The Death Knell

Chapter 4628 Completely forgotten

"Hey, fellows, my anus suddenly tightened just now, and I had a bad feeling in my rectum. It seemed like something wrong had happened."

Deadpool, who was eating steak in a Gotham nightclub, shuddered and dropped the ketchup bottle in his hand. He turned to look at the empty box and muttered:

"As a powerful mercenary, I have been through life and death countless times. My intuition is very sharp. Even Peter's spider sense is not as good as my chrysanthemum sense. Why do you say that? Because chrysanthemums can be used to poop, and If the spider sense doesn’t work, then it loses in terms of functionality, quack!”


It seemed that someone in the non-existent audience said something. Deadpool tilted his head and listened for a while, showing a shocked expression.

He secretly glanced at Batman who was not far away. At this time, Bat was hugging Two-Face and talking and laughing. The latter had an expression on his face that he had seen a ghost. He was obviously not adapting to the changes in Batman today. His reaction Very funny.

This is a nightclub run by Double-Face. After all, Wade wants to eat, and there are no restaurants open in the middle of the night. Bat can only take him to an old friend's nightclub.

In Gotham, as long as you have money, you can get anything you want. Not to mention eating in nightclubs, you can even eat people.

"What? You all say it has more uses? Hiss, you know too much, don't you? We can't talk about those tricks here. After all, minors are particularly easy to learn bad things. If they know that the A hole can also be used It's not good to be a launcher for fireworks, especially the continuous recoil when the fireworks are launched. Hiss, have you ever done anything? I want to try LAW next time for the New Year. Rocket launcher.”


"What? Superman has been killed? Wait a minute, old man, aren't you kidding me?" Deadpool seemed to have seen some new barrage, his expression became serious, and his rotten face was swollen because the skin was too tight. Pus comes out: "And the enemy's ability makes his family forget his existence? Is it so evil?"


After wiping his face, Wade nodded and confirmed, "Yes, I'll just ask Batman about this. Maybe he will react too."

After that, he looked longingly at the bat not far away, and Zorn's intuition was very keen. When he felt the burning gaze, he felt as if he felt third-degree burns on his back, and immediately turned his head to face Deadpool. Got eyes.

"Thanks, Harvey, it's okay if I don't know the news about 'Blank'. Thank you for the midnight snack. Can I pay you after I take off my uniform during the day tomorrow? Don't look at me like that. I know you know my truth. Identity is the unspoken rule of Gotham. Everyone knows who Batman is, but they won't say it out loud. It's quite fun. Let's just keep it that way. You go and do business in the store first. I have something to do here. "

Batman slapped Two-Face on the butt and laughed and joked with his old friend, but the latter took a breath and quickly took out a coin and tossed it once, muttering to himself in a low voice.

"Heads means I'm dreaming, tails means I didn't wake up!" The coin was bounced high by the thumb, spinning back into Two-Face's hand. He glanced down, nodded in relief, and walked away with a strange smile: "It turns out I was sleepwalking, hehe, hehehe."

Seeing that his old friend was so frightened that he was mentally disturbed, Batman shook his head helplessly, but he did not explain anything further. Instead, he returned to the booth, crossed his legs and sat next to Deadpool, and Deathstroke’s cousin hooked up:

"It seems that my friends all suspect that I have turned into the Laughing Bat. Alas, it's obviously not like that at all. I'm much better than that perverted lunatic. Forget it, never mind, what's wrong with me? Two steaks are not enough Do you want to eat it? Would you like to try their macaroni and seafood stew? The local seafood in Gotham is very hygienic and tastes like a chemical taste of disinfectant. I highly recommend it, haha."

Bruce would never eat Gotham seafood, but Zorn thought the taste was interesting.

As long as a person lives, he always has to try anything. Even if it is diarrhea or genetic mutation, it is evidence that a person is alive.

This is very important to Zorn, whose life is very limited.

"Well, let's talk about eating chemical waste later. Bat buddy, I have a very serious question to ask you." Deadpool did not smile, and in order to show his seriousness, he spit out half of the meat he had chewed in his mouth. Because of oral cancer, he always loses his teeth, so it is always difficult to chew food: "Do you remember Superman?"

After speaking, he stared nervously at Batman's butt and chin, as if he could tell whether Batman was lying or joking from there.

This is Deadpool's special thinking logic, because he heard that people who lie have their noses grow longer, so when the nose pushes away the skin on the face, the groove between the butt and chin should be flattened, right?

"Who?" Batman blinked and touched Deadpool's thigh with a smile that didn't fade away. He touched the sticky blood through his pants and wiped it under the table without caring: "I know Supergirl, Superboy, Superboy, Superboy-Prime, Red Son, Superboy, Ultimate Man, Bizarro, Robot Superman, Thinking Superman, probably hundreds of people with the word 'Superman' in their code names, but just the word Superman? Never. heard about it."

"Hiss, even you have been tricked." Deadpool inhaled sharply from his nostrils, and then swallowed a large mouthful of saliva, phlegm, or snot: "Even you have forgotten Superman. This is troublesome. , is it like he has never appeared before? This is equivalent to clearing out his popularity. He is really dead. There will be no more opportunities to fake corpses from the grave. Wait, it’s not necessarily yet, let’s try to associate it. Law, Batman, and who are the seven leaders of the Justice League?"

"You mean the so-called Big Seven, right? In fact, I don't agree with this kind of evaluation from the outside world, because everyone in the Justice League should be equal." Zorn seemed to realize something, and he lowered his crossed legs with an expression on his face. He also became more serious: "But since you asked, I will try to tell you, I am Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter."

After saying that, he held up his palm and motioned for Deadpool to evaluate whether he really missed someone.

However, Deadpool's response was to raise a finger to signal Batman to wait. He took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket with his other hand, quickly dialed the number and put it to his ear. Pan said:

"Hello, is this Big Belly Mercenary Insurance Company? I am your client Wade Wilson. I would like to inquire about my personal accident insurance if I disappear and none of you remember my existence. Is the policy still valid? Is there any kind of project that can be insured even if I don't exist? No, this is not a prank, hello? Hello?. Fake! Hang up my phone, I will blow up your company when I get back. !”

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