The Death Knell

Chapter 4625 Midnight attack

After sending away the two black friends, Su Ming took out the lightsaber in his hand. He nodded towards Wanda and signaled the witch to cooperate with everyone's offensive.

As mentioned before, the intelligent fusion is the embodiment of spiritual power. It is easy to eliminate the one in front of you, but if you want to cure it, you still have to make it impossible for the Eternals to work together to summon this thing in the future.

The simple way is that Wanda needs to activate her power and slightly modify the rules of the world so that Earth 40K will no longer allow embodied objects like intelligent fusions to exist in the future.

Things like embodiment, to put it bluntly, are relatively close to the mysterious side. Wanda has understood its form of existence before, and now she just needs to think about the language a little bit.

In fact, the giant face in the sky is not very strong. The main reason is that its attack method is very simple. In addition to spraying psychic lightning from its mouth, nose and eyes, it only has mental attacks.

For example, it can make people fearful, make people have random thoughts, make people distracted during battle, etc.

Of course it's a great weapon against ordinary people, but it's a pity

At the beginning of the team's operation together, Su Ming gave everyone except Wanda a small piece of X metal to stick on the back of their heads. The psychic abilities were completely ineffective on everyone, and they could not even be felt at all.

The Witch doesn't need this, she is almost Chaos itself now.

"Thanos, you move your hands too. I'll hit the left eye, you hit the right eye, and Hela will poke the nose." Su Ming saw that the Scarlet Witch was already getting ready, so he motioned for everyone to move their hands, at least to warm up.


The purple giant tilted his mouth and blew out a note from his nostrils, but still raised his fist wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.

This enemy is not strong, and Sheena will take over the Eternals soon. In fact, there is no need to fight, even if it takes a while, the problem can be solved.

But who told Deathstroke to start a competition? Let this boring battle end quickly.

At the same time, the metropolis of Earth 0.

The night outside the window was dark, and the city seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. The vehicles on the streets became sparse, and the big iron ball on the roof of the daily newspaper seemed lifeless.

In a high-rise apartment about three kilometers away from the newspaper office, the wind gently blew the bedroom curtains, and the beautiful tassels lightly scratched on the carpet, making a subtle sound.

The moonlight passed through the gaps in the window screen, leaving irregular shadows on the floor, which was the effect caused by clouds.

Two people were sleeping on the big bed. They were sleeping in each other's arms, and the woman's hair even got into the man's nostrils playfully.

However, the man didn't react at all. He just closed his eyes and smiled.

However, the next second, he suddenly opened his eyes, gently pushed the woman on his arm aside, and sat up on his own.

The sheets slid down, revealing his sculpted and strong body, which was probably one of the hardest bodies in the world. Naturally, there was no need to worry about catching a cold.

Clark listened carefully, and there seemed to be something making a small sound in the distance. The sound was very weak, but full of malice.

Of course, this is just a feeling, but Superman believes that his intuition is not wrong, because he also heard similar noises when the total body came.

The next second, the bedroom door opened, and a short figure lay at the crack of the door. He saw the man sitting on the bed, and whispered:

"Dad, I seem to hear something."

This is Superman's son Jonathan, acquaintances call him Xiao Qiao. He is a warm-blooded and serious young man.

But at this time, he was wearing red and blue pajamas, holding his dog Krypton in his arms, just like an ordinary child who had just woken up from a nightmare and wanted to seek comfort from his parents.

"Did you hear it too?" Superman's voice was very weak. He knew it would not wake up his wife beside him, but it was enough for his son to hear clearly: "And you too, little Krypton?"

"Woof." Super Dog barked softly and nodded its head up and down. Its black eyes emitted a faint green light in the dark.

The approval of his son and pet made Superman rule out the possibility that he heard wrongly. He took a deep breath, left the bed, walked to the window and looked out.

There is something moving in the distant sky, but it is transparent. Even with super vision, you can't see it clearly. All you know is that they seem to be very fast.

And this was enough to make Superman alert. He grabbed his tights from the bedside, put it on instantly, turned to his son and said:

"I'll go take a look. You go back to bed first."

"I want to go with you, Dad." Superboy was not sleepy at all. He had been thinking about this after his puppy was impersonated by an ooze monster last time.

"Be obedient, you have to go to school tomorrow." Superman stared at his son, very seriously, because the most important thing is for children to receive education, and every parent will think so.

However, the little boy just rolled his eyes. He even taught himself all the courses for next year, and it only took one second.

However, he was a good boy, far less rebellious than his good friend Damian. He picked up the dog on the ground and obeyed his father's words.

When Superman saw this scene, he nodded with satisfaction and flew towards the window with a smile on his face.

But in the next second!

Just as he took off, he was hit head-on by a huge black shadow, and the almost unstoppable force knocked him back to where he was.

Both feet were inserted into the floor and could not slow down. His back hit the big bed and the other wall facing the window. The entire room was completely destroyed almost instantly. This was the result of Clark trying his best to balance his body posture.

Fortunately, Xiao Qiao reacted and rescued his sleeping mother in the bed at the critical moment and carried her behind him.

Even the super dog Xiao Krypton helped. He stood in front of the boy and the hostess, using his body to resist the flying concrete fragments and dangerous broken glass.

There was a monster floating outside the window. It looked like it was made of flesh and blood. The head seemed to be inlaid with a white statue of an angel, but there were two bloody tears flowing down the angel's face.

It was carrying a giant sword in its hand, but when it attacked Superman just now, it didn't even use the weapon.

The fleshy wings behind the monster flapped slowly, making it look more like it was floating against gravity rather than flying. The surging muscles on its body gave it a somewhat terrifying aura under the moonlight.

"Ahem! Who are you?!" Superman felt the burning pain in his chest and looked at his unfamiliar opponent in surprise. He didn't look back and continued shouting: "Qiao, take your mother out of here!"

Superboy knew that now was not the time to hesitate. His mother was still a little confused at this time. It was still too dangerous for her to be here.

So he immediately left with his mother on his back, preparing to go to his hometown in Kansas for a temporary refuge, but a surprised expression appeared on his face unknowingly.

Because he couldn't remember the last time he was an enemy that made his father gasp in pain.

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