The Death Knell

Chapter 463 Sculpture Art

Yeying tilted his head when he heard Deathstroke's question. Why did he ask this suddenly?

Could it be

Yeying thought of the legend of Jinyu Man. There are many such things in Europe and America.

A scene seemed to appear in her mind.

On a street with few people, an uncle with a wretched face squinted his eyes and licked the corners of his mouth, and came close to the little girl: "Little sister, do you like goldfish? Can uncle take you to see goldfish?"

If the little girl is fooled, she will be taken to a dark place by the uncle, and then do this and that

Scammers' methods are constantly evolving, and questions are popping up one after another, such as 'Does my little sister want to go to the zoo? ’, ‘Little sister, do you want some ice cream? ’ and so on, all kinds of things.

Perverts here in Europe and the United States are more direct. They all use the excuse that they want to show little girls a 'new toy' or a 'magic stick'.

Yeying shuddered: "No, I don't like rabbits at all."

In fact, what girl doesn’t like furry things? Yeying likes all furry animals, but she doesn’t want to be taken to a dark corner by Deathstroke to see ‘little animals’

Although this death knell was very handsome, and it was not impossible to consider him if he could talk to him nicely, it seemed too vulgar, so she refused.

Also, now that she has confirmed her feelings for Lori, she has no interest in men anymore!

Su Ming wiped the mask. Ye Ying liked all kinds of small animals in the comics. She even raised bats.

Her Suicide Squad background makes it hard for her to trust humans, thinking that only small animals can't lie to people.

But if the reality is not like this, it will not be possible to operate like the magic prince Holloway and kill the rabbits he raised as the price.

Lori is now in a symbiote state, so she can feel whatever Eve is thinking.

So Eve's train of thought went astray, leaving her speechless for a while.

Deathstroke will not be the kind of person who harasses female teammates during operations. No matter who Deathstroke is, he has money, and if he has money, there will be no shortage of women.

There is no need to mess around and cause trouble. There is no benefit. Mercenaries will only avoid trouble.

Although Black Alice is young, her growth process is very complicated. Compared with the subjugated princesses of the Shadow Realm like Eve, she understands the power of money better.

Luo Rui is a beautiful girl. Several ugly old grandfathers once offered to pay for Luo Rui's father's medical treatment, but she wanted to be their little lover.

And I have to admit that when she was desperate, Luo Rui was really moved.

Her family was destitute and she used all the money to buy medicine for her father. She didn’t even have money to buy food. She was so hungry that she didn’t even have the strength to work. What else could she do except use her as a toy for the rich?

But she finally awakened her superpowers, and instead of following the path of a street girl, she was recruited by the Secret Six and became a murderer.

Luther used the pseudonym "Mockingbird" at the time and remotely controlled this team of villains. In order to kill his opponents in Infinite Crisis, "Little Luther" came from Earth 3.

That is, his son from a different world.

Luthor succeeded, and he designed a series of traps for the opponent. After Luther was defeated by Batman and Wonder Woman, and was walking down the street at night in despair, Luthor and the Joker ambushed him.

After letting the Joker have enough fun, Luther shot little Luther in the head.

The enemy was dead, Luther had accomplished his purpose, and the Secret Six was disbanded.

Lori has no salary again, and the villain's organization will not give any severance pay. Since then, she has also done bank robbery or similar jobs.

Until the Shadow Pact team found her, they were still no match for her. Later, they joined forces with the Birds of Prey team and finally defeated her with Black Canary's cannon.

They discover that Lori is just a little girl, and she has a reason for doing bad things.

So Raptor took Lori with him to educate him, used the Gordon Charity Fund to treat her father, and sent her to school.

Now Lori, although she is still very ruthless, she has started to do good things, and she can be regarded as an anti-hero.

She revealed her face from Eve's shoulder, looking like a two-headed monster: "Deathstroke, don't listen to her, Eve likes all small animals."


Eve turned to look at her in disbelief, unable to believe that she had been betrayed! What about the promised love?

Su Ming didn't care why the little girl didn't tell the truth. Although the drainage measures were ready, time was still limited.

What if the enemy discovers that flooding the earth is not possible and starts orbital bombardment with a fleet? So it’s better to hurry up.

He told Eve about using the rabbit's life and soul as the cost of casting spells, and emphasized that this needed to be used in conjunction with self-hypnosis.

Although it will cause the user great pain, at least it is harmless to the body.

"Now, activate the magic circle and save the earth."

He gave the order.

Ye Ying still seemed a little hesitant.

"Do you really want to activate it? This is so weird."

Su Ming turned to look at her, his red one eye putting a lot of pressure on her.

"I gather you all to ask for your help, not to ask you to question me. I give orders and you have to execute them."

Yeying gritted his teeth and silently recited a spell to activate the drain.

Su Ming's current location is next to the Origin Wall.

Not the direction of the breach, but the opposite side, the other side of the universe.

