The Death Knell

Chapter 4632 Silent Witness

Wanda returned to 40K to guard the home, Thanos was left to Deadpool, and now there are three people and one cat left in Su Ming's team.

But it should be enough. Anyway, if something is really found, then the existence that can kill Superman silently will probably be useless if there are more people. Instead, it will be a burden.

"Let's go, Metropolis."

Su Ming patted his cloak and asked him to take him to Superman's home first. Maybe there would be some clues there.

The cloak spun around in the ring-shaped sun, then turned into a black light. Within seconds, it landed softly on Superman's balcony.

In other words, there is now a big hole where the balcony used to be, as if it had been bombed by a cruise missile.

The balcony has long since disappeared, and even a large piece of the building itself is missing. There are two deep trenches in the room, extending into the room.

"Superman was attacked here. He may have just taken off from the balcony, but was covered in a big fire pot." Su Ming floated into the room, squatted down and touched the floor. He turned his head left and right, and then walked towards the bed. Previous location: "The bed is broken, but there is no blood here, which means Louise is fine. We can try to find her later."

"Is this guy named Superman your friend?" Carol also walked around the spacious bedroom and looked at the bathroom attached to the master bedroom. The bathroom area of ​​nearly 30 square meters made her curl her lips: "This is a prosperous building. city, and this is the second ring road in the city center. He has such a large flat apartment. I guess he is a rich man? You always say that you are a mercenary, so he is a big customer? "

The logic is correct, but there is something wrong with the intuition. Carol is really not suitable to be a detective.

"Actually, Superman can be said to be a poor man. His apparent identity is that of a small newspaper editor. His daily job is to type on a computer. His weekly salary is about US$800. Even Deadpool can beat him when taking orders. Three years of income.”

Su Ming continued to check the traces in the room. It would indeed take some time to investigate every detail in a bedroom of more than 100 square meters:

"As for this house, it was supported by his wife's family. Superman and his wife spent the US$50,000 they had saved over the years, plus the US$5.95 million given by his father-in-law, and then bought this luxurious large single-story duplex apartment."

"Turns out he was a freeloader. He said he was a superhero, but he ended up being supported by his wife?" Carol rolled her eyes. She walked to the corner of the room. There was something covered under the tattered sheets. When she opened it, it turned out that It was a flowerpot. She used her fingers to pull the drooping plant leaves inside: "There seems to be no clue here, and such a big bedroom is too empty, so I don't want to put more plants for decoration."

"That's because it's not good to put flowers in the bedroom." Hela leaned on the broken wall at the gap in the balcony, looking out for the two of them: "I learned it online. Some people say that plants absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide at night. , if there are too many plants in the bedroom, people will be deprived of oxygen."

"Is that so? I've never heard my mother say that, but if I think about it carefully, it seems that we can survive on the energy of the universe without oxygen, so it's normal not to know."

While chatting with Hela, Carol quickly retracted her hand, because when she was playing with the small leaves of the plant, Deathstroke looked at her with a very strange look, which made her feel hairy.

But Su Ming was not actually looking at her, but at the plant.

He walked over, threw away the sheet covering the plant, and squatted down: "It turns out we have a witness. This saves trouble. The position of the flower pot is not very good, but it should have seen something."

Saying this, ignoring Carol's puzzled expression, he let Strangler take off his hand armor and reached out to touch the blades.

This is a very common small shrub. Su Ming is not a botanist, and he doesn't know a few inedible plants. He only knows that this kind of thing can often be seen in parks or in the wild. It grows on the roadside, quietly. Small light yellow flowers bloom quietly.

Maybe Superman or Lois picked it up casually from somewhere. These two people live very frugally. Most people don't grow this kind of flower called 'weed', and smart people don't grow flowers at home either. .

I don’t know if others have noticed it, but there is not a single plant in Batman’s home. The Wayne Mansion is so luxurious, but there are no plants in it. Even a professional butler like Alfred has never mentioned plants. thing.

The answer is simple, because Batman knows that plants cannot be trusted.

In the DC universe, if you put a plant in your bedroom, it means that your private life has been seen by countless people.

This kind of peeping tom has a unified title, that is, the representative of all things green.

But things need to be viewed from both sides. There are disadvantages but also advantages. The advantage is that when the flower lover dies, knowledgeable people can quickly find the witness.

"May Queen, I am Deathstroke, can you hear my voice?"

No matter what Carol and Hela thought, Deathstroke was still squatting in the corner and talking to the plants in the flowerpot.

The green leaves in his hand shook. The plant seemed to have just woken up. It stretched out its branches as if it were stretching. It rubbed Deathstroke's hand with its leaves, and the soft twigs even wrapped around his fingers. This was probably Represents an affirmative handshake.

Plants have no language ability, but their sensing ability is not bad at all. The May Queen responded quickly because she owed the death knell a favor.

"Very good, it seems that you still remember our agreement." Su Ming took out a bottle of mineral water from his pocket, poured it into the flower pot, and then asked: "Then, may I ask, when this plant saw Superman being attacked? Do you have the details?”

The shrub in the flowerpot spreads its branches automatically without wind, and grows crazily.

Originally its branches were only as thick as chopsticks, but in the blink of an eye, they drooped to the ground and produced a fruit larger than a human being.

This fruit was originally green, but it ripened in the blink of an eye. The outer flesh of the fruit faded away, revealing the walnut-like core. Then there was a thumping sound, and then the sound of the core cracking.

The next second, accompanied by a burst of fragrance and bright light, a slender figure jumped out. She threw herself into the arms of the death knell and made an angry voice:

"Haha, you could actually call me when you have a plant problem, or are you saying that because you took Harry out to play secretly without me, you're too embarrassed to face me now?"

Who else came besides Poison Ivy? She was teleported here through the connection between the green of all things, and she started to accuse her immediately. She was obviously not satisfied with the death knell taking Harley to play alone before.

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