The Death Knell

Chapter 4630 Sun-Eating Insect

"What's the plan? Slade."

The midnight wind blew through the park. Star City's Central Park is its symbol. This unique five-pointed star structure will make the wind sharp. Hela raised her hand to smooth the black hair around her ears, and looked at Heihuang with her big eyes. Alternate mercenaries.

The shadow fell back on the flying carpet, picked out a few peanuts from a pile of snacks, and ate them with Strangler. Deathstroke said:

"We now have three clues to pursue. Investigate the movements of many men in black robes, investigate the current whereabouts of the dead, and investigate the true purpose of Blank. I have different plans. Which one do you think we should follow?"

His team is democratic and everyone can express their opinions, but whose plan will be implemented in the end is another matter.

"Of course, to find my goddess." Thanos made the request directly without thinking about it. He couldn't wait to reunite with the goddess of death and rescue her from those villains: "You and I have an agreement. , Deathstroke, if I help you, you will help me."

"It doesn't matter to me. Anyway, I just want to go home quickly." Seeing Deathstroke's eyes turning to her, Hela touched the back of her hand and said, "My game console hasn't been turned off yet. I can't remember myself now." Save it before going out."

"I can ask the adjutant to remotely control the file and shut down the computer for you." Su Ming signaled Hela not to be nervous, it was all a trivial matter, and then he looked at Wanda: "What about you? Wanda, are there any restrictions on the use of chaos magic in DC? ?”

"Well, there is indeed something wrong." The witch tried to raise her hand, and a small red light ball lit up in her palm: "Although you have your Sepurk as a bridge, the level of this universe is not low. I mobilize the existence The power of chaos in the Shining Dimension is not smooth. It is like using a long thin water pipe to draw water from a distant river. The response is slow, and the water pressure is not enough. It can be used, but it is probably impossible to change the world. .”

Simply put, she cannot change the rules of this universe and large-scale reality.

Chaos magic can be used, but only a little.

"In that case, then you should go back to 40K first." Su Ming thought for a while and decided to let Wanda avoid it first. She is very capable and it would be better to stay at home as insurance: "Go to Kama Taj to find Gu Master Yi, when I'm not at 40K, I'll leave it to you to prevent our enemies from coming back."

Nodding, the witch accepted this arrangement, although logically speaking, with Emperor Weishan and the God Eater taking care of everything, there wouldn't be much of a problem in the 40K universe.

But the problem is that the ancient gods protect only the earth, not humans.

As long as the earth is still intact, even if all humans die, they may not take the initiative. The landlord will not care who the tenant is.

The adjutant activated the teleportation, and Wanda and Deathstroke gently hugged each other goodbye. She also waved to Hela and Carol, but ignored Thanos, even though the latter didn't actually care.

"Okay, let's go find the lost Death and fulfill Thanos' wish." Deathstroke made the decision. Anyway, for him, no matter which line he follows, the final goal is to track down 'Blank' and To destroy her, it doesn't matter which group of her men you attack first.

"Wait a minute, you haven't asked me for my opinion yet." Carol stretched out her hand and scratched her uniform arm a few times, changing her uniform back to the classic red, blue, and gold colors.

"Just follow me, you don't need to think too much." Deathstroke pushed the spicy sticks on the flying carpet towards Carol and told her to eat and not talk: "Or maybe you are really in this strange world Any ideas?"

Captain Marvel is very obedient, but too reckless. Her character sometimes looks like Diana, so don't expect her to have any good ideas.

"Uh, no." Carol picked up the food and lowered her head to pet the cat.

Su Ming, who was peeling peanuts, originally planned to tease her a little more, but then the deputy sent an emergency message. She rarely took the initiative to pop up a window to the deputy, but today she did so rarely.

"Chief, there's something wrong with the sun and its light transmission."

As he spoke, it also displayed a real-time picture, which was the sun today, looking like an iron ring that had just been burned a little red.

Because Su Ming and others were in the United States now, it was night here, and the only thing they could see when looking up was the moon, so they didn't notice any special changes just now.

Now if you look closely, you will find that the light reflected by the moon seems to be dimmer.

The distance between the sun and the earth is about 150 million kilometers. Sunlight naturally travels at the speed of light, which is about 300,000 kilometers per second. Therefore, calculations show that it takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds for sunlight to reach the earth, which means The sun that people see from the earth is actually the sun from 8 minutes ago.

"Is it a solar eclipse? It doesn't look like it, it's more like there's a round black cloth blocking it." Su Ming patted his cloak and motioned for it to take everyone to space for a look first: "You have sensors in space. Logically speaking, the changes in the sun should be detected earlier than the cameras on the ground, what happened?"

"I don't know yet, but everything was normal before." The adjutant tilted her head, and glowing strings flowed through her eyes, as if she was performing a self-examination: "But just now, I suddenly realized that something was wrong, and there was no process. , only seeing the results.”

"Oh?" Deathstroke touched his beard, nodded, and watched the sky next to the cloak turn into a dark space scene: "Where is the little Fook now?"

"He's still in the bar and hasn't left, Sheriff, it's business as usual today." The deputy replied, but there was no surveillance footage of the inside of the bar, because the dimensions of the Forgotten Bar were so special that it almost blocked any means of prying eyes.

"Inform him and send him and the bartender to meet up with the Doom Patrol. It's safer there. I'll go find him later."

As he spoke, the death knell was getting closer and closer to the sun, and he soon discovered that things seemed different from what he had thought before.

The sun has been displaced.

The original sun was a spherical plasma, or a large fireball.

But now, it is really a huge ring of fire with an empty middle. People can walk through it without feeling any temperature.

Even when children draw crayon drawings, they all know that when drawing a sun, they need to fill it with color. However, the one in front of me looks like a semi-finished child's graffiti. The child just drew a circle but forgot to fill it in color and ran away. Go play something else.

"A circle of light." The flying carpet passed through the center of the ring of fire. Everyone experienced it for themselves. After confirming that it was not a deception, Carol seemed to have remembered something: "Maybe there are insects growing in the middle of the sun. The bug is like eating a fruit, starting from the core and leaving us with a ring of skin."

"Haha, it's really possible. Maybe there is something that really feeds on plasma." Deathstroke was silent for a while, and his eyes looked at the earth in the distance. The blue planet was still rotating slowly: "I I originally planned to discuss some matters with Green Arrow in Star City, but now I’d better inform the Justice League directly and tell them that the sun is eaten by insects.”

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