The Death Knell

Chapter 462 Drainage Plan

"He is a god!"

Megan pressed her temples and activated her psychic abilities, but in Zhenhai's mind, she could see nothing but chaos and nothingness.

On the contrary, a powerful force directly pushed out her psychic ability, causing her nose to bleed immediately.

Donna grabbed her and ran through the dilapidated corridors of the spaceship. She seemed to be able to hear the scream of the tide behind her and smell the salty smell.

"This is not new news."

Megan was stunned for a moment. It was indeed not the case. She had seen Zhenhai beating Superman violently before, and she knew that he was not easy to mess with.

"Quickly retreat, return to the sonic boom cabin and teleport."

"You don't need to tell me. If you are free, just fly by yourself."

Another good thing about Team Titan is that all the remaining members are now able to fly.

Steel Armor has a high-tech armor, Beast Boy can transform into birds, Raven has flight magic, and Donna has a divine armor.

And her grabbing Megan and running away was just a subconscious act.

I just come back to it now...

Unfortunately, Zhenhai's English is very good. In addition, he can also speak Greek and ancient Atlantis.

He could understand what they were saying.

Even as a god, knowing a few foreign languages ​​is useful.

Want to fly? Want to teleport?

This is not okay...

Zhenhai, who originally used them as toys, showed his own strength in the next moment.

Directly in front of the team, he constructed a barrier many times thicker than Bigas's hard water barrier. Even the walls were taken into account and completely protected.

Now all the Titan's roads were blocked except in his direction.

If Gas's barrier was like a piece of glass, and Zhenhai's barrier was like an entire iceberg, if given more time, the Titans might be able to break out, but Zhenhai would obviously not give them time if he got serious.

"I'll stop him, and you continue to retreat." The raven stopped flying and turned to face the enemy.

She began to gather energy and prepare her most powerful magic - calling people.

Summoning the devil from another dimension, the father she has been avoiding, Sannomiya.

Although the arrival of the Third House is likely to be harmful to the world, the premise is that there is still a world to destroy. The earth has turned into a water ball. Now it is completely in a state of not having to worry about too much debt.

In Raven's understanding, only Sangong can surely defeat the opposite god.

However, the best-case scenario is that she herself is captured back to another dimension, abused and trained by her father, and turned into a demonic weapon.

But I can’t care about that much now.

She looked at her teammates and secretly shed a tear, but she quickly became determined. She chanted a long series of spells, and she was opening a passage to another dimension.


However, while she was casting the spell, Donna sneaked up on her from behind and hit Raven in the back of the head with a shield slam, causing her to fall out of the air.

Not all the Amazon warriors are dead yet, how can they let the sorcerer come to the rear? Not to mention summoning the Three Palaces, it is more dangerous than risking one's life.

If you don't play well with your life, the most you can do is die, which is quite enjoyable.

But when Raven fell into the hands of San Gong, it was a matter of life and death. It was impossible for Donna to let her sisters face such a situation.

Donna caught Rachel and handed her cell phone to Megan, asking the others to find a way to retreat quickly while she stopped Zhenhai.

However, her attack was obviously not as ruthless as Deathstroke, and the raven was still protected by magic. Donna only interrupted her spell casting, causing her to be dizzy for a moment, but she did not faint.


The raven tried to struggle, but was not as strong as the Martian.

Beast Boy transformed into a large pangolin and dug with Steel on the hard water barrier, while Megan, clutching Raven and Donna's phones, followed them, using their heat vision to clear a path together.

The digging speed of the heat vision is several times more effective than the actions of the other two combined.

Especially Beast Boy, are you serious about turning into a green pangolin and digging out other people's magic with your claws?

Garfield was also helpless. Apart from his belt buckle, which was made of iron, he didn't even have a nail clipper.

Transforming into a pangolin seems quite clever in his own opinion.

Megan did not have the habit of complaining, but continued to increase the output power of her heat sight, trying to open up an escape route as soon as possible.

She knew that Donna couldn't be persuaded. All Amazon warriors were like this.

A warrior has made up his mind to cut off the opponent's back for his teammates. If you try to persuade them to do anything else, it will be an insult to their beliefs.

Now her mission is to help the Titans evacuate safely and not let Donna's sacrifice be in vain.

Although Donna has firm determination, this is only a subjective factor. She does not have the ability to use subjective thoughts to change objective reality.

When she raised her shield to face Poseidon, the opponent punched her directly on the shield, causing her to step back dozens of steps and almost sit on the ground.

The hands holding the shield felt numb, and a small dent appeared on the shield. You have to know whether this is divine gold equipment or the craftsmanship of Vulcan.

The opponent's strength was frightening, at least far stronger than hers.

Donna had no time to think about any tactics, so she could only rush forward again and use her shield to slow down the enemy.

Then she was knocked away again.

The cosmic gods came just when the earth gods lost all their power. This seemed to have been premeditated.

Donna's whole body ached, and her white and tender skin was covered with blood stains, but she still pushed forward again and again, and was knocked away again and again.

It doesn't seem to have any effect.

In fact, the effect was still there, that is, she succeeded in making Zhenhai lose his patience.

It's quite fun to flick a sea beetle a few times with your fingers and watch it roll over and struggle to get up.

But no one is going to play a bug all day long...

