The Death Knell

Chapter 4626 Difficult Mother

The flesh-and-blood angel outside the window didn't pay attention to the boy who left. There was still no expression on its sculpture-like face, and of course it didn't have eyes that could move.

But Superman could feel that the other person was looking at him, and his eyes were filled with an unspeakable emotion.

Like greed, like hunger and thirst, like regret, and like joy.

This made Clark shake his head involuntarily. He pulled his legs out of the floor and thought that he might be crazy to actually see emotions on the face of a sculpture?

So violent that it took off, his fists hit the opponent's chest. He was ready to knock the strange sculpture into the sky to prevent the battle from affecting the city he loved so much.

Of course, there is also his home. Even if the bedroom has been destroyed, then he should try to save the living room.

The reporter's salary is not that high. It would be a bit painful if the sofa and TV were also scrapped in the subsequent battle.

However, he found that he had underestimated the enemy. In the past, when he raised his fists above his head and hit the enemy like a torpedo, he was always invincible.

But tonight, when his fists came into contact with the enemy's body, they slightly sank into the opponent's flowing flesh and blood, and then his strength was offset.

He raised his head and glanced at the other person's face in surprise, but the statue's face did not change at all. The next second, the flesh and blood monster raised his arm, and the fist that flowed like liquid suddenly hit Superman's belly.

With just one punch, Superman found himself on the moon and embedded in a crater.

Not far away is the ruins of the Justice League Observatory. The last time I spelled out the bat pattern on the moon, I repaired it by the way.

Thinking of this, Superman quickly shook his head. He had discovered that his thinking was out of control.

He was obviously fighting against the enemy, and the situation was very bad, but his mind was thinking of other things uncontrollably.

TV sofa, Bat Moon, now starting to think about whether his cape is flat again.


He bent over and vomited out a mouthful of blood. A burning sensation instantly filled the entire esophagus, but the next second, he unconsciously began to think about whether he looked ugly now.

The strange flesh-and-blood statue appeared in front of him again, emerging quietly and suddenly, as light as if it had slipped from space.

"What kind of monster are you?!" Superman relies on his biological force field to speak and breathe freely in a vacuum.

"I am 'Mother', Superman Clark, your other mother gave you life and I will take it back."

The weird statue spoke, it spoke standard London English, but there was no movement on the angelic and beautiful face, and the voice seemed to come from its body that was constantly squirming.

"You really taint this term, monster." Clark took a deep breath and regained his composure. He left the moon and flew towards the other side of the earth, because he needed to bathe in sunlight to ensure his combat endurance.

Although he said that the enemy had defiled his mother, Clark had to admit that this opponent was very strangely powerful and belonged to the type of attack that was incomprehensible.

He could feel that the opponent's attack should not hurt him, but every attack could ignore his own defense.

The force of the blow it just struck was not enough to push itself from the earth to the moon, at least it did not use that much force. It was more like it drove itself into a space tunnel and fell directly from one end to the other.

Superman has never encountered such an enemy, and he doesn't even think that such a thing exists in the magical world because it is too unreasonable.

"I'm not a monster, I'm a mother." The statue floated beside him and stretched out its two arms, as if it was going to hug Superman, but in the next moment it strangled his neck.

These two tentacles feel like the symbiote of Death Knell, soft, sticky, and able to flow and deform.

Superman's mind began to associate uncontrollably again. From Deathstroke's symbiote, he thought of octopus, and then naturally thought of Japanese cuisine.

He was in big trouble. He understood that this was some kind of ability of the enemy, but he couldn't control how his brain should think. It was like...

It's like I am no longer myself.

He grabbed the opponent's hand that was strangling him and wrestled with this weird statue. However, it was really difficult to break a ball of liquid with brute force. He could pull the opponent's arms into pieces, like spaghetti. It's long, but you can't tear it off, and you can't pry the opponent's claws away from your neck.

All kinds of inexplicable thoughts began to pop up in his brain again, and his thoughts began to run uncontrollably. However, because of the rare feeling of suffocation, the redness in front of his eyes made Superman think that he could also use heat vision.

By the way, this time my brain finally thought of something useful.

Clark fired beams from his eyes, hitting the statue's angelic eyes directly.

However, the two red lights were like a stone sinking into the ocean, and water-like texture appeared on the opponent's face, without any harm at all.

"Sleep, sleep in my arms, mother loves you."

The statue said this in a hoarse male voice, and its hands strangled Superman's neck harder.

She obviously has the face of a female angel, but why does she speak in a male voice?

As a result, Superman began to think wildly again. As soon as he was distracted, the transmission of heat vision was interrupted, so that the other party's face suddenly moved closer to him, almost as if they wanted to put their mouths together.

"No, never!"

At this time, Clark seemed to wake up in a trance. He is Kal Al, the son of Krypton, and a member of the Justice League. He will never give up hope!

He slammed his head against the opponent's head. Although it still didn't cause any effective damage, it caused some changes in the flight trajectory of the two.

Now the two of them are like twin-tailed comets entangled together, circling the earth's equator, and soon they will reach the sunny side of the earth.

At that point, Superman thought he could sunbathe, have some drinks, and...

He woke up suddenly because his brain was out of control just now. He had never experienced such a battle. The other party seemed to be controlling his thinking.

Use useless thoughts to replace those thoughts in battle, and even use weird attitudes to make yourself lose your fighting spirit.

What kind of monster is this? Can I really win it?


Regaining himself, Superman relied on his willpower and fighting instincts to launch another attack, blowing freezing air at his enemy.

Of course, the opponent can move freely in space, and low temperature may not be effective, but if the airflow mixed with ice crystals can hinder its sight, maybe.

still have a chance?

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