The Death Knell

Chapter 4631 Sudden bad news

The cloak floated in the universe, flowing slowly with the invisible magnetic field like a small boat. The deputy immediately connected the Sheriff to the Justice League's communication, only to find that at this time, Zhenglian was surrounding the painting. Symbol of large round table for meeting.

Diana is not here. After all, she is still trapped on Monster Earth playing Doomsday Survival. It is normal for her seat to be empty.

But Su Ming glanced over and saw Deadpool sitting in Superman's seat, quietly harassing the female Green Lantern on the side, Jessica Cruz:

"Beauty, why do you have so many Green Lanterns? I heard from my cousin that your job is like the space police. Does anyone usually pay you a salary? Do you get paid leave after killing someone?"


In response to this, the female green lantern just retched, covered her nose and turned away. She didn't want to talk to Deadpool at all, and she didn't even know who this person was or what kind of monster he was.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do. This person was brought by Batman, and the meeting was also called by Batman. He had no choice at all.

She could only admit that she was unlucky. Who asked her to take over the shift?

"Wade, why are you sitting in Superman's seat?" The voice of the death knell came from across the screen. He seemed very speechless: "Instead of going shopping with your wife, you went to the Hall of Justice to listen to classes?"

Yes, Su Ming had thrown Deadpool away before and asked him to deal with the foreign invaders in Gotham, which also gave him an opportunity to make money.

After all, expenses will increase after getting married. Both of them need money for food, drinks and fun. No one wants to travel on a budget even for their honeymoon, right? It sounds too miserable to take my newlywed wife to dig wild vegetables beside the highway and only eat one pack of instant noodles every day.

But today, Deadpool killed more than a dozen visitors from another world, and even the slipperiest doomsday blues was caught and killed. His mission is over, and the next step is to simply enjoy it with the reward of gin. Just a honeymoon trip.

Harley will be their tour guide and the Killer Squad will be their bodyguards. With that team configuration, they can have fun in Gotham, okay?

"Aha! Friends, did you hear that?" But to Deathstroke's words, Deadpool had a different reaction than before. He jumped up from his chair on the spot, made a split in the air, and extended his arms to everyone attending the meeting. Asking for money: "Slade also remembers the existence of Superman. Now it's proven that I didn't lie, right? Give me money, give me money, you lose."

Green Arrow took out five dollars from his pocket, rolled it into a small ball and threw it to Wade. He looked at the death knell in the projected communication and sighed:

"It seems we may be in trouble. Perhaps our memories have been collectively tampered with."

"Don't panic, tell me the whole story." Su Ming did not rush back to the Hall of Justice to attend the meeting, but asked Carol to check the aperture that replaced the sun: "I heard what happened now. Related to Superman, what exactly happened?”

This question obviously stumped everyone. The superheroes exchanged glances with each other. Finally, Martian Manhunter integrated everyone's opinions and said:

"The problem is that none of us know what happened. Just now, we were still wondering that we had never heard of the term 'Superman' in our lives, but Deadpool told us that there is such a person, and he is still Our old friends, part of the Justice League, and now we're wondering what's wrong with us."

Obviously, everyone still believes in Deathstroke. Deadpool said that such a person once existed. Only Zorn Batman chose to believe it after thinking about it. But when Deathstroke said this, everyone began to collectively reflect on themselves.

"Let me tell you what happened. It all started when my anus suddenly became tight."

At the critical moment, Wade stood up. He sat down on the round table, then turned over and lay down. After assuming a seductive posture, he swung his legs and told his cousin a story that was mixed with a lot of nonsense and a lot of feelings. , a story heavily speculative.

Fortunately, Su Ming understood, and by getting along with Deadpool often, he could learn how to filter out his nonsense and extract valuable intelligence from it.

"So, someone killed Superman and then erased his existence from everyone's memory. At the same time, all traces of his past existence disappeared. It's like the causal effect of the world was reversed, right? "

The cousin talked a lot, but Su Ming finally summed it up in one sentence: Wade's nonsense literature was taken to the extreme.

"Correct answer." Wade rolled down from the round table, twisted his waist and danced hula. He didn't know where his hula came from. He twisted and said: "But I can't guarantee it is correct, because This is what the audience veterans told me, I’m just repeating it to you. Next, I will perform a passionate song and dance to cheer up everyone in the Justice League, so I won’t follow you this time, and I think Xiao Mie Mie doesn’t want to be with me either.”

Thanos sneered, probably thinking that Deadpool was still a little self-aware.

"In this way, you and Thanos go to find Death, and I will investigate Superman." However, Deathstroke made the decision to bring the two of them together. Thanos was eager to find the goddess of death, but Su Ming felt that the enemy Being the first to attack Superman seems to mean something, and this matter cannot be delayed.

He asked these two comrades to go find the goddess of death together, and he went to do business.

Anyway, everyone is chasing different clues about a group of enemies. If everything goes well, they will finally be able to join forces.

Originally, Thanos didn't want to see Deadpool at all, but if it was to find his goddess, he thought he could endure the nagging bitch and the stench that made him sick to his stomach.

"Has Death also been abducted into the DC universe? It's dark, it's too dark." Wade stopped twisting his waist, and his dancing stopped: "Okay, I promise to follow Thanos to find someone, don't ask Why, ask is love.”

"Adjutant, send the two of them to Shangri-La to find the 'dead man'. By the way, you Justice League will send someone to be a tour guide. They are strangers, so it will definitely not work."

Su Ming arranged a plan for them. The dead man was also a being with a special sense of death, which might come in handy.

"Let Man-Bat from the Justice League Dark go with him. He and Dead Man are both members of the Dark Justice League, so they should be able to talk to each other." Batman made arrangements. It was difficult for people to accompany Deadpool. Most people can't stand the nauseating feeling.

The adjutant immediately started the teleportation, first sending Thanos to the Hall of Justice, and then asking them to take the elevator to the underground Dark Zhenglian. Next, it depends on Deadpool's communication skills.

It shouldn't be a problem, he's familiar with everyone.

"Okay, everyone, let's get to the point." Su Ming saw Deadpool holding Thanos's hand and leaving the conference room. He sighed: "I will first find the place where Superman last appeared before he disappeared. Since you are collectively Amnesia, I am the only one who can do this, so I need you to take over my current task of investigating a group of men in black robes who suddenly appeared. Isn’t this a big problem?"

"Did you appear suddenly like you did?" Shazam, who had been huddled at the round table and had no sense of presence, asked.

"Yes, that should be it. Call me after you find their clues. I will try to find Superman's final battlefield first. Please pay attention to your safety. The enemy is most likely coming for the Justice League."

Su Ming was not discussing with them at all, he just explained his arrangements, then cut off communication and entered the investigation stage.

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