The Death Knell

Chapter 4627 Blankness and Forgetting

The two hugged each other and flew through space. The solar system in the background seemed to slow down at this time. Superman blew cold air mixed with ice crystals towards each other, trying to give himself a chance.

The white cold current hit the face of the statue, and the strong air pressure pushed the enemy's head back slightly, but the arms, like greasy hoses, were still tightly wrapped around Clark's neck, and they were getting tighter and tighter.

Fortunately, Superman has a body of steel, which is enough to break the noose on an ordinary person's neck countless times, but it only makes it more difficult for him to breathe.

Because of this, Clark did not blow out much air, and the opportunity was fleeting. He bent his knees in the air, and then kicked the opponent's chest violently like a rabbit kicking an eagle.

However, when his feet felt like they were sinking into mud, he realized that things were getting into trouble.

"Useless resistance, Kal-El." The frost-covered statue made a voice. It seemed to be laughing, and it also seemed to be sighing: "Give up, your fate is doomed."

"Never!" Superman retorted with difficulty.

Because at this time, Clark had various hallucinations inexplicably appearing in his mind. It was him driving a tractor through the vast fields of Kansas. The golden wheat fields undulated like waves, and the wind brought the aroma of freshly baked pies. The farm at home is not far away, and his parents are waiting for him with a smile in front of the door.

There was a voice in my mind. That voice was completely different from the statue in front of me. It was a gentle and elegant female voice. She kept repeating:

"Relax, relax, relax..."

This voice seemed to take his soul to a certain place, a place far away from the world, where there would be no more troubles and worries. Even though he still didn't know where it would be, Superman had a hazy feeling that it seemed to be a place. A state similar to liberation.

"Obey, good boy, I am mother." Many tentacles stretched out from the squirming mass of flesh and blood of the statue, and it wrapped around Superman's body, almost merging the two sides into one: "I know you What if we place our hope in the yellow sun?"

With that said, just as the golden light of the sun appeared on the edge of the earth, and the two of them were about to turn to the sun-facing side of the earth in outer space orbit, the strange flesh-and-blood bear turned its head like a giant and gestured to Superman to go and see what he wanted. sun.

Golden and round, like a big cake.

But just when I felt the power it brought to me, before I had time to experience it more, everything changed, like a piece of black cloth flying from nowhere, and the golden sun was all that was left in the blink of an eye. A dim aperture like a solar eclipse.

Not to mention providing energy to Superman, the weak light was so weak that it seemed like it would go out in the next second.

The statue hid the sun with just one sentence. Clark didn't even know how it did it, but he only felt heavy despair.

He didn't want to think that way, but his brain didn't listen to his command at all. Instead, he began to actively listen to the gentle female voice, and gradually became addicted to it.

Kryptonians are very similar to humans. They are both races where the brain controls body behavior. When the brain is unwilling to resist, the so-called willpower and fighting instinct are all empty talk.

Superman is also in the same situation at this time. His strong arms are no longer strong, his eyes that can emit heat vision have also lost focus, and his thoughts seem to be disconnected and cannot be connected to each other.

His breathing stopped and his heartbeat stopped. Superman seemed to have turned into an ordinary meteor in the universe, gradually being swallowed up by the breath of death. 2

The flesh-and-blood statue stared at him, and the angel's face still showed an expression of compassion. There was a trace of tenderness in its all-white eyes. It released its arms that were holding the man's neck, retracted the tentacles wrapped around him, and gently rubbed its face against Superman's.

The smooth tentacles passed by the angular jaw, brushed over the straight nose, and gently closed Clark's eyes, making him feel as peaceful as if he was asleep.

Then it slowly stepped back, raised its arms, and grew sausage-like fingers, forming a small frame.

It uses this circle to frame the Superman in sight, just like the photographer uses his fingers to simulate the viewfinder frame.

Then it closed its palms and opened them again.

The Superman who was floating in front of him disappeared, as if he had never been here before.

"Kal-El, you have been left blank. This is a farewell forever."?

The statue lowered its head and said this towards the space in front of it. It looked at the sun in its sun clock state, then turned around and disappeared like starlight.

Superboy sent his mother to his grandmother's house in Kansas, and then prepared to leave. He asked Dai to protect his mother, and then prepared to rush back to Metropolis.

But at this time, the sky seemed to be shaken, and an indescribable and undetectable change quietly occurred.

Leis took his arm and asked seriously: "It's so late, why did you bring me here?" "Of course I am...I..."

Jonathan opened his mouth and answered his mother's question eagerly, but halfway through, he realized that he had no reason to go out at night.

Just now it seemed that I had something important to do, but now that I think about it carefully, there is nothing.

I haven't forgotten anything. After all, I have super intelligence and it's impossible to forget things. So, I really shouldn't go out for a drive in the middle of the night and worry my mother.

"Sorry, Mom, I don't seem to have anything to do. I probably want to take Little Krypton to take a bath in a nearby pond, and then we go back to sleep." Superboy scratched his head in embarrassment. He squatted down and touched his Little Krypton. , patting the dust off its body: "You bad dog, why are you covered with cement powder? Did you go somewhere naughty?"


The flower dog whimpered. It seemed aggrieved. It couldn't remember where so many dirty things came from, but it definitely didn't run around to play.

But the fact is that he became very dirty, and he felt a little uncomfortable, so he quickly licked Jonathan's hand and asked his little master to take him to take a bath.

Of course, being a super dog, he can bathe himself, but it would be nice to have someone to help rub his back.

Louise watched her son take the dog to the pond next to the farm, and shook her head speechlessly. The older the children were, the more naughty they became. Maybe boys were like this, so she looked at the old man in pajamas beside the door. No. He smiled happily:

"Sorry ma'am, we were just passing by by accident and will leave immediately."

"It doesn't matter, you don't look suspicious. Forgive me for overreacting. Martha put down the shotgun in her hand and smiled at the strange young woman! "There are only an old couple at home and no son, so I Always overreacting at night.

"I can understand that it's us who should apologize. I'll leave now."

Louise smiled politely at the old man and walked out of the other party's yard. Her son was so naughty that he led her into a stranger's yard in the middle of the night. Who knows he might be shot with a gun that day.


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