He began to use weapons, a spear made of hard water, with the power of lightning attached to it. This earth bug relied entirely on its strong carapace, so just break the carapace.

Seeing the situation in front of her, Donna also knew that her unchanging tactics had been discovered by the enemy, but she had no choice. She still had teammates to protect.

She could only raise her shield again and hope that Vulcan's craftsmanship was exquisite enough.

"Haha, die!"

Zhenhai laughed and waved the weapon. He had already understood the performance of the opponent's armor through several contacts, and he was completely sure that he could penetrate her defense.

Just as Donna gritted her teeth and waited for the outcome of the conflict, she only saw Zhenhai staggering.

"It's not good to bully my people when I'm not around."

A familiar black and yellow figure floated in the corridor, the black cloak behind him raised high, and the night sword in his hand was inserted into Zhenhai's back.

Su Ming put his head into Zhenhai's ear and shouted from behind.

It turns out that although Zheng Lian's plans failed, Su Ming's 'detoxification' plan succeeded.


He summoned the Upside Down Man at the bottom of the sea. As a middleman, he only needed to recite "Upside Down Man" silently in his heart.

After reciting the tightening spell for a while, the Upside Down Man appeared. After Su Ming explained the current situation to it, especially that its property would suffer heavy losses, the Upside Down Man happily helped him turn all the stored fireball spells into Energy without attributes.

Because the end of the world is coming, many sorcerers are desperately trying to release magic, and Su Ming's commission is very high.

Activating a magic circle is a piece of cake for the magical concept of Upside Down Man. It not only helped Ye Ying activate the magic circle, but also released a powerful magic that helped them sink the entire trench country to the deepest part of the sea. .

The next step is for Su Ming to choose another place in the universe and arrange a magic circle to drain away the water.

The Upside Down Man has obviously grown a lot in intelligence, and it has learned to wear clothes and pants.

But it is still very satisfied with the contract. Just like what Deathstroke said, it doesn't have to do anything and can just sit and count money in the distant horizon.

The interest generated from borrowing money every day keeps its power growing.

So it provided Su Ming with some additional information.

First of all, these purple seawaters that turn humans into fish-men are a kind of alien magic and are not irreversible.

Although this magic is not derived from it, it can provide undoing magic.

But it is impossible to give it for free. Any sorcerer who releases the curse must borrow power from it, and this is a very advanced magic.

Don't want to borrow? Then watch your friends continue to be fishmen eating seaweed!

The steps for rescuing people are very simple. First, wipe the seawater off the fish-man's body, then follow the steps of a normal exorcism spell, and finally add the words "people change".

Su Ming suspected that the previous spells were all redundant, and the last invocation was the key, right?

However, the more power the Upside Down lends out, the more benefits Su Ming will gain. Even if the Upside Down is deceiving and abducting, he himself is also an accomplice.

He's not a hero, he can just keep it secretly if he has any benefits, and mind other people's business?

Secondly, the Upside Down Man felt that Su Ming was constantly using the detection magic attached to the artifact, so he directly told him that his enemy was immune to any detection magic or divine spells, so that he could save some energy.

Luther escaped with the Legion of Destruction, but where he went is unknown.

Because Luther holds the 'doorknob' of destruction in his hand, which transcends all rules and concepts, even the Upside Down cannot find that group of people.

Maybe it was okay when the Upside Down was outside the wall before, but now, he is bound to the DC world and has become part of the DC rules.

In the end, the Upside Down asked Su Ming to choose a remote corner of the universe and use his teleportation magic to throw half of the team there.

It is convenient for them to pass through the isolation belt and the drainage outlet can be arranged directly.

As for Ye Ying's fear of the cost of casting spells, Su Ming also helped her solve it.

The Upside Down relaxed. Other earth wizards cast spells and must pay the price within one day. Ye Ying has two days. This period has doubled. Is it loose enough?

However, in exchange, the Upside Down also had a strange request. He wanted the projection of the 'Ancient God' Wade.

Su Ming frowned and thought for a while. He didn't quite understand what the Inverted Man was planning to do. Was it to train his willpower?

But that thing is useless. Apart from catching the opponent off guard for the first time, anyone who knows the details will not be fooled.

It's like a one-time street magic trick. Once you know the technique, there is no suspense.

That set of equipment was recovered by Barry at the time and should be in the Hall of Justice now. Su Ming said that the Upside Down Man could just take it himself, as well as any spare parts and instructions.

It’s so generous!

One person and one monster discussed in the dark space for a while, and then the Upside Down disappeared.

As a concept of magic, it should not exist in reality, but it is everywhere.

Yeying arranged the exit of the teleportation array and flew over with a strange look on his face.

"The magic circle is set up, do you really want to turn it on?"

Su Ming raised his eyebrows. Does Ye Ying still think the price of magic is too high? But this is the best condition that can be obtained.

If other sorcerers knew about this, wouldn't they be envious and jealous? Double the repayment period!

Then, Su Ming understood, it must be the little girl who doesn't know what to pay for, right? This is inevitable, after all, the new system was only launched last night.

When Su Ming touched her head, he was actually touching Alice's head. She was still attached to Ye Ying, but that's what it meant.

"Don't worry about the cost of magic... Let me ask you, do you like rabbits?"

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