The Death Knell

Chapter 4629 Everyone gathers

"Welcome to Earth 0 of DC Multiverse 1." Su Ming sat on the flying carpet, turned around and opened his arms to his friends, with a business smile like a tour guide on his face: "How do you feel? Sano Si, do you like it here? In fact, I think if you retire, you can change your life and find a factory to work, not necessarily farming.”!

The previous intelligence fusion was easily defeated. After all, when Deathstroke attacked, almost no enemy could withstand a few rounds, and that big face was no exception.

The entire battle was lackluster, with Thanos poking an eye, Deathstroke poking an eye, Carol going in and out of the other's mouth, and Hela using a black stone spike to pierce the nose of the big face.

Then Wanda's chaos magic made the final decision. What might have been called a miracle in ancient times was blown up into a sky full of colorful clouds on the spot, and the corpse was still full of artistic beauty like an oil painting.

"It doesn't seem to be any different." Thanos crossed his arms and looked at the surrounding environment expressionlessly. Deathstroke took everyone to a city with a five-pointed star park in the city: "This is the parallel you have been talking about. The world? It’s somewhat interesting, but where is my goddess? You said she is in this world, but I don’t feel her!”

"Be calm, maybe she was hidden by our enemies? We need to find someone to investigate. This is not as simple as your past robberies and genocide on the planet." Su Ming patted Thanos' arm, like She was hitting a stone slab, making a snapping sound, and then turned to Hela: "What about you? Classical beauty, can you feel the breath of death?"

Hela was breathing with her eyes closed at this time, and the dead body was still trembling slightly.

She did feel the breath of death, but it was not the death she had known in the past. The concept of death here felt different.

Easier, more practical, and more ruthless.

"There is death, but it's not ours." She answered the death knell without opening her eyes: "She seems to have noticed me, she is smiling, no, she is here!"

After saying that, she opened her eyes suddenly and turned her head to look in the direction beside everyone.

I saw a girl with skin as white as paper appearing on the originally empty park bench a hundred meters away from everyone.

She wore Gothic-style smoky black makeup, a simple black jumpsuit, and a small black lace parasol in the evening, smiling and waving to the death knell.

"You're not wrong, she's really here, it doesn't matter, I'm very familiar with her, you guys come here first, I'll come as soon as I can.

Throwing out a large bag of snacks and drinks, Su Ming motioned for everyone to wait on the flying carpet for a moment. He wanted to talk to Death. He also took a special look at Thanos and found that the latter only glanced at Death, and then Just ignore it.

That's right, what Thanos loves is not the concept of "death", but the "death".

It was his only friend who had been with him since childhood, constantly speaking softly in his mind, encouraging him to kill all his own kind, and always supporting the death whose hands were stained with all kinds of blood. (1

The death knell floated away. Carol held the orange cat and looked at the back, saying to herself: "Both Wilson brothers seem to be closely related to different deaths. Is this the characteristic of mercenaries? Because they often kill people, they are souls. main supplier?"

Thanos turned to stare at the captain, expressing his dissatisfaction with a fierce look. He didn't want to hear Deadpool's name at all. 2

In response, Carol tilted her mouth and lowered her head to suck the cat. Thanos was not a good person to begin with, but now for the sake of harmony within the team, it was better not to provoke him.

The death knell floated for a distance and landed on the other end of the park bench. He looked up at the street lamp on the side and the moths flying around the street lamp, and heard the popping sound they made when they hit the glass lampshade.

"You gave me a fuck in 40k Earth, beauty."

"Oh? Really? I don't believe it." Death smiled and sat closer. With her cold fragrance, she got close to Deathstroke: "Among humans, you can already be considered omnipotent. , I went to your world to spend a day before, I don’t think it will cause any trouble.”

"Yes, I was very happy at the time, but I wasn't joking with you this time." Su Ming took out two bottles of soda from his pocket, asked Strangler to lift the caps of the bottles, stuffed two straws into them, and joined Death and one person each. Bottle: "But after you left, someone dug up your used remains from the timeline, and then used them to cause trouble."

The girl lowered her head and took a sip of the drink. She did not refuse Deathstroke's kindness, even though as a concept, there was no need to eat or drink at all.

There was still a smile on her face, but her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled:

"I thought the timeline of that universe was in your hands, and you shouldn't let others steal your used body.

"The general environments of Marvel and DC are different. The same concept can be mastered by multiple people. Just for the concept of time, I know more than a dozen people with time abilities, such as Eternity, Infinity, Agamotto, and Conqueror. Kang, the God of Time, the Observer, the Supreme Evolution, the Ash Trisolaris, and a whole bunch of other characters, and there are many more that I don’t know about.

After explaining the differences in the background of the universe, Su Ming also lowered his head and took a sip of soda. After taking a long breath, he ran his hands through his hair:

"Now those thieves took your body and left my 40k. I am tracing the whereabouts of their group. Can you help?"

"I can't help you, because my duty is not to help others, unless after you die, I can arrange for you to be reincarnated faster." Death sighed slightly. Anyway, the matter was over, and she had nothing to say. , still facing with a smile: "But I can tell you one thing, that is, I didn't feel anything. The thieves seem to be very cunning. Are you sure they have really come to this multidimensional world?"

The evening wind blew by, and her long black hair swayed gently, brushing against Deathstroke's cheek.

"I'm not sure, but I feel that the guy named "Blank" is targeting me, and my action trajectory has always revolved around DC and Marvel in the past. The probability of that group of people coming here is greater."

The soda bottle in his hand bumped against the one in Death's hand, and there was a crisp sound. Su Ming raised his neck and drank up the soda bottle, then handed the bottle to the strangulator to devour and smash it:

"Since you don't know where they are, let's do this for now and be more vigilant. Maybe the enemy will attack you. Your Endless Family may also be a target."

"I understand, but at the end of time, maybe death will die too." The girl smiled and stretched out her hand, patting the back of Su Ming's hand: "Don't be afraid, don't panic, at least the new "destiny" is still there. There is no choice, this time is your chance to change everything.

"Oh? This hint is interesting. Is this something you can say?"

Su Ming also smiled. He stood up and moved his neck.

"I didn't say anything, and I didn't come here tonight.

The sound of death came from behind, and when I looked back, I could not find her trace. She disappeared as suddenly as she came, even the soda was taken away, leaving only a faint fragrance floating around.

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