Since we want to drain water secretly, we naturally need to find a hidden place. Where could it be more hidden than the edge of the universe?

After all, it is poisonous water from the DC world. If it is discharged to other universes, it is not known whether it will cause a bad chain reaction, so it is best to digest it internally.

On the origin wall here, the colossus on it is still lifeless, still the same as before.

Countless powerful beings who didn't know where they came from spread their arms and stacked them layer by layer to form a wall, with expressionless faces and eyes looking into the distance.

Su Ming directed Ye Ying to draw the exit of the magic array on the body of the colossus, because even if it was discovered, destroying the magic array by destroying the colossus would require x metal, which was very difficult.

Just be careful when painting, don't touch the wall and it will be petrified.

Now that you're ready, it's time to accept the results.

Yeying activated the magic circle.

A stream of purple liquid shot out from the waist of the Origin Wall Colossus.

Because these are magical seawater, the low temperature of the universe does not freeze them. They can still flow normally and flow to the opposite side of the multiverse, the dark multiverse.

However, the Blood Domain is still relatively complete, so Su Ming guessed that they would probably form a liquid planet made entirely of poisonous water at a certain location.

Very good, achieved the purpose perfectly.

It just looks like this scene is like a giant booing on the origin wall.

But aren’t pissing statues art?

It is also a disguise and a warning.

The Origin Wall looks like a group of sculptures to many people. It is normal for a peeing statue to appear. No one would think that it is the drainage outlet of the earth.

People who know the dangers of the Origin Wall will naturally not come into contact with their 'urine'. This can be regarded as Su Ming's contribution to the universe, warning future generations not to touch the sea water.

Besides, it’s still a nice sight.

"How spectacular."

Looking at the giant statue thousands of meters high, a waterfall spurted out from the buttocks, and purple waves splashed like a river into the unknown distance.

The colossus stares proudly into the distance with a solemn and solemn expression, as if it is looking at the entire universe and the long river of history.

And the purple liquid under its crotch is the same, it is just adding water to the long river of history.

Su Ming nodded with satisfaction, this place will become a cosmic attraction in the future.

"Hahaha, wonderful!"

Blue Devil applauded, this is really a work of art, just like the B-level movies he has acted in, vulgar and interesting.

Lori and Eve both blushed with embarrassment. They couldn't see the long-term purpose of the death knell, they just felt too embarrassed to look directly at it.

"The plan was successful, now we return to Earth."

Su Ming didn't bring his mobile phone, so he couldn't take pictures. He could only take a few more glances as a souvenir.

The Upside Down Man was only responsible for sending them here, but it was impossible to send them away for free. They had to fly there themselves.

Fortunately, the magic floating cloak flew fast enough, and Luo Rui imitated Su Ming's physique before going into space, so the group was able to cross the universe.

But this delayed a lot of time.

When they arrived near the earth, they saw the alien sea clan's fleet entering the atmosphere in batches in an orderly manner, as if they were planning to land for combat.

Su Ming originally planned to go to an unobtrusive location like the North and South Pole and secretly break through the blockade to reach the earth. However, he saw a hole suddenly opened in a large ship and a figure fell out from the bottom of the ship.

It has the appearance of a human being, not an alien sea race.

The distance is a bit far, so he definitely can't catch it. I just hope that the martyr's body breaks through the atmosphere and there are some bones left.

But that ship with holes in it had people from Earth emerging from it

This is somewhat interesting, and Su Ming plans to go and see it.

Is there really a tough-minded hero on Earth who wants to implement a 'decapitation' tactic on aliens? Who is so stupid?

So he had the idea of ​​​​watching the honest people. He took Yeying, Black Alice, and Blue Devil to bypass the visual blind spot of the fleet outside and got into the breach in the big ship.

There may be detection technology on the opposite side, but Su Ming has a magician here.

As a master of the shadow system, Ye Ying can easily transform into an undetectable night in the universe.

Just stay out of sight of the aliens.

Drilling in through the big hole, he found that it was the alien's bridge. The gravity system and oxygen system were still operating normally. There were some alien corpses here, but no earthling corpses.

"Well, aliens need gravity and a little oxygen, take note of that."

The alien's death was miserable and he looked like he was scared to death. Could it be that someone bought fear gas again?

He continued walking along the footprints and traces of the battle on the floor, and soon he saw Chang Wei beating Laifu.

No, it's an old man with a white beard who plans to kill Donna.

This is not okay.

Donna was still following Deathstroke last night, because the series of major events caused by Luther were not over yet, so she was still one of the team members.

Can the members of the Deathstroke Team, that is, Su Ming's people, be touched by these alien gods and ghosts?

So there was nothing more to say. The magic floating cloak directly allowed him to reach the highest speed. He gripped the night sword and stabbed Zhenhai in the back.

No nonsense, let’s talk about it after the sneak attack is over.

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