke rubbed the little black man's head, took a puff of cigarette, and replied in the big boy's disgusted eyes: "Yes, this is the first time we have encountered such a situation. Tactics have been deployed against me, and now the enemy is still hiding in the dark.”

Raising his hands to fan the air in front of him, he dispersed the lingering green smoke, and slowly flew away with fire from his steel feet: "No matter who the enemy is, be careful. If you need me, let me know and I will support you. Dude.”

He seems to have finally recognized Deathstroke, which is not easy for someone who once belonged to the Titans team. After all, the old man Deathstroke is the childhood shadow of almost all members of the Titans. Cyborg seems to have really been reborn now.

What he said was very considerate and touching. Unfortunately, Deathstroke's touching threshold was much higher than that of ordinary people, and he didn't appreciate it at all:

"Thanks, but if I end up in a situation where I need your rescue, I might as well commit suicide."

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